THE MOST ACURATE TWINK RATING LIST (US) by Blirz with help from twiggi

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Do people really need to be quoting entires lists just when they're making some sort of reply?
I stand by my choices. I will add Yoko and Tonks to my list on page 3.

Its interesting to note the correlation between flame and being low on my list. =]

Edit: Also adding dramatized.
I've played the only rogues that matter in the bracket, even beau has beat 90% of the good rogues in the bracket on a rogue, all these rogues are shit.

I've rvr'd the "best" rogues in the bracket and its pretty disappointing

rvr means anything in cata.... lol
I stand by my choices. I will add Yoko and Tonks to my list on page 3.

Its interesting to note the correlation between flame and being low on my list. =]

Edit: Also adding dramatized.
Also updated pixeology and wazed to my list.
Active people, and those who I otherwise chose to include, only. If I forgot to include you, oh well, don't want to hear about it. Included notes for clarification.

Rejen 9.2: He is sneaky at jumps and is smooth at them
Healzilla 8.9: I call him Godzilla - comes at you like a rabid dog
Zukum 8.8: Plays like a bitch sometimes but can be effective
Potatofarmer 8.8: Versatile FC and healer
Restosexual 8.4: AFKs less than me
Kreuzer 8.3: Has a neat title or something
Shift/Thrax 8.2: These guys blend with each other but make a good team and one has a huge hammer
Nudeplumber 8.0: No comment
Animal 7.8: Skill varies by spec

Pizza 9.5: Effective hunter and leader, very versatile
Erotk 9.3: Scariest hunter in midfield
Nvme 9.3: good guy
Ezeron 9.2: Rusty, and bteam quality by his own admission
Nettiebay 9.2: a young up and comer
Discover 9.0: lost when not carrying flag
Beau 9.0: experiencing a guild-related personal crisis, negatively affecting his gameplay
Agonist 8.8: Tunnels a bit sometimes
Restosexual 8.6: Once lost a duel to a warlock
Awesome/Aspectlol 8.5: more young up and comers
Cannabis 8.3: LSFTW /bg chat target caller

Lobstrosity 9.3: Huge burst and instant cs's
Confidentfoo 9.3: Similar to Lob
Shagaloon 9.2: Loses points for turban
Revolution 9.0: Overextends sometimes
Sliquelol 8.8: the new kid on the block
Mocha 8.8: good clicks
Gliiese 8.6: goes kamikaze often
Snowboots 8.6: rusty
Koncentrate 8.6: sheeps people about to die
Mnkeyqt 8.5: Dies a lot
Uraflamer 8.5: a mystery as of yet

Kancer 9.5: Best healer in the bracket
Dunceder 9.3: The quintessential ret - heals like a beast, big burst, good use of los and terrain
Tence 9.2: Carries pugs on his back regularly
Idiote 9.2: Relies a bit on name recognition
Silin 9.1: Gets put through the grinder solo healing daily
Paladinlol 9.0: Underrated
Hithere 9.0: Paladinlol's underrated horde counterpart
Symphonies 9.0: Judgment gets clouded by emotions too easily
Koncentrate 8.7: Underrated FC
Ore 8.6: Yet to unleash his ultimate midfield strat
Eliot 8.6: Thinks prot is viable
Minitonka 8.5: Has the heart of a champion

Sodawater 9.3: Beast of a priest
Twiggi 9.3: Has improved by leaps and bounds since the Mayhem days
Melseadys 9.2: Mana efficient and gets huge healing totals
Endlessfate 9.1: Great at solo healing midfield
Wtbdispel 9.1: Still fumes at exclusion from #1 priest poll
Dontdodrugs 9.0: Effective when not under the influence
Fortt 8.8: Getting kinda rusty
Kunzpopper 8.8: All-around solid priest
Livingforce 8.8: Highly regarded in wargames
Shiromajyo 8.7: Too objective sometimes
Dcm 8.6: Dragged down by having been in WPA
Laurasia 8.4: Gets in bad positions sometimes
Rejen 8.2: Needs to work at priesting

Rural 9.5: Pulls off unparalleled moves
Curley 9.3: Great wsg instincts, brought down a bit by awful internet connection
Ko 9.3: Effective with lightspeed scrolls
Saxxon 9.2: What more needs to be said?
Slyddur 9.1: Questionable whether he still has a passion for WoW
Sneaky 9.0: Crafty player, always tries hard
Mass 8.9: Slightly lost in wsg
Mocha 8.9: Solid all-around rogue, likes to return and cap flags
Furi 8.8: Basically Sneaky Jr, likes to screw his teams over in gy by standing in exploit spot with flag
Air 8.8: Young up and comer, has good clicks
Abigail 8.8: Good wsg senses, underrated
Beastly 8.7: Good wsg instincts, goes hard on forums, score brought down by lack of activity
Triplexrated 8.6: lol 16 rogues
Rithonuwy 8.5: Imperfect stam set
Apnea 8.3: Spams emotes on people
Tapout 8.2: Too gullible

Dasfizzla 9.3: Has mastered resto shaman FCing, very solid at other specs too
Purj 9.1: Similar skillset to Das, less versatile tho
Confident 9.1: A rising star in the shaman class
Shamrock 8.9: Solid resto shaman healer, once outhealed Twiggi in an intense game
Cannabis 8.8: Hasn't played much lately
Jezzy 8.7: Has sneaky punts
Rvrstar 8.6: Gets too reckless as enh
Mnkey 8.5: Relies on goblin jump

Dorygoon 9.3: Cata warlock revolutionary
Bloish 9.2: Innovative lock, puts out good damage
Viable 9.0: Has a bit too much of a solo queuer mentality
Zealote 8.8: Solid player, has iffy positioning sometimes tho
Fidypcmctink 8.8: Apparently good in arena?
Daphane 8.6: Lacks killer instinct
Darthbadass 8.3: I am not sure where this guy came from
Sidni 7.8: Has a limited spellbook

Gearz 8.8: Crutches hard on consumables
Casino 8.8: Does okay
Ko 8.7: Barely plays
Dazzlerazzle 8.7: Barely plays
Sanit 8.5: Brown Jr with flag, but does ok without it
Achilles 8.4: Inconsistent
Brown 7.8: Has no sense of direction
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And twiggi, you're still the dustiest priest in the bracket. You have no right to make a list, like I said before sammich chick.
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