First off, Yes, I have played in multiple 10v10 twink wargames and premades and I fully understand that you CAN have fiercely competitive games as a twink and it is a lot of fun to do for bragging rights.
Probably going to get flamed for this opinion from all the rank 1 twinks out there, nonetheless.
"BG's are boring and I want more competition!"
I don't understand this conundrum, and its one I see quite often on these forums. If you want fierce, balanced and readily available competition, why not play end game? There is constantly a plethora of area's and rated battle grounds going on within in your respective skill bracket. At a high rating, these games require excellent teamwork and co-ordination in order to be successful on a routine basis and seems to offer everything that people who are "bored with the lack of competitive games" that twinking has to offer.
Lets be honest, most twink brackets are built around playing fotm classes. And yes, I'm aware some brackets (like 70s) are fairly balanced but its still no comparison to endgame balance.
However, at endgame you cant make claims like "I'm rank one rogue", or "I'm the most gear played in the world" because there are actual systems in place to track these rankings....
I play a twink to perform well above average in battlegrounds constantly, and be the definition of overachiever (and I hate the constant gear treadmill). I've played RBG's and arenas at endgame (albeit, not to a very high level) and I found the amount of team and co-ordination required was just too much for myself. I hate talking to people (on skype,vent,ect) when playing a game and I would much rather just listen to music while I game, which is hardly an option at anything 2k+ in arenas or rbg. I also dislike needing to rely on other players to perform well, which is why I aspire to be as self reliant as possible while playing my twinks and will solo que 99% of the time.
TLDR : If you're so bored with BG's, then stop queing with 3-4 other twinks, try solo queing and carrying a group of mouthbreathers to a seemingly impossible victory.
My two cents, see yah in the gulch.
Probably going to get flamed for this opinion from all the rank 1 twinks out there, nonetheless.
"BG's are boring and I want more competition!"
I don't understand this conundrum, and its one I see quite often on these forums. If you want fierce, balanced and readily available competition, why not play end game? There is constantly a plethora of area's and rated battle grounds going on within in your respective skill bracket. At a high rating, these games require excellent teamwork and co-ordination in order to be successful on a routine basis and seems to offer everything that people who are "bored with the lack of competitive games" that twinking has to offer.
Lets be honest, most twink brackets are built around playing fotm classes. And yes, I'm aware some brackets (like 70s) are fairly balanced but its still no comparison to endgame balance.
However, at endgame you cant make claims like "I'm rank one rogue", or "I'm the most gear played in the world" because there are actual systems in place to track these rankings....
I play a twink to perform well above average in battlegrounds constantly, and be the definition of overachiever (and I hate the constant gear treadmill). I've played RBG's and arenas at endgame (albeit, not to a very high level) and I found the amount of team and co-ordination required was just too much for myself. I hate talking to people (on skype,vent,ect) when playing a game and I would much rather just listen to music while I game, which is hardly an option at anything 2k+ in arenas or rbg. I also dislike needing to rely on other players to perform well, which is why I aspire to be as self reliant as possible while playing my twinks and will solo que 99% of the time.
TLDR : If you're so bored with BG's, then stop queing with 3-4 other twinks, try solo queing and carrying a group of mouthbreathers to a seemingly impossible victory.
My two cents, see yah in the gulch.