Super Prot damage

what skills do you need to play a warrior then? you have no interrupt, no cc, no offensive/ defensive dispel. all you need to do is charge and hit stuff, with the odd focus charge on a healer. i'm seriously not trolling, am i missing something here?

Going to possibly make a warrior strategy guide considered the increased interest in this patch. Charging into attacks to me is a very unskilled tactic, vs ranged as well as melee (unless fighting another warrior). For healers you want to run up to them with a mount first and the first thing you should use is a shield slam for the high damage and also for the rage, then follow that up with a sunder, after this you want to run away and use your charge; by doing this you are starting the healer off at low health, with a sunder up, and in a stun while your next shield slam, which gives you a great opener and allows a lot of room for you to sunder to 3 stacks and possibly execute if you get a lucky crit. If you are going up against a hutner or any other ranged you dont want to charge to start because that is a MASSIVE waste of your charge. if you charge a hunter that opens the hunter up to a disengage, and then a kite feast, if it is a mage you wont even get the stun latitude because they will blink it. Vs rogue it depends entirely on the situation. If you are on a mount, do not dismount and try to thunderclap them out like most warriors do, stay mounted and try to find them, if they open up on you try and run away (while sapped be holding down a move key), if they did not get a crippling poison up on you then you are free to charge them, which is a HUGE advantage vs a rogue, because then you can go behind them to shield slam and bypass all that dodge. If they did apply the crippling dont open with a shield slam you need to open with thunderclap because rogue damage is alot even for a warrior, and if you can... wait a second or two before shield slamming to try and get behind the rogue, because dodging a shield slam is a massive disadvantage. Vs warrior it depends on the spec, but most warriors make the mistake of either sundering up to 3 stacks immediatly or not sundering at all. First thing that you want to do is charge if you can, then shield slam for some opening rage which is what a fight vs a warrior is all about, a rage contest, after your slam go thunder clap, followed by 1 sunder. dont sunder any more after that but save up rage until you hit about 80, at which point apply one more sunder and shield block, and that is a great way to start vs warrior. Vs palladin is the hardest fight for a warrior, you do not want to open up with a charge unless they are a holy paladin. Reason being that if they are prot they will most likely be casting avengers shield as their opener, and after charging you will be unable to cast thunderclap for a few seconds, reducing your burst damage and making the stun useless, you also in general want to save your charge for later in the fight, so you can interupt their heal. During the fight in general you want to try and get as much rage as possible, if you can LoS them then go for it to gain rage in defensive, because you want to not only have enough rage to get 3 sunders up, but to heroic strike them when they are getting low enough to allow you to get of a execute. (its a art and is very hard to master, but you want to hover around 60 rage if you can). in general heroic strike is worthless and situational unless you are fighting a hunter or a mage, in which case it is really the only thing you should spend rage on, you want to use it in moderation however (keeping enough for an execute when it is available) throughout the fight when you get rage.

ie there is plenty of skill involved in playing a warrior.
They do more damage i'll give you that; but I think they used to be a better class in general. When I last played them anyway, almost two years ago I think.
I really hate agreeing with artix but he's right.. Don't really see how anyone can say they aren't OP..

1.4k+ crits where half the bracket have 1.3k-1.6k is OP imo but maybe I'm missing something cause no mobility or cc I guess makes up for those one shots.

