Super Prot damage

Blink the Warbringer Stun? Only way to kill a Mage would be if you're using Double Time. Warbringer doesn't have the slightest chance against a semi-decent Mage.

Start a fight on mount and get on top of the mage at forcing them to either blink or nova. Trinket Nova and charge counter blink.
Start a fight on mount and get on top of the mage at forcing them to either blink or nova. Trinket Nova and charge counter blink.

Why would a Mage Nova, then Blink anyway?

For shits and giggles?
Maybe,stop belittling and name calling hunters and paladins because it seems to you that your class can be played only by geniuses?!Bash them in bg chat,but on TI stfu plz

its not, i never said it is. Its just people dont know and assuming is the gayest possible thing you can do in wow

but i will assume,like you.a 10 yearold can pick it up and play one and maybe even be good at it

what puzzles me is this cata trial hunter prodigy with over 100 ingame days of played time(my MAIN does not even have this much played) is unable to take down a warr who has no controlled slows/stuns with a BM cyclops huntard
which is i am contradicting myself this game is never 1v1

now why should i not bash them on forums so they realize the error of their ways?I did it before in bgs, i told the alliance team to try other classes like mages, but they just laughed and basically told me to fk off with thier agil dps and eyepatches
might as well all reroll druids /penance priests and hunters for even more bland-@ss bgs,because you know icanspamconcussivetoo as well as powerwrdshield and shiftoutofsnare.If no one plays up classes, then who will?Pretty soon it will be like cata with 6-7 hunters on alliance or 6-7 prot paladins

and lil 1.5k crits is pure BS, he had to be a lvl 24 and crusader active or outside buffs my max crit on cloth was 1.3k.Not to mention there arent many mail str crit items at this level, agil gear has alot better itemization for lowbies so he only has like 14% crit against your 27%

Not sure why did the topic deviate off into this so-called "op prot damage" all the guy was trying to explain is outside buffs
Alright to those who did not play before cata or wrath before this retarded spell got reworked and became a baseline tank ability
The spell Avenger's Shield - Spell - World of Warcraft was the LAST talent in the protection tree at that time.Level 60. You had to also place your points into correct talents for it to be unlocked,so you didnt just effin earn it AT LEVEL 10. It also did not WTF SILENCE JUMP 3 TARGETS it just dazed them for a short amount of time.Now, do you know what Holy damage is?It completely ignores armor, (i dont think holy resistances are ingame),meaning your spell will strike for 100% of damage.Always.It also strikes THREE targets, and you got your little holy wrath now. Warrs dont have anything to even rage dump with hs nerf at this level

They would be OP if shield slam was reverted to its original stats(2 second stun/magic dispel)
now why are we seeing more warrs?

Because its somewhat PLAYABLE

this pre-patch, slam used to cost 30 rage. So, you could charge, slam....(prot was unplayable before 5.2)..and thats it. You were one of the weakest classes (800 armor), a 24 warrior could be practically taken out by any class in this bracket even with full enchants

It just means people are coming back from cata
But let me bold this for you
No one is re-rolling $hit, they are just coming back because they are somehat viable and not want to pollute the bracket with cyclops agil dps(that goes to you ally druids hunters and rogues) and bubbling half-retarded protection paladins....

to all the protection this bracket.When i realized what AS was at this low level and so buffed i actually rerolled mine to protection from holy.....20 second less hoj cd/6% increased healing was nice with intellect and stam stack in cata
Prot healer in cata had a very high skill cap, you could be an offensive healer(a strong opener,but i saved it for interrupts).THe only problem was a 20 second cd on glory and knowing when to predict and start flashoflightlol since you had no instants

Now its gutted down were every retard is playing one
oh and my warr dates back last year, so pretty sure its not a "re-roll"

Woah bro, you seem mad.

1. Defensive stance negates ALL damage by 25% on a Prot Warrior including avenger shield.
2. Avenger shield and holy wrath are affected by the spell hit bug when melee isn't.
3. Avenger shield only silences the first target it hits and not all 3 targets.
4. SS > Avenger shield. Way shorter CD, twice the damage > silence.

Prot warriors will beat Prot paladins unless the Prot paladin uses LOS or Bubble. The warrior can just shield slam the Pally over and over again until the prot pally goes oom and trust me, holy wrath and avenger shield doesn't hit much on Prot warriors.
I don't really consider them that OP to hunts and I'm not saying they are the most OP class at all.

In that case, I would submit to you that your use of the term "OP" here is confusing and possibly misleading.

OP means overpowered--I know you know this--and if one class is "less overpowered" than another, then how are they overpowered at all? What do you call people who are not super-human, for example? You call them human. Overpowered would be if you are unkillable or run rampant through BGs, like Cata hunters or current paladins and druids. If you just have regular abilities, and perhaps one area where you specialize (damage for warriors, CC for hunters/mages, etc) then that's not OP, that's just having viability.

