49 bracket

  1. Level 49 Mage Twink PvP Vol.2 - Classic WOTLK

    Level 49 Mage Twink PvP Vol.2 - Classic WOTLK

    Heatwave49 Fire Mage PvP Volume 2Classic WOTLKFIRE SPEC - https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/talent-calc/mage/-23502323103000312501202Head - Eye of FlameShoulder ...
  2. Versatility Shoulders at 48/49

    Has anyone had any luck finding Shoulders with Vers on them in the shadowlands content, either via the Bastion part or Threads of Fate dailies? So far I've seen everything but Vers on them it seems, and I've had this character for 3 weeks or so now. My toon is a Warrior but I'm pretty sure its...
  3. Jh2125

    <Grobbulus Mobbulus> 49 Horde Twink Guild Wotlk

    <Grobbulus Mobbulus> is looking for more to enjoy the 49 bracket come Wotlk. Located on the much desired Grobbulus server that boasts one of the most balanced faction ratios currently, and unbiasedly one of the most entertaining servers. The guild was formed to be the Horde guild home of the 49...
  4. Jh2125

    49 Gearing Guides

    49s are back on the menu folks! Xp off and Xp on ques will be merged and we are already seeing a very active bracket. Wrath gear mostly mimics tbc gear, but there are some exceptions with the loss of shoulder enchants, leg enchants, and the added heirlooms. Here is a link of heirloom gear vs...
  5. <True Twinkz> Horde Sulfuras WoW Classic 19,29,39,49,59 twink guild

    <True Twinkz> Horde Sulfuras wow classic True Twinkz is a very active and fun guild that has been around for over a year now, TT is re-emerging as one of the most active twink guilds all of classic wow. We are a R rated adult guild who enjoys smoking some weed, drinking some beers, talking...
  6. Jh2125

    49 Twink Guides

    These are the guides I personally put together. There is no definitive best in slot, so compare alternatives and create your own balance. I wanted to post these to help everyone in the community. Hope you guys enjoy and Happy Hunting! Warlock Priest Mage Ele/Resto Sham Boom/Resto Druid...
  7. Jh2125

    <Forty Niners> Horde now on Grobbulus

    HOLD OFF ON ANY TRANSFERS UNTIL WOTLK! Right now 49s are poppin daily! I can't predict what will happen in wrath but as of now it seems Grobbulus will be the horde destination. Benediction has since been turned into 100% of alliance as of TBC and is not a good destination realm due to AH being...
  8. <Not Quite Fifty> EU alliance guild on Earthshaker.

    Hi all, Just wanted to make people aware of <Not Quite Fifty> Alliance guild. It was created to raise the popularity of 49! As the popularity of 49 grows, as does our roster, we currently have 16 active members, some already at 49 fully geared and some on their way there. The vision is to have...
  9. Magrain

    The Shadowlands Pre-Patch Bizarre Experience

    So, its been a wild ride. Blizzard has made the most groundbreaking patch ever, to most of the twinking community, to the f2p accounts. It certainly felt like a breathe of fresh air, definitely a memorable experience. To wrap things up, I want to hear your experiences gentlemen. -What was the...
  10. US <Inferno IX> - Mankrik (Alliance) Upper bracket twink guild

    Greetings, We are a new Alliance guild on Mankrik focusing on upper bracket twinks, specifically 29, 39 and 49. However, all twinks are welcome. We're looking to fill the niche of Alliance upper bracket twinking on Mankrik, which does not have that many active guilds. We are a casual twinking...
  11. Pendelum

    Spellshock leggings for sale!

    WTS spellshock leggings Mograine horde. 1k euro :)
  12. Healbotn

    Gear / Spec Crafting (lvl 49 Holy Paladin)

    Hello! This is my first time posting! I am new to the 40-49 bracket in Classic and have been enjoying playing my ‘K-mart twink’ Holy Paladin for the last month or so. Thanks @Jh2125 for getting me interested by promoting the bracket and providing gearing guides. This has been tremendously...
  13. fabb

    WTB spellshock leggings any pvp server 100,00

    100 euro paypal ore gold wherever
  14. Jh2125

    Twink Guides

    These are the guides I personally put together. They were directed to the Horde side. So for certain pieces that are Horde only you will need to find an alternative or use one of the alternatives I have listed. I wanted to post these to help everyone in the community. Hope you guys enjoy and...
  15. Jh2125

    [H] 49s Twink Guild <Forty Niners> Benediction PvP East Coast NA

    <Forty Niners> is our 49 Twink guild on the US PvP server Benediction; Horde side. We are openly looking to enjoy the 49 bracket with all whom are interested. Whether you wish to twink permanently, or just temporarily. Level of twinking is left to the player. No requirements. We will be hosting...
  16. Diibzee

    Warrior Helm help?

    I'm pretty much wondering what will have more value on my 49 arms/furry warrior between three helms. Steel Plate Helm - 23 armor + 22 str + 22 vers Compared to Helm of the executioner - 29 armor + 15 str + 22 stam + 8 crit + 11 haste...
  17. Diibzee

    49 Gear SPECIFIC

    So I can't seem to get this to work in any way, I have a 49 warrior I am gearing to twink with now atm. A couple items I need are green BoEs.. That being said all the greens dropping are level 41 for me that warrior and when I try and farm on my 56 pally everything dropping is 50-51 level...
  18. Gmac

    "This Game is Too Easy!"

    First off, Yes, I have played in multiple 10v10 twink wargames and premades and I fully understand that you CAN have fiercely competitive games as a twink and it is a lot of fun to do for bragging rights. Probably going to get flamed for this opinion from all the rank 1 twinks out there...
  19. wam

    LF BiS 49 Rogue Gear

    Title says it all- I’m new to the 49 scene. Been primarily focused on end-game content (PvP) since Wotlk but twinked exclusively in BC. Loving the community so far. I’m would consider myself a high xp rogue in both arena and bgs and I know just how important it is to have BiS gear. I’m hunting...
  20. Gmac

    LF a few items on BH

    LF a Feathermoon Headress, Mistmantle Orb or Venomshroud Orb and a Maiden's Circle. Hmu.