Super Prot damage

Sorry bro, I decided to change to prot warrior when it was the underdog. I have screenshots of my 550 crit SS (So happy for dealing that dmg that it deserved a print). So now I don't see me rerolling till I get tired of my toon (and it always happen)
I win the argument then because I proved you wrong.
You win nothing,im just tired to speak with someone who likes flame.And with someone who wear pally crying about warriors.thats it,gl if you think you win something,you just prove youre a dumb :) bb.
Come on,prots have started to ocasionally 1 shot clothie casters,and occasionally 2 shot leather users, so what's the big deal about?stop being jelly,and join the dark force!
Have you tasted a SS crit this patch? Mobility? Heals? Who cares if you can just oneshot everything that walks or crawls.

Have you never tasted a Avengers shield crit, ambush crit, ect.

Crits are by nature, larger and less prevailent.

You can't build you're argument around something that might happen. The warrior might be good at the game, maybe not. It's the little things like timing a sap around a priest bubble dropping. A druid FC that uses bearform vrs one that doesn't. Not trinketing the first sap, not trinketing when you are in a group on D and the fight hasn't started. Yes the combat mechanics of WoW at lower level in PVP have gottend dumbed down due to mass ability removal from some classes, but the small choices can be far more important than how hard you can press your "S" key trying to back up faster.

Have you never tasted a Avengers shield crit, ambush crit, ect.

Crits are by nature, larger and less prevailent.

You can't build you're argument around something that might happen. The warrior might be good at the game, maybe not. It's the little things like timing a sap around a priest bubble dropping. A druid FC that uses bearform vrs one that doesn't. Not trinketing the first sap, not trinketing when you are in a group on D and the fight hasn't started. Yes the combat mechanics of WoW at lower level in PVP have gottend dumbed down due to mass ability removal from some classes, but the small choices can be far more important than how hard you can press your "S" key trying to back up faster.


Crits happen often. When a warrior crits you, you instantly die unlike ambush or avenger shield.
You win nothing,im just tired to speak with someone who likes flame.And with someone who wear pally crying about warriors.thats it,gl if you think you win something,you just prove youre a dumb :) bb.

You argued that warriors require skill and I rebutted. Changing topics won't help brah. Yes I have a prot pally but I also have a Prot warrior and I'm not afraid to admit I'm OP.
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Charge isn't an interrupt?
Everyone can get stun bombs with engineering.

Pallys don't use skill they just spam (damage or healing) and bubble when needed
Rogues don't use skill they just spam damage and kick when needed
Mages don't use skill they just spam damage and blink when needed
Warlocks don't use skill they just spam damage and fear when needed
Druids don't use skill they just hot, spam damage and travelform (or catform indoors) when needed
Shaman don't use skill they just spam damage and heal when needed
Priests don't use skill they just spam damage and bubble and heal when needed
Hunters don't use skill they just spam damage and disengage when needed


Charge isn't a lockout and it's harder to get off so teamates won't blame you. Warriors don't need to worry about CC or healing either. They just don't have much variety. Get over it. All warriors need is to be able to DPS and charge at the right time.
Crits happen often. When a warrior crits you, you instantly die unlike ambush or avenger shield.

I don't always support my opinion with non-factual data, but when I do, I do it at

Due to the level adjustments in PVP, crits are technically happening less. You can use anecdotal situations all you want but it's not data. You may have had a few unlucky run-ins but that is just the luck of the draw. Your argument makes dodge and parry godlike because a certain percentage of the time YOU COMPLETELY NEGATE DAMAGE ZOMG!

I don't always support my opinion with non-factual data, but when I do, I do it at

Due to the level adjustments in PVP, crits are technically happening less. You can use anecdotal situations all you want but it's not data. You may have had a few unlucky run-ins but that is just the luck of the draw. Your argument makes dodge and parry godlike because a certain percentage of the time YOU COMPLETELY NEGATE DAMAGE ZOMG!


By your logic Prot Paladins aren't OP because avenger shield hits for 300. Seriously man, being able to hit 1.5k without buffs is broken one way or the other.
Charge isn't a lockout and it's harder to get off so teamates won't blame you. Warriors don't need to worry about CC or healing either. They just don't have much variety.

So are you really just complaining that in the fast paced world(of warcraft) PVP you miss a CC and cause a loss and get blamed?

Rogue doesn't have a lockout unless you count sap, which is situational. Pally (you know the class you play) has a stun, a bubble, a heal to full, can spec into an instant decent heal, can spec into a silence. All that and you have mail. Last I checked SS is physical, so your armor can help there, just focus your gear for higher armor and stam. The heriloom hammer will have plenty of spellpower.

