The War Within F2P Baseline Guide

Very cool guide thanks a lot !

Maybe a note about mark of the hidden sartyr could be added for f2p ? Chaos Christal should be much more farmable with the warband bank
Very cool guide thanks a lot !

Maybe a note about mark of the hidden sartyr could be added for f2p ? Chaos Christal should be much more farmable with the warband bank
Yep. You can also try your luck with Legion TW vendor, but drop chance seems to be rather small, can't say for sure how low it is.
On the gold spending front, the new priority would be stacking as much gold in your Warband Bank as possible, allowing you to unlock more tabs (first - 1k, second - 25k, third - 100k are all possible), while still acting like a literal bank, rendering gold sinks like the infamous Elixir of Tongues useless.
Can you actually use warbank funds to purchase another tab? It might have changed since last time I looked, but from what I heard and saw the funds can't be used for anything except for having a character withdraw some. Since the trial gold cap is still in place, we're limited to one tab.
Can you actually use warbank funds to purchase another tab? It might have changed since last time I looked, but from what I heard and saw the funds can't be used for anything except for having a character withdraw some. Since the trial gold cap is still in place, we're limited to one tab.
Not at this time at least on a F2P account, via Vet not able to use Warband shared-bank gold to unlock tabs either.
A quick note on F2P Dragonflight profession:

  • Enchanting - Disenchanting works on crafted items (for now not on item drops) and if high enough in the specialization there will be special nodes that pop up in zones, that can contain a special item to disenchant which also works. Granted the enchants are NOT usable for <= level 20 but materials can be used for Tailoring the 34-slot bags and other Tailoring items.
  • Tailoring - Besides the 32-slot regular/regent bags and possible long Renown grind to learn the 34-slot regular bag, the toys and possible transmorgs are available but specialization is painful slow because of the sources for knowledge points for <= level 20, to need to go with Azrueweave Tailoring as one needs around 35 points to avoid the initial major cooldown ~ 10 hours to make one Azureweave Bolt to practically no cooldown. I have not received enough knowledge points to try to open up Chronoweave or another tree yet.
  • Engineering - Scrapper option for getting scraps is broken, it requires using DF Tink and DF explosives for a chance @ finding metal scraps to rummage through. These items require at least character level 58 to activate. I have not found another source for the scraps. Basically, I wasted points into Optimized Efficiency to unlock scrapper to test this and currently there is no-respec option for the profession trees. But the rest of the Efficiency tree seems to work. The Wyrmhole Generator: Dragon Isles on paper seems do-able and use able, but to make it less random, means putting 30/30 points into Mechanical Mind. Also with renown the Engineer can make portable Alchemy and engineering benches. Major Side Note: the Zapthrottle Soul Inhaler is craft able, but currently unusable as it requires level 61 to activate thus any items that requires "souls" is not readily viable on F2P.
  • Blacksmithing - limited to transmorgs for the most part. As well as costly as the need for Primal Flux @ 15 gold each @ multiples to craft the initial items is a pain. Similar to Engineering in some items that require one or more pricey for gold item, like 32 gold for 1x Smudged Lens
  • Leather Working - Like with Blacksmithing, has transmorgs but also some toys.
  • Alchemy - Mostly for regents that some of the other DF professions can use to craft with as the Warband sharable bank first tab makes this role easier. Also, for transmutes!
  • Jewelcrafting - Still working on this one to see if the multiple sockets to necklace is do able at F2P. Some of the items are use able by <=20 but the stat gems are mostly for leveling the profession, but the crafted rings, necklaces and professional tools can be disenchanted.
  • Inscription - A surprise as besides the original Dragonriding mount customizations as one of the key reasons for taking this, there are other items that can be used by other professions. Side Notes: Need to test the various Renown contracts as not all of them have a level 61 listed. But for example, Dream Wardens vendors is not in phase for <= level 20.
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A quick note on F2P Dragonflight profession:

