<The Chosen Few> 19 PVP Guild recruiting, Vek'nilash US

Ok i farmed up 6 essence of air... Should i sell on my server then xfer with gold or just keep on my toon and xfer and sell it there?
Any items worth money save to sell on the relm u transfer to and also cap out money that you are aloud to bring in my opinion.
You can only bring 300g with you if you are transferring a 19 :(

Looking forward to meeting you though

Come on guys, your horde needs you.

You want to team up against these alliance that are dominating battlegrounds? You want to provide a REAL competition for them, and have fun games that last longer than 7 minutes? Join us now, and help us rebuild our guild.
Definitely need to actually man up here guys and get some strong teams happening for competition. There are multiple ally guilds running strong groups at the same time thus making horde numbers look weak. Join us for groups daily and we are willing to fight back without afking in a challenge and are willing to get premades actually happening again. Not just chat about it like alot of other horde guilds.

Come to Vek chat with any of the gang about the guild. Post here for any questions or anything you would like to know, or personal msg us on twinkinfo vent.

Happy twinking lets bring the power back to the horde.
Todays Bump for active players. We had a 8 man group practicing last night was fun times, lets push this activity further and get these several days a week into premading fools again. We are still looking for a legit mage and lok that are active and they would be a asset to the team. Also like always Heals that are active is always great, we could use a resto druid in the mix do not have a active one currently but all healers are welcome.Were good on tanks and dps currently, but you are also welcome if you can play good and are geared for the job.

Thanks for your time Twinks and Happy Wsging
Bumping again, so much hate on our guild and we don't even know why =/

If you do know why, please PM me - do not post it here on the thread because it will result in locking, infractions, or a ban.

Looking for all classes, preferably DPS and heals. Set on FCs for now, but still welcome.

EDIT: Going to dinner with some friends, (OMG Awesome has a real life!?!?) sorry if I don't get back to your PMs until later tonight.
ever since i quit

Nyquil-cheap said:
You can only bring 300g with you if you are transferring a 19 :(

Looking forward to meeting you though

What? You can only transfer with 300g? ): I have like 10k gold on my level 19 what happens to the rest if I transfer?
oddfuturewolfgang said:
What? You can only transfer with 300g? ): I have like 10k gold on my level 19 what happens to the rest if I transfer?

Just buy a bunch of expensive high level mats and sell them on the auction house over here on vek, it's a really efficient way to xfer gold on a 19
ATM everything except fotm, as fotm twinks seem to be the most active ones in our guild =/

I would suggest mage / lock / shammy / druid, we're set on rogues hunters priests and paladins :p
Transfers are preferred, but if you are gonna reroll then you'd be expected to make a DK to farm heirlooms; we can provide some funding
Toss me or anyone a whisper in game and well get ya set up :)) Looking forward to twinkin with ya
Activity is looking up, Bump for active players that wanna group up and get better focusing on teamwork.

Happy twinking and hit us up On Vek or here with any questions or concerns no particular class needed currently but heals are always welcome and we could use a extra warlock kicking around.

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