<The Chosen Few> 19 PVP Guild recruiting, Vek'nilash US


I'm currently planning on coming back to World Of Warcraft, I've been Inactive for a while. I'd be interested In joining you're guild, I've got a 19 Warrior, 19 Mage, and a 19 Rogue, all on Alliance and all reasonably Geared. Do you think you'd be Interested In recruiting me? :)
We would love to have you. A few things i want to point out is making sure you get all your ally gear before you do anything then consider coming to us. Send me some armory's of your toons bro and we can take a look at them and give you some tips on what direction you want to head in.

Welcome back to the bracket and looking forward to hearing from ya bra.
i got honored g rep so i got the helm, but would i need the bloodmoon cloak or should i keep spidersilk? after helm gets there i have ppl helping me agm soon then i can x-fer shortly after agm.

If you have more questions bro come to Vek and toss me and beast on real id friends list and we can help u with any gear decisions u might wanna make.

Cheers and talk to ya soon
Awesome said:
Im a BC-oriented twink, but I'm sure Beast and Incred would remember you

beast came back? whaaaaaat
Half a year ago.
Bump of the day looking for active adult twinks that are not into drama. Must play your class well and be fully geared. If your not fully geared let us know the situation and possibly we can work something out.

Thanks guys and gals, happy twinking.
bump for the day hit us up in game or PM me here LF some good people to pwn ally ;)

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