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Clips said:
Saxx sucks at rogue

mad he didnt gert rank 1 x)

also i love how all your posts are about me :).

where did u disapear 2
DesH said:
this kinda

The reason US basketball team is fails is the same reason these list would fail if it is truly a "Dream Team" list and not a "Best of each class" list, But we all know it is that......

but I'm not active so I dont know anyone but a few of the ppl on the list......

I will however say that in context to the "Dream Team" I will say Waw Talent is that team............................no1 can beat them atm it seems so they are the active dreamteam..........

Let it be known that I have no respect for anyone in that guild but Maineack (maybe marco and riv, but I don't think of them a pure WT tinks). And also that they are not the best team ever, there are prob 4 or 5 guilds in the past that could 3 cap them without using keyboards (my guilds being two of them).....

but facts are facts and the active dream team they are...

Prodigy #1 all time.

I liked snow and bigbadmoomoo to.
curley is the only person who really stands out imo

was going to vote for mcd best mage but i've seen him make a few too many glaring errors, he is pretty good at staying alive though

camo is a really good flag carrier but i'm also pretty critical of his playstyle. mage class has high skill cap and i have not seen anyone play it perfectly

i don't really want to vote for friends/guildies but..

flyphlosion is the only rogue i've EVER seen go for a sap on someone after full duration fear and that should be way more common considering priest/rogue are top represented classes in this bracket

lobstrosity best mage, actually jukes casts etc
tommytrojan #1 warrior us/eu
Priest: Kidney

Pally: Zerochance

Hunter: Atax

Rogue: Jutsu

Shaman: Kunz

Druid: Bigclancy

Warrior: Rick (sillus is bad)

Lock: Cptjack

Mage: Snow <3 <3 <3

Cheerleader: goma

Dstone can be the backup for every spot pretty much

and since this is supposed to be a team

Hunter: Atax

Hunter: Sas

Rogue: Jutsu

Shaman: Kunz

Priest: Dstone

Lock/War/w/e: Cpt/Rick/Cloudkill Mage/Obliv Rogue/Sveepa Hunter/idk

Mage: Snow

Pally: ME

Priest: Kidney

Druid: Bigc

no idea how premades go now and O priest is prolly pointless with no more dispels but w/e we'd rape kids also umad not active

Would like to see a list that involves the specs you would want your teammates to go, which would give a better visual of the impact they would make. Might even reveal the teammate that you have most trust in. Put some thought into it :)

-Also try dividing up an O team and D team

-And Alliance team and a Horde team

Remember TODAY's DREAM TEAM "TO HARD FOR YOU SON"??:Horde::Alliance:
Theres not many people who actively pug nowadays that id trust on my premade teams. I miss the summer and winter of 09, weather or not it was the most skilled period in twinking it was the most active and fun as far as premades and pug quality go.
10 of me and roflsmack your imp. counterspell.

Orebrb said:
Would like to see a list that involves the specs you would want your teammates to go, which would give a better visual of the impact they would make. Might even reveal the teammate that you have most trust in. Put some thought into it :)

-Also try dividing up an O team and D team

-And Alliance team and a Horde team

Remember TODAY's DREAM TEAM "TO HARD FOR YOU SON"??:Horde::Alliance:

In order to make TODAY'S DREAM TEAM that would require that the people posting PUG frequently in order to recognize talent. Very nice thread i'll check back and post my dream team as long as it doesn't get locked first.
Everyone posting in this thread is terrible. No one has talent in here. Read my list again.
Mochabad said:
#1 Mage world- Sheep.

#1 Shamen world- Ibe.

#1 Rogue you know- Keith.

#1 Rogue(s) Cirran, Salt. <-- I'll add Chuck here too, he's pro.

#1 Hunter- What?

#1 Priest- Patton/Healbot.

#1 Lock- Sid/Biff

#1 Pally world- Anarcan/Vegansown

#1 Druid- Marcey/Sluggish/Jello

#1 Warrior- Fry.

All of these are the best players today. Ask anyone.

There is no need for further posts, you asked for the #1 team, here's the #1 team. They are all #1 in their respective categories today.
Mochabad said:
Everyone posting in this thread is terrible. No one has talent in here. Read my list again.

There is no need for further posts, you asked for the #1 team, here's the #1 team. They are all #1 in their respective categories today.

Half of the people on the list are either from Vengeance, I'm pretty sure, in your guild. Some of which I haven't heard of, and I'm sure there's other people that could say the same.
Mochabad said:
Everyone posting in this thread is terrible. No one has talent in here. Read my list again.

There is no need for further posts, you asked for the #1 team, here's the #1 team. They are all #1 in their respective categories today.

I don't know

These people.
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