Viable classes?


I am completely new to lvl 1 twinking, and was wondering if anyone could give me a heads up about some classes :)

I am atm playing on Draenor EU and I only have a specific amount of BoA's since I have no main, I know you all must think that I am lazy, but I'm not going to lvl a char to 85, to farm BoA's, at least not in the near future.

But as a starter, I was wondering which classes are viable, I was tinking about a shaman with 20 haste on BAR BoA axe, and max haste ofc, but idk if that'l be good.

If not I was thinking about melee, not a rogue cause that seems to be what everyone else is rolling, but maybe a paly or a warrior, are they viable, maybe with max haste, or max AP idk.

But if you could provide me with some feedback it would be very nice,
thank you :)
I don't think you should go max haste on a warrior atleast. Warlocks are going to have OP crits in MoP, mages get slows. I don't think you shouldn't roll a rogue cause thats what everyone else do. Me and most of the other rogues are rogues because they were the best class back in wotlk and earlier. Hunters are OP, palas aren't that good but I know they can crit and they're pewpew with crusader.
You should probably focus on whats good in MoP since it'll be out in a few months.
Thank you, very good thread!

So if I was to create a character, that will perform good in MoP, meaning not a hunter, pala, warrior or rogue. I know rogues and pala/warr aint gonna suck, because of the parry, but it seems like a pretty big nerf.
Shamans seems to be getting a OK buff, but locks and mages are gonna rock?

Is this right? :p

If so, could you tell me if mages/locks are good here in cata? :)

Thank you.
Well locks and mages are probably going to rock in MoP its almost promised.

Locks and mages arent GREAT atm but they're pretty good.

Hope this helps :)
Thank you, I have decided to roll a lock, but I just cant make up my mind about enchants.

I know all the gear, that should be pretty easy to find, but the enchants...

I mean on bracers 9sta or 15 SP?
On gloves 10 haste or 20 shadow power?
On feets minor speed or 7sta?
On wep 30SP or 22 int?
On chest 4sta or 100hp?

I hope you guys can help me :)
For the weapon, you ALWAYS want to go with 22 intellect instead of 30 spell power, the reason being, since intellect actually gives you spell power, the 22 intellect enchant will actually give you more spell power than the spell power enchant gives you. In other words:

22 intellect + 36 (or something like that) spell power > 30 spell power
For the weapon, you ALWAYS want to go with 22 intellect instead of 30 spell power, the reason being, since intellect actually gives you spell power, the 22 intellect enchant will actually give you more spell power than the spell power enchant gives you. In other words:

22 intellect + 36 (or something like that) spell power > 30 spell power

Im sorry but thats not true, the 30SP enchant gives 7 more SP than the 22 int one.
But I guess your right since its 7SP vs almost 400 mana.

But how much mana does a shadowbolt cost at lvl 1?

Also for race I would pick troll for zerk, but is orc viable as well for the SP buff spell?
Here is my lvl 1 warlock, had her for over 3 years now.


Only things to add. get an off set of: gloves with +10 Haste, and boots with +5 Hit
We've done this a dozen times:

22 Int = 22 SP, 330 Mana, 3.74% Crit
30 SP = 30 SP

SP scaling at lvl1 is not great...only 8 loss is miniscule
Ok 22 Int it is, thanks :)

Your warlock looks nice, but I got some questions, when dueling lvl 5's, 6's, etc, is that where you use the 5hit boots?

And also a 3 sec casting time on Shadow Bolt is much, why not use 10 haste? Or atleast 20 shadow power on gloves as the only spell you will cast is a shadow spell?
Rofl all this talk has got me back into level ones im on my level 1 twink mage Frost right now :D

Hope you enjoy twinking @ one Snack. :)
Yes I use the +Hit for dueling higher lvls, lvl 8 and higher.
I also have herb/mining- for Lifeblood - Spell - World of Warcraft / Toughness - Spell - World of Warcraft
I couldn't find +20 Shadow, but that would be the one to get.
Okay I have made some theorycrafting here :p if we say that I use the cloth helm and the haste trinket, I have 2 haste without LB and 10 haste to gloves, that will decrease my Shadow Bolts casting time to 2.9sec, and with LB 1.6sec. With 10 haste to gloves the casting time will be 2.5sec. and 1.21 with LB.

So as I see it it is 20 shadow spell power (if it even exists :p) vs. 0.4sec decreased casting time.
So this depends on how much 20SP ads to your shadow bolt dmg (?)
I dont know if I have done this correctly :p

Rofl all this talk has got me back into level ones im on my level 1 twink mage Frost right now :D

Hope you enjoy twinking @ one Snack. :)

Thank you, it is all very confusing, way more numbers and calculations than in the 19 bracket where I came from :p
Okay so Shadow Spell Power exists but its VERY rare. It is basicly Shadow Spell Power think of it as that where it increases just shadow damage done. I dont know the exact numbers :< its been a while. and haste stacks insanely at level 1 it should be a lot faster those shadow bolts with just life blood alone.

Yes this is much more calculations than level 19s . :D
Here's the thing with 20 Shadow Power to gloves.

1) it can be hard to come by being a random drop from AQ40
2) Warlocks do shadow dmg, but their imps do fire dmg ... so Shadow Power only helps the lock
3) 16 Spell Power to gloves will help both your shadow bolts and your imps fireballs
4) Haste is greater dps
Ok so 16sp to gloves is the best, thank you :)
But are you sure that haste trinket doesn't give any stats? Chardev says it grants 1 haste?

And I would like to thank everyone for there helpful comments, I have gotten a lot closer to decide what class, and I am to choose between shaman and lock now. I know lock might be the best option, but the 20 haste to wep really appeals to me :)
@Bond now you tell me 7 intel is better >.> I just put 15 SP on my guys bracers and im poor :<

@Snack it does give 1 haste @ lvl 1.
Im so glad we could help and get you closer to your new class! : )

I am too, I have tried lvl 1 twinking before, but all this calculating and theorycrafting is really fun, and I can't wait to actually start my twink! :D

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