Just made my 'lock, rogue, and priest. They all have "à" in the name and are Game of Thrones related (I like continuity to my names), so is you see Arya, Sansa, or Bran running around, its me haha.
I just finished reading game of thrones, its such a frickin good book, but why would you name a toon after the most annoying character in the book (sansa)?Just made my 'lock, rogue, and priest. They all have "à" in the name and are Game of Thrones related (I like continuity to my names), so is you see Arya, Sansa, or Bran running around, its me haha.
I just finished reading game of thrones, its such a frickin good book, but why would you name a toon after the most annoying character in the book (sansa)?
only read the first one so far, but getting the others from my school library when term starts againHave you read the entire series or just GoT? She gets better, in my opinionbut if you've only read the first one, yeah, I wanted to punch her haha
Recently, ally f2ps on Vashj organized and started doing stuff, thanks largely to the efforts of Licholas and Suntimehappy. We're still growing, and we've recently started fielding 10/10 premades. Not necessarily godhand caliber, but the rank and file is rapidly gearing up. My question is to AP, and any other server with f2p premades: is there an accepted method for cross-realm premade simulqueue? I think it'd be awesome to practice our tactics in arranged combat with other folks, and I don't have to tell anybody how much better it is than pugging.
We're pretty good, you guys should fight us.
yes we on silver hand would most deffintly enjoy a good game with you guys ^_^ we dont care about epeen or winning/ losing just look forward to 10v10 premades and having fun. Also hopefully returning this bracket to its premade activity to draw out the better players from hibernation few of us still even play... however yes team exiled silver hand horde is ready to premade hit me up if you wish to discuss morecheers.
yay, white FTW.
one time i decided to play on one of these servers, i got a 39 funded by some real nice guy over in a guild called Ambitions of a Rider. basically they were the laughingstock of 39s in reckoning. however upon leveling i found a pretty nice community and with interacting in vent with them i was able to learn that a couple were psychologically impaired (egotistical people who were bad, including the GM's brother who the GM dealt with quite awesomely), but the vast majority had lives. we would have people on during specific times and then people had to do stuff like take care of their kids or go to bed or something. i mean, their character in game moved like backpeddling noobs, but their character in vent painted a whole new picture. this wasn't a guild with generic raging teenagers, it was filled with people in their 30s/40s, that played a casual game.vashj is full of scrubs and noobs i mean seriously most players i seen from their server keyboard and backpeddle
well i used to be a raging teenager trying to be big and good, but by now i've learned that is absurd. now i just baylife and have funi know you ll never be good so stay small kid just cause u got a green name doesnt mean you are good. and 30/40 year old? you mean your a 40 year old virgin lol
hi pepsi, long time no seeHi all. How is Vashj? I havent been on in forever it feels like.
5-20 regular allies online, on average
10-20 allies online less frequently
1-8 regular horde online, on average
significant population loss due to GW2, the Holy Shock pandemic, and IRL. However, arguably still the best US ally community
1-3 helpful P2P regulars online, on average. 90%+ of the time, a helpful P2P is online
daily premades
far fewer arenas
AGM still fairly difficult; 10-player F2P FFA less common, random P2P slightly more common
Desired classes:
Just warning you ahead of time, arenas in this bracket tend to be very casual. Many of the more experienced players have quit, and there's not enough people who are willing to try it to have set teams anymore.i want to do 2s and 3s im looking to play a rogue and druid preferably healer spec druid and maybe a hunter
hi pepsi, long time no see
vashj is doing well, as always. all of our raging teenagers are tearing it up in BGs and all of our casuals are keeping it fun and apparently attracting trolls![]()