If you were to define "OP" as the number of fights that a certain class can win where the opponent class can't do a god-damn thing about it, then warriors would be near the bottom of the OP scale. We can't heal, we can't escape, we can't effectively slow, and every other class can do something--multiple somethings--to reduce our time-on-target to 0. Look at Holypowah's arguments, how they talk about the warrior riding on their mount up to an opponent to engage them. Unless you're running into a pack of opponents already engaged with someone else, that's just not going to happen. Warriors therefore require being in a support group to be effective... just as they have always been. Catch one out solo, and if you lose that fight then that's your fault. And requiring a support group in order to be worthwhile is the antithesis of "OP" if you ask me.

Although I can't say with any certainty at all what Holypowah's motivation is for his theorycrafting, I could certainly understand it if it were to try to distract and deflect the scrutiny that prot pallys should be getting for being genuinely OP. Plate-wearing shield-throwing 100%-hitting self-healing never-oom'ing classes should not throw proverbial stones.
its not, i never said it is. Its just people dont know and assuming is the gayest possible thing you can do in wow

but i will assume,like you.a 10 yearold can pick it up and play one and maybe even be good at it

what puzzles me is this cata trial hunter prodigy with over 100 ingame days of played time(my MAIN does not even have this much played) is unable to take down a warr who has no controlled slows/stuns with a BM cyclops huntard
which is i am contradicting myself this game is never 1v1

now why should i not bash them on forums so they realize the error of their ways?I did it before in bgs, i told the alliance team to try other classes like mages, but they just laughed and basically told me to fk off with thier agil dps and eyepatches
might as well all reroll druids /penance priests and hunters for even more bland-@ss bgs,because you know icanspamconcussivetoo as well as powerwrdshield and shiftoutofsnare.If no one plays up classes, then who will?Pretty soon it will be like cata with 6-7 hunters on alliance or 6-7 prot paladins

and lil 1.5k crits is pure BS, he had to be a lvl 24 and crusader active or outside buffs my max crit on cloth was 1.3k.Not to mention there arent many mail str crit items at this level, agil gear has alot better itemization for lowbies so he only has like 14% crit against your 27%

Not sure why did the topic deviate off into this so-called "op prot damage" all the guy was trying to explain is outside buffs

SS got buffed by 25%.
Although I can't say with any certainty at all what Holypowah's motivation is for his theorycrafting, I could certainly understand it if it were to try to distract and deflect the scrutiny that prot pallys should be getting for being genuinely OP. Plate-wearing shield-throwing 100%-hitting self-healing never-oom'ing classes should not throw proverbial stones.

I agree with most of what you've said in this thread, but after seeing this last paragraph I felt the need to stand up for pallies everywhere (being a paladin myself). Yes, pallies wear plate, just as warriors. Yes, they throw their shields like Captain America. Yes, it deals as much damage as shield slam. However, its damage is split between 3 people, so in a 1v1, it deals 1/3 the damage of shield slam. Of course, it silences, so that's an added bonus. Moving on... 100% hitting? If you're hit capped... just like a warrior. Or any other class, for that matter (granted, spell hit is messy right now, but you get my point). Self healing? The smart ones. Don't underestimate the number of paladins that don't cast a single heal on themselves, let alone their teammates (denounce spammers, anyone?). Never running out of mana??? This one really confused me. Flash of Light cost 37.8% of your base mana. That means you can't even cast 3 in a row before going out of mana. I don't know why you think they never go out of mana, and it makes me question the validity of the rest of your argument. Mana management is a huge part of what separates a good prot pally from a bad prot pally, but even the best run out of mana if they're forced to cast multiple heals in a short period of time. And in case you think it's because of mana regen, prot pallies regain 2-5 mana every 5 seconds while in combat.

Just wanted to get my 2 cents in, and get a chance to defend pallies. Not saying they aren't OP. They have definitely been blessed by the f2p gods. I think at this point in time there are a plethora of "OP" classes in this bracket (pallies, warriors, druids, hunters, rogues, priests) - but I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing. If everyone is really strong, then everyone is balanced. And once the spell hit bug is fixed, I think mages and warlocks will be strong, too (not globaling people status, but still).
Couple of points before I go to bed.

1) Holy damage ignores armor, as was said several times in this thread, hence the 100% I mentioned.

2) Your defense of your class wasn't necessary, unless you are trying to say prot paladins are not OP. The point of my argument was to say that a prot pally should not be pointing the finger at others and calling them OP. Additionally, when you say "many pallys don't even heal themselves"... perhaps, but they could. You're cherry-picking scenarios to support a point. See my link earlier about confirmation bias.

3) If you name 6 classes and claim that they are all OP, then "OP" loses its meaning, as I was saying to Lil. Recall the motivation of the villain in "The Incredibles": "If everyone is super, then no one is." I believe that this is the same point that you are making yourself: that everyone is balanced. If everyone is balanced, then they are not overpowered. Overpowered as a term only makes sense relative to your opponents. If they are "overpowered" too, then no one is overpowered. If the majority of classes are "overpowered" then what you're really saying is that a minority of classes are underpowered: a point upon which you and I seem to agree.
I keep seeing a really big cry in every post.
First of all,if you asking me what skill is needed on a warrior compared to other classes,you re clearly crying or trollin or you never had a warrior before MoP.
If you asking me why is skilled using just 3 abilities,the same question could be raised about other classes,cause my friend,we are lvl20 and same as warrior,the other classes have like what,3,4 or 5 abilities?.
Skill its not about how many things your class can do,is about what you can do with the few skills you have.We are "twinks"

Sorry about my english,its not my languaje.

