Super Prot damage

why am i seeing a paladin cry about warriors and healers? you are both evils rolled into one, noob friendly class. at least cata hunters / mop warriors are killable.
Wow. The Saint defending the hunter class. Is there a full moon out?

Also using one of the convenient arguments we all use that you didn't exactly like.
Wow. The Saint defending the hunter class. Is there a full moon out?

Also using one of the convenient arguments we all use that you didn't exactly like.

i love hunters, i play 5 across different brackets including 90. still dont change my mind that most cata hunters was FotM re-rolls.
He is a lv20 p2p with p2p enchants and professions. Uses p2p looms. Like headgear.

but. in fairness i could play naked and and play you. infact i'm willing to try that tbh :)
I'm not even feeling the 40% baseline resilience anymore. The game is feeling like Cata again, except half the classes are capable of Hunter-level damage,
I'd actually like that even more. Then I wouldn't feel like a cheat if we managed to win.

you won't have that problem anymore. i went horde, alliance as to many angry kids who'd rather /cry in /bg than play. if we can just get rid of samcraft horde would be heaven.
Overpowered healing is the only thing keeping level 24 DPS classes from completely dominating this bracket.
The thing about warriors are that honestly probably 80% of the warriors you see are somewhat skilled or close to BiS after having to deal with being such a gimped class for so long they made themselves as good as possible. I would say that warriors are the most % skilled class in this bracket so these buffs are HUGE for those good people but in the 20% that aren't skilled or that are rerolls warriors are still a joke.

Honestly besides hunts I thought wars were perfectly fine in 5.1 but now they are probably one of the most OP classes in a skilled players hands

^ this. I wouldnt call the warriors OP but I would call the players that have been playing for a while in the f2p bracket almost 'tempered to an advantage' (will explain). Most other classes have either good mobility/ damage/ healing to stay alive for a while and not have to worry about every little thing they do OTHER THAN WARRIORS. So when they get even a semi uneventful buff like this they can use it to their advantage to be op; as opposed to say a class like paladin where you can close your eyes and press 123 and have a decent chance of winning (not to say there are skilled paladin players out there... but less be honest... most are not.) I may post a guide to playing a f2p warrior since I have been playing mine for a while and would consider myself pretty decent with my warrior and I see alot of new warriors playing with 5.2's release.

On another note... here are a few new screenshots of crazy prot Shield Slam damage.

Both of these are with only my damage set equipped and the berserker buff.
Both are for just under 1.9k

View attachment 1609

View attachment 1610

Pretty crazy one shotting on a warrior, but all in all warriors arent much to complain about. Even with the recent buffs you dont see many warriors in bg's in omparison to pallys druids or hunters/rogues.

View attachment 1611


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Many classes have the ability to kill certain other classes without being in any danger from their target, if they play right and know what they are doing. Ranged classes with good mobility and/or CC can still choose their targets. Warriors on the other hand have virtually no mobility or CC, and must be within 5yds of their target to even touch them. This, combined with the fact that several other classes' CC abilities have a greater range than charge, mean that for all intents and purposes, all a warrior reliably has in combat is his/her damage.

A 25% increase in damage to, mind you, the non-DPS spec for warriors, does not make them OP. It simply makes them viable.
It might not make them op in this bracket (I haven't played this bracket since the change so I can't say here) but in just about every leveling bracket shield slam would one shot if it crit before the change, and based off of the op it does here too. If a class can one shot and has a spell to guarantee at least enough time on target to one shot I wouldn't say that having bad mobility can be used an excuse for not being overpowered, like in the case of cata rets.
So what's the rotation? Charge-ss-execute? If the victim escapes, charge again-ss-execute?Where is the skill that all the people are talking about?

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