EU+US Top tink Series 2015: Priest

Top Priest?

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Hes currently the 8th highest ranked player for 5s. Hardly something to "lol" over.


please super, i know we argued yesterday but now youre being damnright mongo, it's 5s.....

if you look at the ladder for 5s the players ranged between 900-2.4k in 3s cr.....

you know athene got r1 gladiator in 5s? athene

athene're going to question his rating @ 100, and then when you find out his rating, you aren't able to top it you figure you can downplay his rating using someone ELSE''s rating?

LOL worthy.

"I can't beat your rating but I know this OTHER guy who can."

im 2697

pls proceed to plant your sorry ass infront of my feet and apologise
guys come on the point is of this stupid arguement is that every class at 19 has a skill cap, lets stop playing whos got the biggest dick in other brackets and focus on 19s
please super, i know we argued yesterday but now youre being damnright mongo, it's 5s.....

if you look at the ladder for 5s the players ranged between 900-2.4k in 3s cr..... cant be serious. You actually think the person with 900cr in 3s is actually a 900 player? Person is a glad who obvs doesnt q 3s.

I'm done responding to your nonsense lol. This has gone off topic enough.

5s may or may not be the perfect representation of a players skill, but 2400 in anything is damn impressive. cant be serious. You actually think the person with 900cr in 3s is actually a 900 player? Person is a glad who obvs doesnt q 3s.

I'm done responding to your nonsense lol. This has gone off topic enough.

5s may or may not be the perfect representation of a players skill, but 2400 in anything is damn impressive.

theres a reason they took titles from it js
I'm not saying that 19s take skill, I'm simply stating that some players are better than others, as well as some players are the best. In that sense, it does take skill to be the best twink out there, sorry if some people fall short of such a prestigious honor.

Wasn't a major argument for best priest their ability to know when to burst & when to heal? When to play offensive & when to sit back defensively healing?

Here's my point bud, the priest winning the poll is known to every team for ending the game with quite literally 0 damage done.

Speaks volumes about the poll & the "best players" eh?

Crazy how that works eh? ;)
guys come on the point is of this stupid arguement is that every class at 19 has a skill cap

hahahahaahahahhaahaahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah warrior.... rend rend rend charge rend rend rend charge rend rend rend
I'm just not quite sure how someone can even pay attention to resto.. have you seen how tight his pants are IRL? Kid has some issues.

lmao, these threads are filled with US people getting buthurt over EU votes, you guys are da real circle jerk mvp

Snack, the eu circle jerk is the only thing you guys are better at than the US, period.

inb4 3's vs bolt, it's happening, and I'll make sure that this "mediocre" sudowoodo plays priest so he can show you first hand what is is talking about.
hahahahaahahahhaahaahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah warrior

o shit quick lemme edit

but in fairness, theres a big difference between a good warrior and a bad one
Are these polls not going to private or what?
I'm just not quite sure how someone can even pay attention to resto.. have you seen how tight his pants are IRL? Kid has some issues.

Snack, the eu circle jerk is the only thing you guys are better at than the US, period.

inb4 3's vs bolt, it's happening, and I'll make sure that this "mediocre" sudowoodo plays priest so he can show you first hand what is is talking about.
You sure are better at police violence than we are, gg!

Unfortunate jokes aside, Hass all us europeans have gotten so much shit ever since we came to US. It's a really wierd mentality, you should be happy that we found your bracket/region appealing, and that we are helping with activity. I'm not trying to pronounce us as saints or whatever, but still... And of course we take up arms when you, after only weeks, name us "EU swines".
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You sure are better at police violence than we are, gg!

Unfortunate jokes aside, Hass all us europeans have gotten so much shit ever since we came to US. It's a really wierd mentality, you should be happy that we found your bracket/region appealing, and that we are helping with activity. I'm trying to pronounce us as saints or whatever, but still... And of course we take up arms when you, after only weeks, name us "EU swines".

You wanna /flex at America? Tink, we are back to back world war champs - don't hate us cause you ain't us.

You aren't the first eu that have graced the bracket and you won't be the last.
You wanna /flex at America? Tink, we are back to back world war champs - don't hate us cause you ain't us.

You aren't the first eu that have graced the bracket and you won't be the last.
This is the attitude I was speaking of.
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