Oh and,i only hate one kind of warriors,the re-rollers.

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Couple of points before I go to bed.

1) Holy damage ignores armor, as was said several times in this thread, hence the 100% I mentioned.

2) Your defense of your class wasn't necessary, unless you are trying to say prot paladins are not OP. The point of my argument was to say that a prot pally should not be pointing the finger at others and calling them OP. Additionally, when you say "many pallys don't even heal themselves"... perhaps, but they could. You're cherry-picking scenarios to support a point. See my link earlier about confirmation bias.

3) If you name 6 classes and claim that they are all OP, then "OP" loses its meaning, as I was saying to Lil. Recall the motivation of the villain in "The Incredibles": "If everyone is super, then no one is." I believe that this is the same point that you are making yourself: that everyone is balanced. If everyone is balanced, then they are not overpowered. Overpowered as a term only makes sense relative to your opponents. If they are "overpowered" too, then no one is overpowered. If the majority of classes are "overpowered" then what you're really saying is that a minority of classes are underpowered: a point upon which you and I seem to agree.

Holy damage ignores armor but doesn't ignore the flat out 25% defense from defensive stance.

Also just because I sometimes play my Prot paladin doesn't mean I can't point fingers at other classes.
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I keep seeing a really big cry in every post.
First of all,if you asking me what skill is needed on a warrior compared to other classes,you re clearly crying or trollin or you never had a warrior before MoP.
If you asking me why is skilled using just 3 abilities,the same question could be raised about other classes,cause my friend,we are lvl20 and same as warrior,the other classes have like what,3,4 or 5 abilities?.
Skill its not about how many things your class can do,is about what you can do with the few skills you have.We are "twinks"

Sorry about my english,its not my languaje.

Oh and,i only hate one kind of warriors,the re-rollers.


Warriors don't use much skill. All you need to do is spam damage and charge when needed. Other classes have interrupts, abilities to heal and CC when warriors don't. I don't get your definition of "skill"

The QQ is justified. It won't stop until the problem is solved.
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Start a fight on mount and get on top of the mage at forcing them to either blink or nova. Trinket Nova and charge counter blink.
They come at a Mage on a Mount? Just sheep them. Want to interrupt the sheep? Got to Charge and you'll blink. I don't think there is a way you can lose this.

And even if they would come at you on your mount, you'll just FN them on max range, you keep running, trinketting on a certain delay makes the distance even bigger. You'll never get there since the mage will just keep kiting with Fireblast and Blazing speed, giving enough distance to pull that sheep off and set up a kill. Again, no way you lose it. Even with Double Time it'll be pretty hard with Pet Freeze, Frost Nova, Blink, Blazing Speed and Frostbolt slow.
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Warriors don't use much skill. All you need to do is spam damage and charge when needed. Other classes have interrupts, abilities to heal and CC when warriors don't. I don't get your definition of "skill"

The QQ is justified. It won't stop until the problem is solved.

after reading this I'm done with this conversation,gL.
Good for warriors. I've tried to play one before but never liked it. I always preferred druid shape shifting over stance dancing.

Sounds like they are far from OP though. Being able to finally be part of the rock paper scissor contest means they are just now competitive. Before they were free hks for healing classes and well just about everyone unless there was a large skill deficit on the non-warrior side.

A few more of these un-intended buffs and all classes will be "OP"

Good for warriors. I've tried to play one before but never liked it. I always preferred druid shape shifting over stance dancing.

Sounds like they are far from OP though. Being able to finally be part of the rock paper scissor contest means they are just now competitive. Before they were free hks for healing classes and well just about everyone unless there was a large skill deficit on the non-warrior side.

A few more of these un-intended buffs and all classes will be "OP"


Have you tasted a SS crit this patch? Mobility? Heals? Who cares if you can just oneshot everything that walks or crawls.
Warriors don't use much skill. All you need to do is spam damage and charge when needed. Other classes have interrupts, abilities to heal and CC when warriors don't. I don't get your definition of "skill"

The QQ is justified. It won't stop until the problem is solved.

Charge isn't an interrupt?
Everyone can get stun bombs with engineering.

Pallys don't use skill they just spam (damage or healing) and bubble when needed
Rogues don't use skill they just spam damage and kick when needed
Mages don't use skill they just spam damage and blink when needed
Warlocks don't use skill they just spam damage and fear when needed
Druids don't use skill they just hot, spam damage and travelform (or catform indoors) when needed
Shaman don't use skill they just spam damage and heal when needed
Priests don't use skill they just spam damage and bubble and heal when needed
Hunters don't use skill they just spam damage and disengage when needed


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