true but when it crits it does about 1300 and with me stacking crit, it crits quite oftenEle heals do ~350-400
true but when it crits it does about 1300 and with me stacking crit, it crits quite oftenEle heals do ~350-400
true but when it crits it does about 1300 and with me stacking crit, it crits quite often
Warsong Hold Mage buffs you with it, they are found by killing the white webs just outside Warsong Hold, Borean Tundra, Northrend.
(Horde Only)
wut? it crits for like 900 for me.
No, not at all.do you need a 90 help with this?
umm idk what to tell you man lol. crits 1300 every time for me. and i dont even have any BoAs yet
is that with the 45% debuff though?
no. sorry i thought it was. im critting 950 with the debuff
650 health! where are you getting this from?
No, not at all.
You kite the angry high levels into the nearby guards and they kill them for you, leaving you able to kill the webs.
I always solo it on my F2P so yeah shouldn't be a problem
Good luck!
Why even bring up how much something hits/crits for outside of a pvp situation.....
Anyways, it's cool that I can kill hunters easily now. Feels good.
edit: Also 1300 crits with the 45% debuff would be a ~715 heal crit, so you must still be mistaken, since I'm geared and only have ~850 heal crits.