THE MOST ACURATE TWINK RATING LIST (US) by Blirz with help from twiggi

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lol intresting. maybe one day ill be as good as you twiggi.....
I wasn't trying to be ignorant, I was just saying you don't play enough to get a strong rating.
Oh please elaborate more, unleash your supersainan power on why i'm the bane of your existence

I never said you were the bane of my exsistence, but the whole attitude that you're better than everyone, when you're really not, is annoying. I mean, should we look back at 4 days ago when you threw a pissy fit over YOUR loss against LSFTW? I thought so.
I never said you were the bane of my exsistence, but the whole attitude that you're better than everyone, when you're really not, is annoying. I mean, should we look back at 4 days ago when you threw a pissy fit over YOUR loss against LSFTW? I thought so.

So this on going grudge of yours started 4 days ago now that's hard to believe. Like i said retirement is healthy, now let's dig deeper of why you really really hate me

I never said you were the bane of my exsistence, but the whole attitude that you're better than everyone, when you're really not, is annoying. I mean, should we look back at 4 days ago when you threw a pissy fit over YOUR loss against LSFTW? I thought so.

Ore clearly gave his best performance on that day and has no regrets. I still don't get what the big stink is about. Let the man weep/mourn his loss.
So this on going grudge of yours started 4 days ago now that's hard to believe. Like i said retirement is healthy, now let's dig deeper of why you really really hate me


I've disliked you since the day I left BTB and come to realization that you have horrible leadership and that you should not lead a guild. It's not a secret. If you wanted to know, why didn't you just ask
I've disliked you since the day I left BTB and come to realization that you have horrible leadership and that you should not lead a guild. It's not a secret. If you wanted to know, why didn't you just ask

If your frustrated that polazin had a spot over you i'm simply sorry he just excelled far past you on a priest and well, your no maelstrom. But hawt dang that's a long time to hold a grudge for. Suggest therapy possibly
If your frustrated that polazin had a spot over you i'm simply sorry he just excelled far past you on a priest and well, your no maelstrom. But hawt dang that's a long time to hold a grudge for. Suggest therapy possibly

lol no? I never said I was good, and I have never cared for a premade. And that's not what you said when I was in your guild almost a year ago as a team
I resign to you o great twinklin you have shown me the way how to be so lost that your competitor must flee from this site. happy july 25th;)


lol u dont need me to be lost, you've already accomplished this on your own

pce n3rd
dp rivers gma since day 1
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Lolwtf? Its one thing to make ur wow toon a girl, but avatar not being a model, rather some fat 13 yr old latina is odd to say the least, sorry if u take this as a troll- it isnt

Im not a mean person just have nothIng to do this fine wensday night
Dag, this is really unnecessary, she's not fat.
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