Vashj Strong!

For 10 seconds, then you continue your freefall into hell.

Pop it right before landing.... or if mage you can just lolblink before falling to your death. May also work with that druid talent.
Pop it right before landing.... or if mage you can just lolblink before falling to your death. May also work with that druid talent.

Well horde druids can just drop a poison extraction totem before they drop trou, then they can use the talent to fly back out if they fall in.
Yea, strong with rolling 4-5 restoration druids

you know ghoulshine, sometimes you got to man the f*k up, but i dont see it any time soon. Only allinace characters i have atm are mage and warrior,both are nearly BiS. Sure, it can get annoying, with 6-7 horde paladins at times, i can get up to 20+ deaths in MoP in 1 bg.But so what,i suck it up.

i suggest you re-organize your premade, because right now,it is literally THE scum of the bracket aKa alliance trial druids in most of vashj premades(and AP allaiance as a matter of fact)
ghoul is actually a rly nice guy, not exactly his fault that everyone wants to premade with their druids
Yea, strong with rolling 4-5 restoration druids

you know ghoulshine, sometimes you got to man the f*k up, but i dont see it any time soon. Only allinace characters i have atm are mage and warrior,both are nearly BiS. Sure, it can get annoying, with 6-7 horde paladins at times, i can get up to 20+ deaths in MoP in 1 bg.But so what,i suck it up.

i suggest you re-organize your premade, because right now,it is literally THE scum of the bracket aKa alliance trial druids in most of vashj premades(and AP allaiance as a matter of fact)
we play with who's on
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fuck off kale. I'm not in the mood for people talking shit abou vashj. randoms can pug into premades; it's all chance

it might be a little obnoxious, especially in this thread, but he's right about the events. It's fair to say we've got plenty of bads, but if there were an AP horde thread I sure wouldn't be talking shit in it.
The fact Swoops stuck to them like glue suggests to me it wasn't some random. They were obviously playing together. Again, not trolling. Stop being so defensive.

Speaking of trolling, I've also noticed a lot of Vash ally players trolling BG chat. Not names I recognize from here, just random Vash trash, you know who you are.

It's quite likely they were grouped, but this is the Vashj Ally thread. Also, you're not trolling but you're DEFINITELY talking shit, why shouldn't we be defensive?
When I see names I do know premading with said bads and trash trolls, then you could either stop premading with people like that, or talk to them and ask them to show a little more decorum than you're showing here, Lich. The only one making Vash look bad here right now is you.
Stop. It was fairly obvious that was the reaction you were going to get when you posted, and you did it anyways.
When I see names I do know premading with said bads and trash trolls, then you could either stop premading with people like that, or talk to them and ask them to show a little more decorum than you're showing here, Lich. The only one making Vash look bad here right now is you.

Your advice is that we should either exclude bads or teach them ourselves. If you think this nugget of sage advice entitles you to shit up our thread and only explain yourself after people get pissed off, you really can eat dick.
When I see names I do know premading with said bads and trash trolls, then you could either stop premading with people like that, or talk to them and ask them to show a little more decorum than you're showing here, Lich. The only one making Vash look bad here right now is you.

People play at differing *skill* levels. When you say "premades?" and people respond, you take what you have. They may not be amazing. They may not play how you want them to. Everyone is different. We are all special little snowflakes. So yes, some groups do have *bads.* Some groups do end up with *trash trolls.* Some groups are hand picked, but that's not the majority of the time. Most groups are... what do people call them? PuGmades? Yes.

Additionally, how people behave alone may differ from how they are in groups. And some may not! It's the internet.

Anywoozle, back to your comment about L2P. I would take credit for bubbling with the flag if I could :(. But thankfully (for my team) I rarely touch that thing. I'm probably the crappiest FC in this bracket.. I'd like that title if I could actually. Too much superman-ing.
As far as premading with people I don't like, I don't. As soon as I dislike the way someone plays, and it's clear they're not going to change, I put them on ignore and never have anything to do with them again.

I'm with you there. But not everyone does the same thing. Some people do like the group thing, over and above the way people play (or don't play). Can't fault 'em. What's obnoxious to one, may not be to another.

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