  • Enchanting - Disenchanting works on crafted items (for now not on item drops) and if high enough in the specialization there will be special nodes that pop up in zones, that can contain a special item to disenchant which also works. Granted the enchants are NOT usable for <= level 20 but materials can be used for Tailoring the 34-slot bags and other Tailoring items.
  • Tailoring - Besides the 32-slot regular/regent bags and possible long Renown grind to learn the 34-slot regular bag, the toys and possible transmorgs are available but specialization is painful slow because of the sources for knowledge points for <= level 20, to need to go with Azrueweave Tailoring as one needs around 35 points to avoid the initial major cooldown ~ 10 hours to make one Azureweave Bolt to practically no cooldown. I have not received enough knowledge points to try to open up Chronoweave or another tree yet.
  • Engineering - Scrapper option for getting scraps is broken, it requires using DF Tink and DF explosives for a chance @ finding metal scraps to rummage through. These items require at least character level 58 to activate. I have not found another source for the scraps. Basically, I wasted points into Optimized Efficiency to unlock scrapper to test this and currently there is no-respec option for the profession trees. But the rest of the Efficiency tree seems to work. The Wyrmhole Generator: Dragon Isles on paper seems do-able and use able, but to make it less random, means putting 30/30 points into Mechanical Mind. Also with renown the Engineer can make portable Alchemy and engineering benches. Major Side Note: the Zapthrottle Soul Inhaler is craft able, but currently unusable as it requires level 61 to activate thus any items that requires "souls" is not readily viable on F2P.
  • Blacksmithing - limited to transmorgs for the most part. As well as costly as the need for Primal Flux @ 15 gold each @ multiples to craft the initial items is a pain. Similar to Engineering in some items that require one or more pricey for gold item, like 32 gold for 1x Smudged Lens
  • Leather Working - Like with Blacksmithing, has transmorgs but also some toys.
  • Alchemy - Mostly for regents that some of the other DF professions can use to craft with as the Warband sharable bank first tab makes this role easier. Also, for transmutes!
  • Jewelcrafting - Still working on this one to see if the multiple sockets to necklace is do able at F2P. Some of the items are use able by <=20 but the stat gems are mostly for leveling the profession, but the crafted rings, necklaces and professional tools can be disenchanted.
  • Inscription - A surprise as besides the original Dragonriding mount customizations as one of the key reasons for taking this, there are other items that can be used by other professions. Side Notes: Need to test the various Renown contracts as not all of them have a level 61 listed. But for example, Dream Wardens vendors is not in phase for <= level 20.
Adding sockets to neck is doable. Amnesia f.ex is easy to get to use for sockets. This is tested on f2p L20 character. Agi and int gems from mark of honor is +4 at 20, so thats a nice +12 main stat on top of necks own inherent stats.
DF profession Update #2 --

Skinning - Lure Crafting specialization, interesting that the Elusive Creature Bait actually works; I thought it would summon some nasty higher-level elite to stomp on you but the first one I made and when I used it summoned a level 20 Elusive Vorquin (I need to test is on a hunter that these are tame-able). I was kind of sad that it was neutral vs angry mob as I killed it and when skinned was some nice, rarer mats for other crafting professions.
A quick note on F2P Dragonflight profession:

