<The Chosen Few> 19 PVP Guild recruiting, Vek'nilash US

Hey, both of our guilds played a good game there. Though your two members - Zegly and Rance - are known for their GY camping. We were proud of this win because it was the first time we had queued a 10 man with some of our new guys, and the teamwork was amazing.

On the three hunters: Nyq and Hairylip were offensive hunters, whereas I was a Defensive hunter. I didn't leave the base much, except when the base was raided by you guys and I was dead >.<

On the three healers: ßårney is a DPS protection paladin, I doubt he was casting any heals though seeing as to how he has 600 mana in that set. Tko is a Defensive healer, and only left the base to escort the FC. Starßucks is the offensive healer; if you saw our heals as OP then he must have been doing a great job. We saw it as a fair composition, but your opinion is your own.
Awesome said:
And yes my action bars are a joke.


NB4 Rants on action bars :p

Lol the only guild that posts screen shots bragging about mid farming and gy camping and when you get a taste of your own medicene cry about it.

Bumb for a active guild having fun gang.
Awesome said:
Hey, both of our guilds played a good game there. Though your two members - Zegly and Rance - are known for their GY camping. We were proud of this win because it was the first time we had queued a 10 man with some of our new guys, and the teamwork was amazing.

On the three hunters: Nyq and Hairylip were offensive hunters, whereas I was a Defensive hunter. I didn't leave the base much, except when the base was raided by you guys and I was dead >.<

On the three healers: ßårney is a DPS protection paladin, I doubt he was casting any heals though seeing as to how he has 600 mana in that set. Tko is a Defensive healer, and only left the base to escort the FC. Starßucks is the offensive healer; if you saw our heals as OP then he must have been doing a great job. We saw it as a fair composition, but your opinion is your own.

My point is that zegly and rance, despite an open invitation, are not members of my guild, nor will they even get in vent with us. It was effectively a 4 man with a spriest being one of that group vs. a 10 man running 3 hunters. Nevermind the 1k hp rogue who insisted on FCing or the 3 shamans (only one of which was even twinked) that pugged in. I don't fault you for running a 10 man of whatever comp, I fault TKO for calling it a 10 man vs 7 man.
Incredabull/TkO said:
Lol the only guild that posts screen shots bragging about mid farming and gy camping and when you get a taste of your own medicene cry about it.

Bumb for a active guild having fun gang.

Why do you morons insist on believing that rance and zegly are in revo? Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have them, but they do their own thing and their actions shouldn't reflect on revo simply because they happen to be on the same server.
Incredabull/TkO said:
Stay out of this thred Riv you are a weenie. Go hang out with Rance and Zeggly ....

Do you really want to start with the personal attacks? We can play it that way, korgath 2 man GY farms vek'nilash 7 man, more at 11.
Screen shot.? or a shred of evidence.?

I will see what i can do to get a group on tonight hopefully see you in the gulch instead of on here.
Incredabull/TkO said:
Screen shot.? or a shred of evidence.?

I will see what i can do to get a group on tonight hopefully see you in the gulch instead of on here.

Look forward to watching you try to skey your way out of GY :p
Awesome said:
However, I must lol at the weenie comment. LOL

Because when XP-off broke games I weenied out of the migration and stayed on my dead battle group.

Oh wait. . . .

Because when horde started dominating in cata to the point where there was almost 0 active alliance guilds I weenied ouy and stayed horde to collect free wins

Oh wait, that's not right either. . . .
Rivfader said:
Because when XP-off broke games I weenied out of the migration and stayed on my dead battle group.

Oh wait. . . .

Because when horde started dominating in cata to the point where there was almost 0 active alliance guilds I weenied ouy and stayed horde to collect free wins

Oh wait, that's not right either. . . .

No, I'm just saying: LOL he said weenie. Allow me that stroke of immaturity.
Have been preparing for a camping trip myself bro. that I am leaving for in a few days. So i will try to make it on for a few games later as well hope to see ya on.
Bump best twink guild.

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