Edit: If you think rogues are OP then you should think wars are OP

Why hate agreeing with me?
Going to possibly make a warrior strategy guide considered the increased interest in this patch. Charging into attacks to me is a very unskilled tactic, vs ranged as well as melee (unless fighting another warrior). For healers you want to run up to them with a mount first and the first thing you should use is a shield slam for the high damage and also for the rage, then follow that up with a sunder, after this you want to run away and use your charge; by doing this you are starting the healer off at low health, with a sunder up, and in a stun while your next shield slam, which gives you a great opener and allows a lot of room for you to sunder to 3 stacks and possibly execute if you get a lucky crit. If you are going up against a hutner or any other ranged you dont want to charge to start because that is a MASSIVE waste of your charge. if you charge a hunter that opens the hunter up to a disengage, and then a kite feast, if it is a mage you wont even get the stun latitude because they will blink it. Vs rogue it depends entirely on the situation. If you are on a mount, do not dismount and try to thunderclap them out like most warriors do, stay mounted and try to find them, if they open up on you try and run away (while sapped be holding down a move key), if they did not get a crippling poison up on you then you are free to charge them, which is a HUGE advantage vs a rogue, because then you can go behind them to shield slam and bypass all that dodge. If they did apply the crippling dont open with a shield slam you need to open with thunderclap because rogue damage is alot even for a warrior, and if you can... wait a second or two before shield slamming to try and get behind the rogue, because dodging a shield slam is a massive disadvantage. Vs warrior it depends on the spec, but most warriors make the mistake of either sundering up to 3 stacks immediatly or not sundering at all. First thing that you want to do is charge if you can, then shield slam for some opening rage which is what a fight vs a warrior is all about, a rage contest, after your slam go thunder clap, followed by 1 sunder. dont sunder any more after that but save up rage until you hit about 80, at which point apply one more sunder and shield block, and that is a great way to start vs warrior. Vs palladin is the hardest fight for a warrior, you do not want to open up with a charge unless they are a holy paladin. Reason being that if they are prot they will most likely be casting avengers shield as their opener, and after charging you will be unable to cast thunderclap for a few seconds, reducing your burst damage and making the stun useless, you also in general want to save your charge for later in the fight, so you can interupt their heal. During the fight in general you want to try and get as much rage as possible, if you can LoS them then go for it to gain rage in defensive, because you want to not only have enough rage to get 3 sunders up, but to heroic strike them when they are getting low enough to allow you to get of a execute. (its a art and is very hard to master, but you want to hover around 60 rage if you can). in general heroic strike is worthless and situational unless you are fighting a hunter or a mage, in which case it is really the only thing you should spend rage on, you want to use it in moderation however (keeping enough for an execute when it is available) throughout the fight when you get rage.

ie there is plenty of skill involved in playing a warrior.

You actually want me to read that?
Oh cmon,lot of QQ around here.I've been playing my warr like almost 2 years,when every BG was like 7 hunters there.I know many warriors of by that time already played before me and I can say that skill was needed then and now.Warriors arent better after 5.2,there is only a small improvement.


Oneshotting stuff is not a "small improvement" but flat out broken. Let's see 1v1 Prot Warrior-

Paladin- Prot warriors kill hpals unless the Hpal is extremely good. Prot warriors kill Ret paladins with ease and Prot Paladins if they don't use a CD

Mage- No Brainer here. Shield slam kills mage instantly if it crits. Warrior kills the mage before the mage kills the warrior.

Shaman- Resto might stand a chance but if the Warrior Crits and Charge stuns, it's over.

Hunters- A good BM hunter might beat a Prot warrior assuming the warrior doesn't use LOS.

Warlocks- No brainer here

Priests- Warrior kills the priest with charge stun + SS+ execute

Monk- Warrior kills all 3 specs

Druids- If the druid is resto and amazingly good, he might stand a chance. If not the warrior can just SS, charge stun and finish the druid off with another SS

Rogue- Warrior beats the rogue. Evasion won't save the rogue forever

QQ against prot warriors is justified. They are OP.
Different bracket, but in 39s tonight Prots were SS'ing people regularly for 4k, even saw one as high as 5.4k (with berserking buff).

Most people are only running around with 3.5k-4k health unbuffed.
prot this level....

its either you guys dont know how to play or i am a

if they had some kind of armor bypass at this level they would be op
just to contradict what you just said

prot paladins and holy shit on warriors

avengers ignores armor,(holy damage), denounce auto makes them unable to crit....thats what makes holy paladins so dangerous, you can "tag" ,say hunters or other classes and they simply cannot crit.Stack all the crit you want, but you got that 5 second debuff. Then ,both have about as much armor, and at this level you dont have any armor-bypassing capablilities

rogue- not sure if you are new but no rogue is gonna allow you to charge them once they ambush you got to deny warr his charge(reason they put heroic leap rogues could kite warrs with 70% slow), and now with deadly poison you are getting 150~ticks, no brainer just wear him down

hunter if you cant kill him in 20 seconds(charge cd) then you got a say re-roll,or you are a cata huntard and you have not achived that necesarry skill floor.Arcane/concussive is now a FORTY yd range vs 35 and 30yrds it was before.Not to mention no deadzone one can stay at 6-7 yrds and it will spam the warrior "target is too close" for charge, yet "too far away" for a basic melee/shield slam

druid-lolshift out of slow, 1 rejuv takes care of any dmg recieved

You guys are posting if like you played against a high level warr were he has all his cds up...yea he is somewhat lethal,at this level there is no threat. trial Druids crit upward to 1000 starsurges

tldr shield slam is a SIX SECOND cd, in 6 seconds many things can happen
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prot this level....

