The Chat Thread

Just have a couple quick questions regarding the 80-84 bracket in the US. Is it more active than 70-74? Would an 80 have a good time?

All permanent item enhancements provided by Enchanting, Engineering, Leatherworking, Tailoring, and various vendors and quests are now able to be applied to items of any level. The effects of these enchantments will be scaled down to the level of the player using the item.

Another nail in the twinking coffin. :O

And one more step to my ultimate scaling game where I can take my level 90 and possibly de-level it to do RFC with friends.
Another nail in the twinking coffin. :O
high five~

in next expansion, you can expect a typical enchant as "increase one of your basic stats by a%, always choose the one you benefit most. The percentage depends on where you enchant it; a=5 for wrist, cape and glove, a=10 for chest, leg and boots" that's indeed an efficient way to program.

btw, if LW wrist enchanting also scales, we can no longer get avoidance capped.. : (
and what about mastery echants? just not working for 79s and lower?
Mastery enchants will probably scale just like anything else, except they won't benefit anyone below level 80.

It's cool that we can use some other enchants (85 shoulder enchants come to mind, since they're better stats than the sons ones for some classes), But I really am stuck trying to understand where they're coming from here. They nerf the enchants, but let us keep gear 50+ ilevels ahead of where we should be? I'd be fine if we went back to 308s in a lot of slots, because as it stands it's the gear that causes the problems, not the enchants.
pretty dirty. but at least it doesnt disarm
Nvm, apparently Riposte looks at dodge/parry ratings rather than percentages which means our retarded str->parry scaling won't have any effect.

Edit: I gain 0 crit in DPS gear and 22.72% in Avoidance gear (that will be a bit higher after fixing gems/enchants).
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Holy Shield Level 90 6 sec cooldown
Requires Paladin (Protection)
Requires level 85
Protects the target with a shield of Holy Light for 30 sec. The shield absorbs up to [343 + 1.17 * holy spell power] damage every 6 sec.
so sad , bye lichking :( last patch for farm mount :/ (or maybe in fullavoid gear it would doable :D)
Hamstring is no longer on a global cooldown.

Shield Wall no longer requires a shield. If the Warrior does not have a shield equipped, it will show a visual of an equipped shield.

Spell Reflection no longer requires a shield. If the Warrior does not have a shield equipped, it will show a visual of an equipped shield.

I nearly started dancing around the fucking room. Looks like I'm a be playing my warrior again next season. :D
Hamstring is no longer on a global cooldown.

Shield Wall no longer requires a shield. If the Warrior does not have a shield equipped, it will show a visual of an equipped shield.

Spell Reflection no longer requires a shield. If the Warrior does not have a shield equipped, it will show a visual of an equipped shield.

I nearly started dancing around the fucking room. Looks like I'm a be playing my warrior again next season. :D

I'm so happy right now! :D
"Sacred Shield

Regarding Sacred Shield, we tried giving the talent as a baseline ability to Protection, but we’re unhappy with that experiment and are likely to revert the change. We agree that the current (old) version of Sacred Shield is more attractive to Holy than the (new) version. We also would likely have to nerf Protection to compensate for getting Holy Shield in addition to another talent. Overall, we think the current (old) version of Sacred Shield is a better design. Perhaps we can still make Sacred Shield more attractive for Holy and Retribution, and make the other two talents (Selfless Healer, Eternal Flame) more attractive to Protection."


Well this looks promising :)
Hamstring is no longer on a global cooldown.

Shield Wall no longer requires a shield. If the Warrior does not have a shield equipped, it will show a visual of an equipped shield.

Spell Reflection no longer requires a shield. If the Warrior does not have a shield equipped, it will show a visual of an equipped shield.

I nearly started dancing around the fucking room. Looks like I'm a be playing my warrior again next season. :D


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