THE MOST ACURATE TWINK RATING LIST (US) by Blirz with help from twiggi

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I totally just realized that they spelled it as "acurate" lol.
hahahaha okay here we go.

twiggi - cant agree with a good portion of your list
mocha - i just lol'd and fell in love with your avatar
dori - "effective when not under the influence" literally made me crack the fuck up. except the problem is i play wow under some sort of influence probably 80% of the time. a more accurate description would be "effective when not under alcoholic influence"

either way, interesting read! btw i forget what list i saw revo in the 7's but thats some bs. also hunnybuns deserves better recognition on his mage, as well as pzlate on his chars.


Thanks bro :p

Also..ko is maggot
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