its either you guys dont know how to play or i am a

if they had some kind of armor bypass at this level they would be op
just to contradict what you just said

prot paladins and holy shit on warriors

avengers ignores armor,(holy damage), denounce auto makes them unable to crit....thats what makes holy paladins so dangerous, you can "tag" ,say hunters or other classes and they simply cannot crit.Stack all the crit you want, but you got that 5 second debuff. Then ,both have about as much armor, and at this level you dont have any armor-bypassing capablilities

rogue- not sure if you are new but no rogue is gonna allow you to charge them once they ambush you got to deny warr his charge(reason they put heroic leap rogues could kite warrs with 70% slow), and now with deadly poison you are getting 150~ticks, no brainer just wear him down

hunter if you cant kill him in 20 seconds(charge cd) then you got a say re-roll,or you are a cata huntard and you have not achived that necesarry skill floor.Arcane/concussive is now a FORTY yd range vs 35 and 30yrds it was before.Not to mention no deadzone one can stay at 6-7 yrds and it will spam the warrior "target is too close" for charge, yet "too far away" for a basic melee/shield slam

druid-lolshift out of slow, 1 rejuv takes care of any dmg recieved

You guys are posting if like you played against a high level warr were he has all his cds up...yea he is somewhat lethal,at this level there is no threat. trial Druids crit upward to 1000 starsurges

tldr shield slam is a SIX SECOND cd, in 6 seconds many things can happen

And avenger shield has a 15 second CD. Why is it OP by your logic?

Prot warriors do crazy damage and you are making it like every warrior has Warbringer.

1. Prot Paladins cannot beat warriors easily without using a CD. The Prot Pally will go oom eventually and considering the damage reduced by defensive stance, the warrior won't die so easily.

2. Rogues do not do much damage to Prot warriors while prot warriors just need a few hits on the rogue. You make it sound like kiting a warrior as a rogue is easy. Poisons only do a little bit of damage and to reaply, you have to melee the warrior. The warrior can just SS and you're dead.

3. While BM can kite the warrior easily, if the warrior uses LOS, he can easily get back charge CD and nuke the hunter. For mages.....seriously take one SS crit and you're dead. Kiting 5 yards is a huge risk and not everyone can manage it. A good warrior will start a fight with mount, counter blink with charge and trinket nova.

4. You're exaggerating. Rejuv doesn't heal THAT much and all warriors can SS the druid, charge, ss again and execute. The warrior can easily LOS the druid and get those SS in.

5. Trial druids need to go all defensive against a warrior or it's game over.

Prot warrior damage is broken. Trial Prot wars hitting 2k with zerk is just wrong no matter how bad their mobility is.
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I have a simple question for ANYONE trying to say they aren't OP.. I think anyone who has been in this bracket for 2+ months knows its mainly fotm based and all the new OP classes. So why am I all of a sudden seeing 2-3 wars on avg in EVERY single bg?

I saw a bg with 6 before and 5 a couple times as well as 4 more then a few times. So if prot wars aren't OP why is everyone rerolling them all of a sudden or why is everyone hopping on their alt war? Same thing that's happened with Spriests in MoP, went from a REALLY underplayed class in cata to seeing 1-2 every bg. People play the fotm OP class and people are starting to play more and more wars but why if they aren't OP?
I have a simple question for ANYONE trying to say they aren't OP.. I think anyone who has been in this bracket for 2+ months knows its mainly fotm based and all the new OP classes. So why am I all of a sudden seeing 2-3 wars on avg in EVERY single bg?

I saw a bg with 6 before and 5 a couple times as well as 4 more then a few times. So if prot wars aren't OP why is everyone rerolling them all of a sudden or why is everyone hopping on their alt war? Same thing that's happened with Spriests in MoP, went from a REALLY underplayed class in cata to seeing 1-2 every bg. People play the fotm OP class and people are starting to play more and more wars but why if they aren't OP?

The fact that many more people are playing warriors only means that people read the patch notes. Let me ask you: Who is still topping the damage and HK charts at the end of the BG? It's not warriors.

The theorycrafting in this thread has become absolutely absurd, especially that long post by Holypowah. You can come up with whatever theoretical scenarios you want, but you're just creating scenarios that fit and support your already-decided-upon conclusion. Go read the link I posted before about confirmation bias.

I don't feel the need to lean on my history and credentials as a warrior in this bracket. I'm playing prot right now, and I have not one-shot a single person. In fact I haven't been able to SS-Execute 2-global anyone either. There are these things called "armor" and "time on target", maybe your wild speculations should include them.

