Show your 24s.

Here's how I see it:

F2p comes out

People see the potential and decide on a dead bracket so they're not outgeared and they wont get shit on/weigh their team down

Other people say "hey, dead bracket isn't dead anymore and it's full of undergeared people. Let's make 24's and piss in everyone's wheaties!"

20s have a right to the bracket because they brought it to life, 24's are just riding the coattails of other people's work and shitting on them at the same time. F2p 19s and 24s are on the same level, they exist to troll BGs.
kayooh said:
i prefer my wheaties piss free tbh

Yet you are unsympathetic to the fact that most people share this sentiment.

Let's be honest here, why did all the 24s roll 24s? The same reason people rolled 64s, 74s, and 84s.
Rivfader said:
Let's be honest here, why did all the 24s roll 24s? The same reason people rolled 64s, 74s, and 84s.

I don't know about anyone else but I rolled 24 as a matter of honor.

A level 20 killed my father, prepare to die!

tbh i rolled my 24 cuz my guildies wanted me too and i already had a lvl 20 with sergeant and to give saxs guild some fun heh

and yeah im sorry im not sympathetic for all the 20twinks crying about the 24s 70% of the 20s in the bracket arent even twinks nor had any intention of twinking at 20 just to cheap to pay for the game the 20 twinks can leave for all i care id rather play aginst 24s but thatll never happen nor will the bracket ever die
2nd game playing as a Mucka Mad Boy so I gotta represent son!

I'm not saying it skill but dude... it was hilarious!
I don't think that anyone has deluded themselves into believing that playing a 24 is skillful. It would be nice though if people would admit that they are intentionally griefing the bracket. However, I think that I am expecting too much since that would be adult behaviour. Online most people would rather revert to being petty and spiteful.
Rivfader said:
I don't think that anyone has deluded themselves into believing that playing a 24 is skillful. It would be nice though if people would admit that they are intentionally griefing the bracket. However, I think that I am expecting too much since that would be adult behaviour. Online most people would rather revert to being petty and spiteful.

Oh, I know I am "griefing" the bracket. The thing is... I don't care because it's entertaining. There's nothing I or some of our other players need to prove so why not screw around for our last few months before SW:TOR's release?

if you want to watch feel free
Rivfader said:
Yet you are unsympathetic to the fact that most people share this sentiment.

Let's be honest here, why did all the 24s roll 24s? The same reason people rolled 64s, 74s, and 84s.

I rolled a 24 because Sax made his level 24 twink guild, and I had gotten pissed at the recent influx of bad players in the 15-19 bracket and wanted something to work on as a side project. So I decided to level an old level 10 twink of mine to 24, so myself and the others making alli 24's could group que against Mucka Mucka to try and get some competitive games going. Something that is rarely seen in the 15-19 bracket.
Rivfader said:
I don't think that anyone has deluded themselves into believing that playing a 24 is skillful. It would be nice though if people would admit that they are intentionally griefing the bracket. However, I think that I am expecting too much since that would be adult behaviour. Online most people would rather revert to being petty and spiteful.

seriously you havnt qued 19s much lately if you havnt seen the amoutn of f2p GARBAGE that turn there xp off its quite painful.
Rivfader said:
It would be nice though if people would admit that they are intentionally griefing the bracket. However, I think that I am expecting too much since that would be adult behaviour. Online most people would rather revert to being petty and spiteful.

LOL. People are rolling 24s because its fun, either be a part of the fun or be part of the chum·ming and QQ, not much else to say.

Man I hate level 20s come in our thread and try to troll us. :D


Sàxxon said:
seriously you havnt qued 19s much lately if you havnt seen the amoutn of f2p GARBAGE that turn there xp off its quite painful.

Ever since the cata prepatch 19s have been retarded and full of garbage, that's nothing new. The thing that makes 20 balanced is the f2p restrictions, burst is a lot lower and healers don't have infinite mana. Rolling a bunch of 24s just turns this into yet another garbage burstfest bracket.

@Bone, at least I respect your honesty.
Rivfader said:
Ever since the cata prepatch 19s have been retarded and full of garbage, that's nothing new. The thing that makes 20 balanced is the f2p restrictions, burst is a lot lower and healers don't have infinite mana. Rolling a bunch of 24s just turns this into yet another garbage burstfest bracket.

beleive it or not its gotten worse man
when Mucka's here it's like if Magic Johnson came down to the rec center and joined your pick up game.


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