Super Prot damage

So what's the rotation? Charge-ss-execute? If the victim escapes, charge again-ss-execute?Where is the skill that all the people are talking about?

uh well, 3 spells compared to dudu rejuv spam?
i guess that does qualify for #skillz
So what's the rotation? Charge-ss-execute? If the victim escapes, charge again-ss-execute?Where is the skill that all the people are talking about?

you dont need to be good (playing a computer game isn't skill) to play a warrior, the class as no cc or interrupt. people confuse gimped with ​skill...
I really hate agreeing with artix but he's right.. Don't really see how anyone can say they aren't OP..

1.4k+ crits where half the bracket have 1.3k-1.6k is OP imo but maybe I'm missing something cause no mobility or cc I guess makes up for those one shots.

Edit: If you think rogues are OP then you should think wars are OP
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Ironically how this game went from Hunters farming graveyards to Prots doing it now. But atleast they can't shoot you through stumps and brag about it on TI.
i think most of you (not playing warriors) are only remembering when SS actually does crit. It's not a guaranteed crit by any means. My warrior in its crit set (still need to replace bravo company with DPR) only has 11% crit.

Think about this for a second: The sole purpose of a warrior is TO DO DAMAGE. We have little to no cc, bursts of mobility that are easily counterable, and no reliable self heals except when we kill something. It's not surprising they are doing massive dmg. At least blizz is consistent. Ret is less dps than prot (and holy has even better single target dps than prot), so why not make arms second in damage to it's own class's tank spec. (<==that was sarcasm, fix fury plox)

Prot is OP if it has consistent heals. So is just about everything else, prot just has more armor/mitigation.
i think most of you (not playing warriors) are only remembering when SS actually does crit. It's not a guaranteed crit by any means. My warrior in its crit set (still need to replace bravo company with DPR) only has 11% crit.

Think about this for a second: The sole purpose of a warrior is TO DO DAMAGE. We have little to no cc, bursts of mobility that are easily counterable, and no reliable self heals except when we kill something. It's not surprising they are doing massive dmg. At least blizz is consistent. Ret is less dps than prot (and holy has even better single target dps than prot), so why not make arms second in damage to it's own class's tank spec. (<==that was sarcasm, fix fury plox)

Prot is OP if it has consistent heals. So is just about everything else, prot just has more armor/mitigation.

i got hit for 769 non crit today so it is by no means not op even with low crit %.
Oh cmon,lot of QQ around here.I've been playing my warr like almost 2 years,when every BG was like 7 hunters there.I know many warriors of by that time already played before me and I can say that skill was needed then and now.Warriors arent better after 5.2,there is only a small improvement.

Oh cmon,lot of QQ around here.I've been playing my warr like almost 2 years,when every BG was like 7 hunters there.I know many warriors of by that time already played before me and I can say that skill was needed then and now.Warriors arent better after 5.2,there is only a small improvement.

Oh cmon,lot of QQ around here.I've been playing my warr like almost 2 years,when every BG was like 7 hunters there.I know many warriors of by that time already played before me and I can say that skill was needed then and now.Warriors arent better after 5.2,there is only a small improvement.


Yea, all in all this is just a thread about new warrior tricks for people who roll warriors (like you!) who want to try it out; it was not meant to be a QQ about warriors thread... which is what it seems to have turned out to be :(.
Yea, all in all this is just a thread about new warrior tricks for people who roll warriors (like you!) who want to try it out; it was not meant to be a QQ about warriors thread... which is what it seems to have turned out to be :(.

Yep, I stopped posting in here because I have an allergy to confirmation bias, and this thread is loaded with it now.

Yea, all in all this is just a thread about new warrior tricks for people who roll warriors (like you!) who want to try it out; it was not meant to be a QQ about warriors thread... which is what it seems to have turned out to be :(.
i just answered to some ppl whos QQ,the thread its actually interesting :)
Oh cmon,lot of QQ around here.I've been playing my warr like almost 2 years,when every BG was like 7 hunters there.I know many warriors of by that time already played before me and I can say that skill was needed then and now.Warriors arent better after 5.2,there is only a small improvement.


what skills do you need to play a warrior then? you have no interrupt, no cc, no offensive/ defensive dispel. all you need to do is charge and hit stuff, with the odd focus charge on a healer. i'm seriously not trolling, am i missing something here?

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