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Hbotz said:
ummm acteon #1 earthquake victim worldwide

watever how can u even talk when covered under so much rubble
tryiapriest3 said:
Half of the people on the list are either from Vengeance, I'm pretty sure, in your guild. Some of which I haven't heard of, and I'm sure there's other people that could say the same.

i never played on Veng (cyclone #1) and i still know most, if not all, of those names
Priest: Nastasha

Pally: Dirtyauction

Hunter: Jarx

Rogue: Igouge, Dirtybishop

Shaman: Wsghealed

Druid: Bigclancy

Warrior: Brokeurback

Lock: Headlock

Mage: Grilmsgrog
I find this thread interesting and like to see many different people's comments about it lol it was funny to read people go WUT not me?!?!
ore i no longer like u /ignore
Sàxxon said:
Priest: Nastasha

Pally: Kaladin

Hunter: Jarx

Rogue: Igouge

Shaman: Wsghealed

Druid: Bigclancy

Warrior: Brokeurback

Lock: Headlock

Mage: Grilmsgrog

They are way to active! I hate playing them
Sàxxon said:
Priest: Nastasha

Pally: Kaladin

Hunter: Jarx

Rogue: Igouge

Shaman: Wsghealed

Druid: Bigclancy

Warrior: Brokeurback

Lock: Headlock

Mage: Grilmsgrog

wheres thumper/bloodyhoof!
Pizza said:

Hunter: Åfkßait/Rubkips

Warlock: Dorygon

Priest: Melseadys

Paladin: Kancerr/Frivo

Rogue: Flyphlosion

Shaman: Purj/Dasfizzla

Warrior: Rance

Mage: N/A

Druid: N/A


Hunter: Pizza/ßeau

Warlock: Maineack

Priest: Parx/Phe

Paladin: Wapstur/Wosa(Parx's Paladin)

Rogue: Slyddur

Shaman: Commíx

Warrior: N/A

Mage: Lobstrosity

Druid: N/A

Active list is as of 8/5/11.

^^ Just doing somone minor Adjustments


Hunter: Reverb over both of them ( Although still don't see how you have a skilled hunter)


Paladin: brohammer >Kancerr non existent

Priest : N/a

Rogue : add punkinu

shaman: agree

warrior :agree

mage : N/a

Druid: Utamar ftw dakodah mabey after


Hunter: "WHAT?" a Skilled Hunter???

Warlock: N/a

Priest: Ko/ Phe

Paladin: lol (What's a Wosa?)

Shaman: Wtbpurj/commix

Rogue : Saxxon

Warrior: hmm....

Mage: Camo "still"

Druid :Utamar "Ppl mad? bring your FC druid back then"
Quick list I came up with, sry if I forgot anyone!

Druid: Wendol/Failtrree

Hunter: Reverb/Afkbait/Rubkips

Mage: Ko/Grakob

Paladin: Frivo/Behemath/Kancerr

Priest: lots of good ones idk

Rogue: Fly/Trillium/Nurem/Subvader/etc (lots of good ones)

Shaman: Dasfizzla/Purj

Warlock: Dorygon

Warrior: Rance/Veil

Druid: Utamar? not many active horde druids

Hunter: Pizza

Mage: Mcd/Camo

Paladin: Wapstur/Ore/Rax

Priest: lots of good ones

Rogue: WT rogues mostly, Saxxon

Shaman: Commix

Warlock: maybe Bizarre, haven't seen in a while tho

Warrior: Sky/Turdel
Dorigon said:
Quick list I came up with, sry if I forgot anyone!

Druid: Wendol/Failtrree

Hunter: Reverb/Afkbait/Rubkips

Mage: Ko/Grakob

Paladin: Frivo/Behemath/Kancerr

Priest: lots of good ones idk

Rogue: Fly/Trillium/Nurem/Subvader/etc (lots of good ones)

Shaman: Dasfizzla/Purj

Warlock: Dorygon

Warrior: Rance/Veil

Druid: Utamar? not many active horde druids

Hunter: Pizza

Mage: Mcd/Camo

Paladin: Wapstur/Ore/Rax

Priest: lots of good ones

Rogue: WT rogues mostly, Saxxon

Shaman: Commix

Warlock: maybe Bizarre, haven't seen in a while tho

Warrior: Sky/Turdel

saxxxxx is allli <3
Druid - Dakodah

hunter - Pizza/Beau

mage - Lobstrosity/Camo

paladin - Gracob/Titan/Ore/Wapsturr

priest - Tko/Laurasia

rogue - Beastly/Saxxon

shaman - Purj/Mnkey/Cannabis

warlock - Dorygon/Bizarre

Warrior - Adeus/Grimagro/Ludvoc
To many good rogues.
Utamar said:
Druid - Dakodah

hunter - Pizza/Beau

mage - Lobstrosity/Camo

paladin - Gracob/Titan

priest - Tko/Laurasia

rogue - Beastly/Saxxon

shaman - Purj/Mnkey

warlock - Dorygon/Bizarre

Warrior - Adeus/Grimagro

from what i hear, dakoduh is awful.
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