SV huntard
Not even gonna argue spike.. If people are complaining about how OP hunts are and not about how OP eles are they have either not seen a good ele or they are yet another person singling out hunters.
Hunts were a nice middle ground pre 5.3 and so were eles. Both had a high skill cap and in a good players hands could do very well. Both got decently sized buffs and both are now OP and gonna be topping dmg. Difference is that while a hunt may have more burst and may top dmg easier that eles can now kite as well (lb on the move) and lv 24s will have frost shock or w/e it is which will serve as the same thing as concussive shot to good 24 shammies and they still have smaller yet noticeable off heals as well as one of the better arsenals of any healing class out there.
People have said how hunts have it all and are so well around with CC and dmg and kiting... Well imo from what I've seen just from a couple of bgs ele now has those same uses except now we throw in offhealing. If people can't see that for themselves well then good for me but I'm not gonna QQ or complain about them (even though a good one will definitely scare me now) cause just like hunts I doubt if ele becomes fotm that people will be able to play it to it's potential.
Hunts were a nice middle ground pre 5.3 and so were eles. Both had a high skill cap and in a good players hands could do very well. Both got decently sized buffs and both are now OP and gonna be topping dmg. Difference is that while a hunt may have more burst and may top dmg easier that eles can now kite as well (lb on the move) and lv 24s will have frost shock or w/e it is which will serve as the same thing as concussive shot to good 24 shammies and they still have smaller yet noticeable off heals as well as one of the better arsenals of any healing class out there.
People have said how hunts have it all and are so well around with CC and dmg and kiting... Well imo from what I've seen just from a couple of bgs ele now has those same uses except now we throw in offhealing. If people can't see that for themselves well then good for me but I'm not gonna QQ or complain about them (even though a good one will definitely scare me now) cause just like hunts I doubt if ele becomes fotm that people will be able to play it to it's potential.