I don't get it... you guys go on and on about how OP warriors are, and people read that and decide to go roll warriors , so then you point to the fact that there are a lot of warriors to bolster the claim that they are OP? Am I the only one well-versed enough in logical fallacies to see through that?

Nothing is more ironic than the fact that a paladin, of all people, should be the one barking the loudest about how OP warriors have become. And a hunter is second in line. Do either of you even play a warrior in this bracket? Have you tried to global anyone on a warrior?

Sorry, I'm letting this constant stream of nonsense disturb my usual calm demeanor. None of this really matters, of course, because Blizzard doesn't listen to you. But mark my words: the more you go on about how OP warriors are--which they aren't--the more people are going to read it and roll one, thus increasing the number of warriors in BG and DEPRIVING YOU of much more useful classes to group with, such as, oh I don't know, paladins who can heal and hunters who can CC at range.

Think about that.
Yesterday i played one game with my prot.

I have no heirlooms, no enchants, no consumables, no zerker

I one-shotted a resto druid fc with a 1,5k shieldslam crit. He had no debuff.

Even when he would have survived this with low hp he would have been executed after with me having 40 rage (20 charge/20 ss).

It's funny for a moment but also boring in longterms. It would be more fun as sad before to have more utility and not instagib abilities.

So, prot is definitely broken at the moment.

And the increase of warriors in bg's is just a normal human being logic.

These are:

A) Former warriors who just enjoy that they are playable again and the "op" status is just a kind of compensation for the "not viable" past

B) All the bg kiddies where someone states that "XY class is so op" and just reroll after school.

When my beloved Enhance is op in the next patch i will definitely be happy for the first moment. But to be honest, isnt it way
to boring when there is no challenge to get your kb's!?

Mage- No Brainer here. Shield slam kills mage instantly if it crits. Warrior kills the mage before the mage kills the warrior
Blink the Warbringer Stun? Only way to kill a Mage would be if you're using Double Time. Warbringer doesn't have the slightest chance against a semi-decent Mage.
Alright to those who did not play before cata or wrath before this retarded spell got reworked and became a baseline tank ability
The spell Avenger's Shield - Spell - World of Warcraft was the LAST talent in the protection tree at that time.Level 60. You had to also place your points into correct talents for it to be unlocked,so you didnt just effin earn it AT LEVEL 10. It also did not WTF SILENCE JUMP 3 TARGETS it just dazed them for a short amount of time.Now, do you know what Holy damage is?It completely ignores armor, (i dont think holy resistances are ingame),meaning your spell will strike for 100% of damage.Always.It also strikes THREE targets, and you got your little holy wrath now. Warrs dont have anything to even rage dump with hs nerf at this level

They would be OP if shield slam was reverted to its original stats(2 second stun/magic dispel)
now why are we seeing more warrs?

Because its somewhat PLAYABLE

this pre-patch, slam used to cost 30 rage. So, you could charge, slam....(prot was unplayable before 5.2)..and thats it. You were one of the weakest classes (800 armor), a 24 warrior could be practically taken out by any class in this bracket even with full enchants

It just means people are coming back from cata
But let me bold this for you
No one is re-rolling $hit, they are just coming back because they are somehat viable and not want to pollute the bracket with cyclops agil dps(that goes to you ally druids hunters and rogues) and bubbling half-retarded protection paladins....

to all the protection this bracket.When i realized what AS was at this low level and so buffed i actually rerolled mine to protection from holy.....20 second less hoj cd/6% increased healing was nice with intellect and stam stack in cata
Prot healer in cata had a very high skill cap, you could be an offensive healer(a strong opener,but i saved it for interrupts).THe only problem was a 20 second cd on glory and knowing when to predict and start flashoflightlol since you had no instants

Now its gutted down were every retard is playing one
oh and my warr dates back last year, so pretty sure its not a "re-roll"
Nothing is more ironic than the fact that a paladin, of all people, should be the one barking the loudest about how OP warriors have become. And a hunter is second in line. Do either of you even play a warrior in this bracket? Have you tried to global anyone on a warrior?

I don't really consider them that OP to hunts and I'm not saying they are the most OP class at all. I don't have a war and I haven't tried making one but these screenshots and these people saying how they are globaling people or one shotting people as well as some experience in pvp is what I'm basing my opinion on.

None the less I'm done cause I'm not trying to argue just get my point across and I guess I am the only one who thinks that 1.5k+ crits is OP..
Maybe,stop belittling and name calling hunters and paladins because it seems to you that your class can be played only by geniuses?!Bash them in bg chat,but on TI stfu plz

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