No no I'm not trolling... I'm confused. You would have to be a complete moron to say hunters were middle ground. If you feel that you are middle ground while playing a hunter then you have no clue what you are doing and you especially have had adequate time to master that class so it is pretty hilarious to hear that from you.It's really interesting to see the different replies compared to what phron did and kain, hairy, and crapz.. I think that clearly shows who the trollers are or who the people I need to ignore Thx for actually addressing most of my right and also wrong points [MENTION=18087]Phrontistery[/MENTION] I didn't mean eles are anywhere near as OP as hunts atm but I think in 5.2 they were pretty close. I just meant in a good eles hands now that they will be really OP and the medoicre ones will be the "middle ground" all these people are claiming so I guess that classifys you as one of the only really good ones
It's really interesting to see the different replies compared to what phron did and kain, hairy, and crapz.. I think that clearly shows who the trollers are or who the people I need to ignore Thx for actually addressing most of my right and also wrong points [MENTION=18087]Phrontistery[/MENTION] I didn't mean eles are anywhere near as OP as hunts atm but I think in 5.2 they were pretty close. I just meant in a good eles hands now that they will be really OP and the medoicre ones will be the "middle ground" all these people are claiming so I guess that classifys you as one of the only really good ones
No no I'm not trolling... I'm confused. You would have to be a complete moron to say hunters were middle ground. If you feel that you are middle ground while playing a hunter then you have no clue what you are doing and you especially have had adequate time to master that class so it is pretty hilarious to hear that from you.
I do? Since when lol.. Pulling another random "fact" out of nowhere that isn't true? You have been banned probably 5+ times so I think it's a safe thing to call you a troll. If you knew what you were talking about half the time it would be something different but I never see anything correct come from you...U can call us trolls and put us on ignore but that wont change the fact that u are always making excuses and using other classes to make hunters look less OP, its sad.
Hunts were not OP
Can I put that in my sig
however a hunt couldn't beat any class that had the choice to heal and weren't globaling or 1 shotting people. Hunts were not OP and we are now. Eles were not OP and they are now.
This. is. wrong.
But 1 thing in particular is important here, the part about 'a hunt couldn't beat any class that had the choice to heal and weren't globaling or 1 shotting people'. Why? BECAUSE THEY FUCKING CONTROLLED EVERYTHING THAT COULD NOT HEAL.
If a 900hp hunter facerolls (e.g pet on complete auto, random scatter as opener, no KC only Arcane Shot etc) my 1.7k hp mage without any problems (for that matter, a hunter pet can solo a pure DPS class) you telling me they weren't op is simply wrong. Period.
The part about Elemental being op. Let me tell you something about Fulmination and Rolling Thunder. RT has a 60% chance per Lightning Bolt to generate one charge on your Lightning Shield and the next Earth Shock consumes those charges and procs Fulmination. Now, let's say you have 0 haste which makes your Lightning Bolts take exactly 2 seconds to cast (not counting latency or pushback), then you have a 60% chance for 1 charge on your Shield. It takes all 7 charges on your Shield for Fulmination to deal any significant amount of damage which means, that you have to cast at least 7 Lightning Bolts (14 seconds that is) to get those 7 charges at best. In those 14 seconds (which will never happen) any hunter can kill any elemental shaman (if we're talking about a hunter that facerolls his DPS, does not CC and the shaman doesn't heal himself - but if we're talking about good hunter and good shaman, the shaman will attempt to heal himself and get CCd by the hunter, so it doesn't matter anyways).
You can go ahead and ignore all this and tell me your personal reason for a) Why hunters were only middle ground in 5.2, b) Why hunters are NOW good/OP and c) Why Elemental shamans are now good/OP.
If I get your usual 'ermagerd stahp trollen meh pl0x' this conversation is over and you can go faceroll your hunter again. (Yes, this last part was meant to provoke and troll you a bit, but we're on the internet, get over it)
And just as a sidenote, you calling Cripz 'crapz' is insulting just as well. Hope you have a great day.
my favorite video!)Here's my thoughts
Thundershock the Lumber Mill - Arathi Basin - f2p trial - YouTube
Seriously though... they are in a very good spot right now.
I think people are overlooking the biggest buff to ele shamans right now. SPELL HIT IS FIXED. I played my ele shammy all through that fiasco and really, ever since MoP came out (resto sham was too OP for me to play). Anywho, the fact that I'm actually hitting people with my spells is amazing. My damage output through that alone has been great. Now with the extra burst and moving LB, they are defiantly above average but not OP. It takes time to generate some quality burst and you have too many other things to focus on beside doing damage. And most importantly, the off heals are not strong like they used to be. The average reroller wont know what to do when they get a hold of a shammy either.Not even gonna argue spike.. If people are complaining about how OP hunts are and not about how OP eles are they have either not seen a good ele or they are yet another person singling out hunters.
Hunts were a nice middle ground pre 5.3 and so were eles. Both had a high skill cap and in a good players hands could do very well. Both got decently sized buffs and both are now OP and gonna be topping dmg. Difference is that while a hunt may have more burst and may top dmg easier that eles can now kite as well (lb on the move) and lv 24s will have frost shock or w/e it is which will serve as the same thing as concussive shot to good 24 shammies and they still have smaller yet noticeable off heals as well as one of the better arsenals of any healing class out there.
People have said how hunts have it all and are so well around with CC and dmg and kiting... Well imo from what I've seen just from a couple of bgs ele now has those same uses except now we throw in offhealing. If people can't see that for themselves well then good for me but I'm not gonna QQ or complain about them (even though a good one will definitely scare me now) cause just like hunts I doubt if ele becomes fotm that people will be able to play it to it's potential.