<The Chosen Few> 19 PVP Guild recruiting, Vek'nilash US

Still looking for Mages,warlocks and a few bur-sty DPS. Contact anyone from the guild on Vek or leave a msg here and we can get back to you asap with any questions or answers u might want or need.

Happy twinking gang long live 19s
Id like to welcome our newest member Woxie to the guild. More heals the merrier but still need heals of all sorts, Loks and of course some mages !. Any geared twink is also welcome just saying what is needed to consider getting premades happening.

Happy twinking and hit us up on vek or here for any questions
Hæls << My shaman twinker lvl 7 atm but on his way to 19 will be there in no time i do have money for a transfer if needed. and im very active willing to use ventrillo or teamspeak and do pvp whereever and when ever im needed. thnx p.s ingame name is Hæls add me for a chat vek'nilash horde :D
I cant seem to add you in game says your alliance
No one on the corner has swagga like us.

Oh, forgot to tell you guys - I am working on grinding guild rep on my 85 on perenolde, so I will be away from Awesome for a little while
hey i would be very interested in joining and will probaly give you a message in game at some point but the problem is im eu and your us and the transfer but i will think about it a bit more tonight.. check my signiture and have a look if i could be any good to the guild :)
not sure if you got the last one so - hey i would be very interested in joining and will probaly give you a message in game at some point but the problem is im eu and your us and the transfer but i will think about it a bit more tonight.. check my signiture and have a look if i could be any good to the guild :)
You need some work, but not much, and we can help you with that :)

Although, if you are EU I don't think you can xfer to US without buying the US version of WoW. I may be wrong though, may want to open a new thread about that issue
Can my 19 rogue join up? ill xfer her off shes almost all BiS i need a heirloom helm/LFH and foremans with 15agi... Ill have to build up some money on her first before i xfer though..

Not going empty handed... Does 500g sound good for me to buy foremans and 15 agi chant? or should i bring more?
Ur rouge is more then welcome. But i would highly suggest bringing as much money as possible.

Also on that note, Please no more rouges post we have 1-2 rlly good rouges for premades. Basically were looking for cc and heals. There is one major competitor and they always que with 3 hunters 3 holy pallies and a very poor shammy that plays with them and hides behind the leather and plate wall.

Thanks for your time gang and happy twinking any more questions hit us up here or on Vek or Personal msg one of us on twink info's vent.
Incredabull/TkO said:
Ur rouge is more then welcome. But i would highly suggest bringing as much money as possible.

Also on that note, Please no more rouges post we have 1-2 rlly good rouges for premades. Basically were looking for cc and heals. There is one major competitor and they always que with 3 hunters 3 holy pallies and a very poor shammy that plays with them and hides behind the leather and plate wall.

Thanks for your time gang and happy twinking any more questions hit us up here or on Vek or Personal msg one of us on twink info's vent.

Ok so ill bring say... 1k? and if worse comes to worse ill roll a DK there lol

EDIT: heres my armory link http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/maiev/Sn%c3%b8%c3%b8k%c3%ac/simple I know i need a bit of tweaking (def my gloves) and a helm but besides that im pretty sure im BiS
Ya you need a few things here and there but all workable. Looking forward to working with you.

Bump for well played active players that wanna get horde activity back to normal. Please help the problem don't add to it.

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