  • Enchanting - Disenchanting works on crafted items (for now not on item drops) and if high enough in the specialization there will be special nodes that pop up in zones, that can contain a special item to disenchant which also works. Granted the enchants are NOT usable for <= level 20 but materials can be used for Tailoring the 34-slot bags and other Tailoring items.
  • Tailoring - Besides the 32-slot regular/regent bags and possible long Renown grind to learn the 34-slot regular bag, the toys and possible transmorgs are available but specialization is painful slow because of the sources for knowledge points for <= level 20, to need to go with Azrueweave Tailoring as one needs around 35 points to avoid the initial major cooldown ~ 10 hours to make one Azureweave Bolt to practically no cooldown. I have not received enough knowledge points to try to open up Chronoweave or another tree yet.
  • Engineering - Scrapper option for getting scraps is broken, it requires using DF Tink and DF explosives for a chance @ finding metal scraps to rummage through. These items require at least character level 58 to activate. I have not found another source for the scraps. Basically, I wasted points into Optimized Efficiency to unlock scrapper to test this and currently there is no-respec option for the profession trees. But the rest of the Efficiency tree seems to work. The Wyrmhole Generator: Dragon Isles on paper seems do-able and use able, but to make it less random, means putting 30/30 points into Mechanical Mind. Also with renown the Engineer can make portable Alchemy and engineering benches. Major Side Note: the Zapthrottle Soul Inhaler is craft able, but currently unusable as it requires level 61 to activate thus any items that requires "souls" is not readily viable on F2P.
  • Blacksmithing - limited to transmorgs for the most part. As well as costly as the need for Primal Flux @ 15 gold each @ multiples to craft the initial items is a pain. Similar to Engineering in some items that require one or more pricey for gold item, like 32 gold for 1x Smudged Lens
  • Leather Working - Like with Blacksmithing, has transmorgs but also some toys.
  • Alchemy - Mostly for regents that some of the other DF professions can use to craft with as the Warband sharable bank first tab makes this role easier. Also, for transmutes!
  • Jewelcrafting - Still working on this one to see if the multiple sockets to necklace is do able at F2P. Some of the items are use able by <=20 but the stat gems are mostly for leveling the profession, but the crafted rings, necklaces and professional tools can be disenchanted.
  • Inscription - A surprise as besides the original Dragonriding mount customizations as one of the key reasons for taking this, there are other items that can be used by other professions. Side Notes: Need to test the various Renown contracts as not all of them have a level 61 listed. But for example, Dream Wardens vendors is not in phase for <= level 20.
I need 30 more concentration on my lvl 20 alt do create the 3rd and last item to add a 3rd socket to my nec.

Attention!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: I got an epic upgrade on an nec => This cancels the option of adding any sockets.
I need 30 more concentration on my lvl 20 alt do create the 3rd and last item to add a 3rd socket to my nec.

Attention!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: I got an epic upgrade on an nec => This cancels the option of adding any sockets.
I was under the impression that DF rare items couldn't upgrade. Do you mean some other neck got the epic upgrade? The neck sockets can only be applied to DF necks
I was under the impression that DF rare items couldn't upgrade. Do you mean some other neck got the epic upgrade? The neck sockets can only be applied to DF necks
Some items in DF have a small chance to upgrade from Green or Blue to Blue or Purple, but not as farmable as if it's not via a Quest it just one of the rolls if one even gets an item besides common.
Some items in DF have a small chance to upgrade from Green or Blue to Blue or Purple, but not as farmable as if it's not via a Quest it just one of the rolls if one even gets an item besides common.
Which item did you proc epic? Can you post a screenshot?


  • Screenshot 2024-08-13 151722.png
    Screenshot 2024-08-13 151722.png
    943.6 KB · Views: 308
My reward from
got an epic upgrade and this cancels the option to add sockets, as you can see on the second attachmend, where i try to add a socket using qualitiy level 3.

And finally, a note on the macro part of this guide(6.3).

Open the Garrison table from anywhere.
/script ShowGarrisonLandingPage(2)

Maybe someone would like to use:
/script ShowGarrisonLandingPage(3) to farm Mark of Honor or the coind for pets.

While the 2 opens the window for Garrison, 3 opens the window for the Orderhall. Mayve 4,5 is for BFA and SL


  • epic_nec.png
    116.5 KB · Views: 209
  • epic_nec_dissabled.png
    120.4 KB · Views: 216
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Blizzard fixed taking gold out of the warbank and it vanishing if you are at the f2p/vet cap. It gives an error message now if you try to do so saying you are at the limit. The most you can take out at one time is 999g 99s 99c. If you need to hit 1k gold you can sell something to a vendor worth a copper to top it off.

So they fixed that and still left us access to warbanks. Looks like they are here to stay.
So question here, for soloing content as a survival hunter would it be better to grab a couple +2/+2 armor/stam gems or w/e for survivability? Im farming tbc head and shoulders rn for the extra sockets so they wouldn’t replace any of my current gems.Looking at dungeon soloing, you guys can take a look at my hunter
Quest reward neck can't add socket.
I wonder if its the same kind of issue that DF quest items and other drops can not be disenchanted by a <= level 20 character but the DF crafted items can be.

Like a hidden requirement or not working yet?

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