THE MOST ACURATE TWINK RATING LIST (US) by Blirz with help from twiggi

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you must have not read the post by the guy with the blue name.

Leave the moderating to the moderators qt. :)
These lists are awful and even if you overlook the popularity and bias aspects of them they're not realistic at all.

What is the point of having it out of ten when nearly everyone ever rated falls between eight and ten? Even then how can you have such a huge amount of people above a nine? Between a nine and a ten to me represents near perfect play a vast majority of the time which would leave me struggling to justify putting anyone in that range at all.

Frantix 9.6
Ko 9.8
Slyddur 9.9
Saxxon 9.1
Sneaky 8.5
Tapout 8.5
Curley 8.9
Mocha 8.3
Mass 8.9
Furi 8.8


Dasfizzla 9.9
Niini 9.5
Cannabis 9.9
Sloppyheals 8.5
RvrStar 8.5
Mnkey 8.6
Purj 9.4
Billowqt 8.5


WtbDispell 9.9
Kunzpopper 9.1
Dontdodrugs 9
Livingforce 8.9
Flashealz 8.6
Rejen 9.7
Measladys 9.5
Twiggie 9
Fortt 9.1
Sodawater 9


Minitonka 8
Kancer 9
Silin 7.9
Idiote 9.9
Koncentrate 8
Symphonies 8.7
Tence 9.5
Menizi 8.2
Paladinlol 8.2
Wapstur 9
Sylvatic 9.7
Judgejobrown 7.9
Hithere 8.9
Corey 8
Sledge 7.9
Ore 8.8


Dorygoon 9
Zealote 9
Nvp 9


Shagaloon 9.5
Lobstrosity 9.5
Camo 8.5
Confident 9.1
Syko 9.2
Snowboots 9
Hunnybuns 8.9


Dazzlerazzle 9.9
Casino 9.5
Ko 9.5
Browntown 7
Cinder 7.3
Battlebeats 7.3
Ghostfighter 9


Pizza 9.7
Nvme 10
Cannabis 9.3
Ezeron 9.9
Discover 9.3
Craycray 8.9
Agonist 9
Beau 9.5


Rejen 9.9
Darkchewie 9.5
the skillcap of 19s is so low that who gives a fuck lol- the only thing I can think of at 19s that is hard to do would be doing every terrain jump perfectly
Whether you have recognition or not, no matter what people say about you, or how others rate you

you as a player know where you stand.
I'd rather have my priest or mage rated over my hunter. People cling onto certain hunters too much so it is pointless to even have it up there. /shrug
Wow Twiggi.... Didnt even put me on there :(

Hope all is well in the bracket. Even if you dont see me in the gulch, im around here somewhere ;)
My new list with some changes. This reflects warsong play only. I have also seperated into class sections. In this way player skill across the board is easier to rate and match up. If anyone wishes to be added please send me a message. A lot of the scores were inflated so I gave out a lot less 9s and reduced most scores. As well the top end scores vary, for example there are not a wide variety of warriors that are near skill cap, but with paladins there are quite a few. Certain individuals who are well regarded by the community have been inactive and are rusty, in their score this is reflected.

There's obviously personal bias running rampant through your rankings lol. You ranked Agonist and Discover toward the middle and bottom of your hunter list, respectively? I would venture to say that they're the two best hunters in the bracket, above Nettiebay, Nvme and Ezeron. They change games they wind up in solo and turn the tide in the favor of the team they play for even when paired with a garbage team, and (most of the time) stick it out until the end. And that you would put me below Air, Abigail (though I love Abi), Unsullied, and Aktis is pretty silly. Sneaky along with Saxx should be near top of the list if not at the very top, and definitely above Curley. I agree with Ko's spot though. And there's no mention of me on mage? Or Lolpzlate? I'm pretty effective at mage and Lolpzlate is 10x more effective.
There's obviously personal bias running rampant through your rankings lol. You ranked Agonist and Discover toward the middle and bottom of your hunter list, respectively? I would venture to say that they're the two best hunters in the bracket, above Nettiebay, Nvme and Ezeron. They change games they wind up in solo and turn the tide in the favor of the team they play for even when paired with a garbage team, and (most of the time) stick it out until the end. And that you would put me below Air, Abigail (though I love Abi), Unsullied, and Aktis is pretty silly. Sneaky along with Saxx should be near top of the list if not at the very top, and definitely above Curley. I agree with Ko's spot though. And there's no mention of me on mage? Or Lolpzlate? I'm pretty effective at mage and Lolpzlate is 10x more effective.
you're taking this pretty seriously
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