damn it's almost like the good warriors have much better positioning than the others
Clearly you're not a fan of this bracket. So why are you here? If it's because of the Twink Cup then you are only wasting your own time.
I'm here playing with a group of friends i've played multiple brackets with over the years for fun before this game inevitably dies.
Sorry my opinion has upset you lord randy of the jay family
Is it a requirement for you to constantly talk trash and complain about the bracket that you are currently playing in for you to have fun?
Open your eyes Hass. You say we hate you cause we ain't you (and how old are you cmon..) but in reality you are the ones hating on EU's when they came to US. So don't hate us cause we are better at being you than you are yourself.
Randy doesn't do mapsThis guys lost somebody get him a map please
Open your eyes Hass. You say we hate you cause we ain't you (and how old are you cmon..) but in reality you are the ones hating on EU's when they came to US. So don't hate us cause we are better at being you than you are yourself.
... lol
Randy doesn't do maps
Kidneypopper > Kancer > the field > drugs
Kidney hasnt played much so I am biased since I see him ib my pocket time to time. But Kancer over by a long shot. Never played with many ally pre so hard to judge. Sorry to be rude just best of list with silly canidates. Good reads dori
Eleven votes for Mr. Unplugged, all EU. Will it literally be like this EVERY poll??
Eleven votes for Mr. Unplugged, all EU. Will it literally be like this EVERY poll??
But look at some of the votes for the US Priests, all US??
Naw, don't even try that. The scenario is waaay different. Kancer and Livingforce are both better obviously than some random new guy who happens to be EU, and is the only reason he's getting votes from EU. Do the math, sir. We're not all as dumb as you think we are. Not playing your game, today, so save the effort.
Are these polls not going to private or what?
I'm just not quite sure how someone can even pay attention to resto.. have you seen how tight his pants are IRL? Kid has some issues.
You do realize that I am not restosexual?
You do realize that I am not restosexual?
Hello restoPATHIC and restoSEXUAL. You still wear skinny jeans.