Going to possibly make a warrior strategy guide considered the increased interest in this patch. Charging into attacks to me is a very unskilled tactic, vs ranged as well as melee (unless fighting another warrior). For healers you want to run up to them with a mount first and the first thing you should use is a shield slam for the high damage and also for the rage, then follow that up with a sunder, after this you want to run away and use your charge; by doing this you are starting the healer off at low health, with a sunder up, and in a stun while your next shield slam, which gives you a great opener and allows a lot of room for you to sunder to 3 stacks and possibly execute if you get a lucky crit. If you are going up against a hutner or any other ranged you dont want to charge to start because that is a MASSIVE waste of your charge. if you charge a hunter that opens the hunter up to a disengage, and then a kite feast, if it is a mage you wont even get the stun latitude because they will blink it. Vs rogue it depends entirely on the situation. If you are on a mount, do not dismount and try to thunderclap them out like most warriors do, stay mounted and try to find them, if they open up on you try and run away (while sapped be holding down a move key), if they did not get a crippling poison up on you then you are free to charge them, which is a HUGE advantage vs a rogue, because then you can go behind them to shield slam and bypass all that dodge. If they did apply the crippling dont open with a shield slam you need to open with thunderclap because rogue damage is alot even for a warrior, and if you can... wait a second or two before shield slamming to try and get behind the rogue, because dodging a shield slam is a massive disadvantage. Vs warrior it depends on the spec, but most warriors make the mistake of either sundering up to 3 stacks immediatly or not sundering at all. First thing that you want to do is charge if you can, then shield slam for some opening rage which is what a fight vs a warrior is all about, a rage contest, after your slam go thunder clap, followed by 1 sunder. dont sunder any more after that but save up rage until you hit about 80, at which point apply one more sunder and shield block, and that is a great way to start vs warrior. Vs palladin is the hardest fight for a warrior, you do not want to open up with a charge unless they are a holy paladin. Reason being that if they are prot they will most likely be casting avengers shield as their opener, and after charging you will be unable to cast thunderclap for a few seconds, reducing your burst damage and making the stun useless, you also in general want to save your charge for later in the fight, so you can interupt their heal. During the fight in general you want to try and get as much rage as possible, if you can LoS them then go for it to gain rage in defensive, because you want to not only have enough rage to get 3 sunders up, but to heroic strike them when they are getting low enough to allow you to get of a execute. (its a art and is very hard to master, but you want to hover around 60 rage if you can). in general heroic strike is worthless and situational unless you are fighting a hunter or a mage, in which case it is really the only thing you should spend rage on, you want to use it in moderation however (keeping enough for an execute when it is available) throughout the fight when you get rage.

ie there is plenty of skill involved in playing a warrior.

all that text boils down to is you have to watch your rage and time charge. which is part and parcel of being a warrior.
one question for warriors. do you honestly think any class should have a 1 shot ability, at any level? be honest, no class should.
one question for warriors. do you honestly think any class should have a 1 shot ability, at any level? be honest, no class should.

As was pointed out by holypowah, that is all they have.

So they have to spec to be a one trick pony. Like old reconbomb pallys, like old agil stacked ambush rogues, like glass cannon mages/warlocks.

The beat goes on.

And from what I have heard, it's 1.6k on cloth with buffs that only last for the first few minutes of the fight if you're lucky. Or did I miss more reports of consistent 1.6k crits on cloth?

After the auto-level ajustment in BGs most classes should be over 1.6k health, otherwise they are sacrificing surviviablity to squeeze a few more drops of damage out. Just sayin' .

I agree with most of what you've said in this thread, but after seeing this last paragraph I felt the need to stand up for pallies everywhere (being a paladin myself). Yes, pallies wear plate, just as warriors. Yes, they throw their shields like Captain America. Yes, it deals as much damage as shield slam. However, its damage is split between 3 people, so in a 1v1, it deals 1/3 the damage of shield slam. Of course, it silences, so that's an added bonus. Moving on... 100% hitting? If you're hit capped... just like a warrior. Or any other class, for that matter (granted, spell hit is messy right now, but you get my point). Self healing? The smart ones. Don't underestimate the number of paladins that don't cast a single heal on themselves, let alone their teammates (denounce spammers, anyone?). Never running out of mana??? This one really confused me. Flash of Light cost 37.8% of your base mana. That means you can't even cast 3 in a row before going out of mana. I don't know why you think they never go out of mana, and it makes me question the validity of the rest of your argument. Mana management is a huge part of what separates a good prot pally from a bad prot pally, but even the best run out of mana if they're forced to cast multiple heals in a short period of time. And in case you think it's because of mana regen, prot pallies regain 2-5 mana every 5 seconds while in combat.

Just wanted to get my 2 cents in, and get a chance to defend pallies. Not saying they aren't OP. They have definitely been blessed by the f2p gods. I think at this point in time there are a plethora of "OP" classes in this bracket (pallies, warriors, druids, hunters, rogues, priests) - but I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing. If everyone is really strong, then everyone is balanced. And once the spell hit bug is fixed, I think mages and warlocks will be strong, too (not globaling people status, but still).

Please take a look at Guarded by the Light.

Last sentence, I paraphrase, "Grants 6% of your maximum mana every 2 sec.". Now, without enchants, you have 120 mana at level 20, doing basic math 6% of 120 is 1.2*6=7.2 mana every 2 seconds, together with your basic mana regen. The mana granted by GbtL is instant, it doesn't crawl up like normal mana regen (or, just as an example, energy does), it becomes instantly available after 2 seconds (like the 14 focus does for a hunter that cast Steady Shot). With you saying that a prot paladin's Flash of Light costs 37.8% of his base mana and takes 1.5 seconds to cast (without Haste) and getting 6% back every 2 seconds, I can say that you can easily cast 3 FoLs in a row without having mana issues (even moreso with the pushback suffered by melee hits). Then, don't forget that our beloved paladin's have the famous "OH SHIT!"-buttons, namely Divine Shield and Lay on Hands, as well as they have their favorite Hammer of Justice. IF they are EVER in a situation, where they JUST CAN'T withstand an offense dealing enough damage to diminish a geared prot paladin's 2k hp (don't forget GbtL grants 10% higher chance to block and reduces the chance to be critically struck by 6%) then he can easily just activate one of the above skills (HoJ being the weakest against a bigger assault than 1v1, then Lay on Hands, then Divine Shield) to get either 8 seconds of free casting, 6 seconds of less damage or an instant heal, that heals you for 100% of your maximum health. Also, don't forget we have an instant heal, Word of Glory, that, together with GbtL, is not on the global cooldown and healcrit my paladin for 700 once (of course with 3 charges of Holy Power).

And damage wise the paladin hardly lacks anything in comparison to a prot warrior.

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