Things that make you /facepalm

People who play hunters, who backpeddle. At least have the decency to strafe if your gonna fight me. Its even worse when I lag and it says Im not in range of them. Also, people who /spit, laugh, make rude gestures/strange gestures...... people who play 24's like a fakkin @sshat instead of trying their hand at an equal fight.... what else....When Hairy Feet comes and saves my warrior when Im pretty sure Im gonna die and Im like "Wtf! Now I have to keep fighting >:O" j/k Love that dude whenever he is my bgs. Make a boss duo. For real though its pretty annoying when a paladin stuns and starts exo spamming instead of actually fighting me.
People who play hunters, who backpeddle. At least have the decency to strafe if your gonna fight me. Its even worse when I lag and it says Im not in range of them. Also, people who /spit, laugh, make rude gestures/strange gestures...... people who play 24's like a fakkin @sshat instead of trying their hand at an equal fight.... what else....When Hairy Feet comes and saves my warrior when Im pretty sure Im gonna die and Im like "Wtf! Now I have to keep fighting >:O" j/k Love that dude whenever he is my bgs. Make a boss duo. For real though its pretty annoying when a paladin stuns and starts exo spamming instead of actually fighting me.

Ty ExLegion! Maybe I'll go holy more often! (she btw despite the odd name) ;)
When your useless defense can't read a map.

EX: You get in trouble and run gy, team heads up to the roof and stands there, until of course you make a mad dash for the roof to regroup with them at which point they jump off the roof (usually at the precise moment you make it there) and head out to the gy while the opposing team (which DOES know how to look at their maps and has been chasing you this whole time) massacres you.
Idk where you're pulling your statistics from, but the armory shows Pootispencer has 467 deaths in WSG, along with 4,794 Killing Blows.

10.2 killing blows per 1 death. That's pretty weak for someone with an AFK macro claiming 'we go 500-0 every day'.

OT: I face palm at all of Inoobupro's posts.
Posts made by ppl like Inoobupro and Jsu8 - it's like watching the idiot twins.................
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When your useless defense can't read a map.

EX: You get in trouble and run gy, team heads up to the roof and stands there, until of course you make a mad dash for the roof to regroup with them at which point they jump off the roof (usually at the precise moment you make it there) and head out to the gy while the opposing team (which DOES know how to look at their maps and has been chasing you this whole time) massacres you.

When your team cant track their map for efc or listen to directions and fc goes in our flag room alone while efc is stalling on roof and everyone else stays in mid like wha?? there's an efc? then fc dying and efc getting to tun and almost capping to win the game ^-^ I think you may /facepalm with this example to hehe
When your team cant track their map for efc or listen to directions and fc goes in our flag room alone while efc is stalling on roof and everyone else stays in mid like wha?? there's an efc? then fc dying and efc getting to tun and almost capping to win the game ^-^ I think you may /facepalm with this example to hehe

Lol yep. Many /facepalms had tonight, gg tho xD
When people join a game with rez sickness rocking that amazing 200 HP. Just don't take the que.

When you have the winning flag right in front of tunnel with fifty alliance around you and you die and the horde stroll up and somehow return the flag because everyone else is just tunnel vision farming.

When your team is trying to farm while you're losing with the excuse "I'm farming honor". /facepalm

Lastly and no offense here but when people on ally side "twinking" but not taking the time to enchant or armor up their gear. It's a small deal I know but every little bit helps.
I face palm the people not going to efr. The game usually starts with 8 running mid.. 2 grabbing flag. The horde who survive mid get their flag. Those who don't get sent to GY and outnumber the flag running team who they are very close to. Alliance doesn't think twice about protecting fc and the horde spawns easily pick them off. Then alli also ignores efc and runs straight to horde gy to attempt to farm. The ones who do go after efc do NOT kill the healer and they cap. If I didn't hate leveling I'd have switched to horde by now. :(

When Hairyfeet hates leveling so much, and that's the only thing preventing her from joining horde, jk. Take a poll, I'm sure there's plenty of people who would lvl something for you :)

When someone offends a disc priest and he's like "I'm done healing," and then also punishes everyone by refusing to cast fort until no one is around. I swear disc priests are the moodiest players.
Latest update ->
in a full 10man WSG AP premade with (surprisingly) 4 hunters we have ppl (like 6-7/10) that DO NOT know that its of utmost importance to kill EFC while he is in middle.
Or to even try to get to him
EFC outrunned them like every single time
Not to mention that all ignored that single priest healer EFC had with him.

I /facepalmed irl when time ran out and we lost 1-2 in caps....
Latest update ->
in a full 10man WSG AP premade with (surprisingly) 4 hunters we have ppl (like 6-7/10) that DO NOT know that its of utmost importance to kill EFC while he is in middle.
Or to even try to get to him
EFC outrunned them like every single time
Not to mention that all ignored that single priest healer EFC had with him.

I /facepalmed irl when time ran out and we lost 1-2 in caps....
An AP 10m lost a WSG? Thats sad.
An AP 10m lost a WSG? Thats sad.

We played vs 4 (or was it 5?) folks premade from Norgannon (dubbs was in it as well) and a 3x24 premade from some other server
And apart from that, we had 0 stelthers while they had feral, 20 and 24 rogue which made our defense ~impossible

all of this ofc wouldn't matter if our team wasn't all mid-fighters
Folks that I know that were in this bg are hida and twinko
Rest were all new players who obv don't have a clue what to do in WSG.

@ one point in game I though I play with inoobupro only multiplied by 4-5...
you guys mostly win when you premade pugs? you must be awesome

Considering most of the pugs we at AP get stuck with yeah, its a wonder Alliance Win WSG at all. especially with all the paladins and hunters clogging up the bracket.

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