The War Within F2P Baseline Guide

Casual observation here, I am vet player farming cloth in Dragonflight, with my Chromie set to WOD, and I do not die in the dragon isles. My health resets to 100% when I drop below 1%. My gear does not get degraded. I have done this on 2 accounts, on mage, palladin, and Demon Hunter.

Currently I am farming cloth in Nokhudon Hold Ohn’ahran Plains killing Elites in AOE with my health resetting to 100%
If you unlocked Sabellian and/or Wrathion faction to "exalted" there is a perk with instant health restore but only in non-Level 70 areas while in Dragon Isles four main campaign areas. If on Forbidden Reach or the Caverns or Cobalt Assembly area, as examples it doesn't appear to work on level <= 20.
Any great place we can reach now with flying? (i used to abuse gnomich graity well and glyders, so I had some flying before)

Burning Crusade and Northrend have a few areas that having flying helps <= level 20s with faction reputations for the most part as well as some additional mats/recipes: Sha'tari Skyguard, and Ogri'la areas within Blades Mountain as well as to reach Tempest Keep dungeons in Outlands, for Northrend easier to get in/out of Wintergrasp without unlocking the slow mo flight path there. Flying also helps for exploration achievements, if not on a veteran account.

Side note: Update -- I did check the Netherwing area as now that the Sha'tari Skyguard has unlocked <=20; even that the Shadowmoon Valley area in BC is >= level 30 - that maybe one can explore that area for reputation. And there is no starting quest with the flying mob in the valley as well as it appears that the Netherwing ledge is phased out?! when going there as level 20.

Granted the other factions like Shattered Sun Offensive and The Violet Eye as still level locked >= level 30.

Cataclysm areas like Mount Hyjal easier to get in/out as well if a Shaman on the Enhancement artifact quest to fully explore Deepholm (minus the few mining/herbing nodes that are still >= level 30 locked).
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Casual observation here, I am vet player farming cloth in Dragonflight, with my Chromie set to WOD, and I do not die in the dragon isles. My health resets to 100% when I drop below 1%. My gear does not get degraded. I have done this on 2 accounts, on mage, palladin, and Demon Hunter.

Currently I am farming cloth in Nokhudon Hold Ohn’ahran Plains killing Elites in AOE with my health resetting to 100%
Same thing here with my lvl20 DH, but my chromie timeline is set to present, when I ran out of HP it just back to 100%
Make for grinding the Wrathion and Sabellian reputation a priority until the fix, because the immortality helps with grinding out those citadel keys and the various quests there.

Is there a way to get Wrathion and Sabellian rep as F2P? I've picked up some Sargha's Signet and Mark of Sargha but can't turn them in to the quartermaster(s).
While searching for info, it seems that you have to do the Allegiance to One quest which requires world quests to be unlocked.
Warband Bank Distance Inhibitor- is this gettable for pure f2p? Ive looked for blue both around Gadzetzan, and in stormwind-no quest-

but I see a mail from blue- which I ofcourse cant read.

any way to get the quests to get the inhibitor?
What is the minimum sub time? and a sub that doesnt ruin level 20s.

Would also be massively great to get Revitalizing Jewel Doublet
The quest for Warband Bank Distance Inhibitor is available only to the first character you logged in with once TWW went live. Try each of your characters until you find the correct one that can do the quest.

Cost of this design is 1200g. F2P can only have 1000g max to spend on items. So, not available to pure F2P
The quest for Warband Bank Distance Inhibitor is available only to the first character you logged in with once TWW went live. Try each of your characters until you find the correct one that can do the quest.

Cost of this design is 1200g. F2P can only have 1000g max to spend on items. So, not available to pure F2P
AJ. I remember deleting some after I logged back with new expansion. Quest should start in stormwind right?
Question, I've managed to loot Amnesia neck and now I need to get the tiered thingies to add sockets to it. Is it craftable through profession? And if so, can someone please give me a brief guide on it? If not, is there alternative ways to do so? Wowhead ain't as reliable as I wanted it to be honestly.
Question, I've managed to loot Amnesia neck and now I need to get the tiered thingies to add sockets to it. Is it craftable through profession? And if so, can someone please give me a brief guide on it? If not, is there alternative ways to do so? Wowhead ain't as reliable as I wanted it to be honestly.
Yes all three levels of are craftable. You should have a jewelcrafter and miner alt (probably easier if it's the same character) and get levelling 80 skill is enough and doesn't take too long. If you want to get to 100 you have the choice of a slow but easy route or a faster but harder work route.
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For whatever reason the leave dungeon macro stopped working for me .. but it works if I replace "a" with "aaaa" XD
/run C_PartyInfo.InviteUnit("aaaa");C_Timer.After(1,function() C_PartyInfo.LeaveParty() end)
Thank you so much! I have had the same problem the last couple of days, and replacing "a" with "aaaa" as you suggest did the job! :)
That info actually deserves to be on the frontpage of XP-off ;)

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