<The Chosen Few> 19 PVP Guild recruiting, Vek'nilash US

Bump for Active people, we just got a bunch of new priests in the guild. Welcome Infestation and Pho.

Looking for all active classes msg us on relm or this forum

Happy twinking
Hey. Im making a 19 twink mage and I would probably like to join your guild once im 19 and geared. Do you accept mages? Also, how quick are queues for WSG and AB on your server and how many people are on at the same time,like average?
We would love to have your mage. Sorry for the low response due to my boss enjoying putting me through hell i work a ton lately.

I wouldn't know how many ppl have been on lately but when we run groups we usually have anywhere from 4-8.
unfortunate about that hell: / yah i x-ferred here recently on my pally and have liked it alot and we get some fun groups goin
oooh niini is in tcf now. nice
He has been cool with us since a lil after vanilla. Bump for active people wanting to group up. We are looking mainly for ppl that play not post here like reflex kinda players.
bump for great guild
Bump sorry for the absence was hacked and work has been taking 5-6 days a week of my time. As well as renovating my kitchen so things have been hectic. Basically were back and looking for mature members that wanna group up and rock some wsg. Message us on here or come to vek and chat with us were open to all classes and players currently, and have around 5-8 core people still playing. We do games nightly and can be chatted with in wsg to if you see anyone sporting our tag.

Happy Twinking and see you all in the gulch.

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