Show your 24s.

Inkobah said:
If you want an non-existent bracket make a 24...but if you want a bracket that just might make it and you'll enjoy many WSG to come make a 20. Agree 100% with this guy after 2k hks in the bracket. 24s will ruin it for everyone. And I personally advocate that all 24s be KOS and 24s on your team be completely ignored.


waaaaaaahhhh. what a pussy response. How many level 15's do you see whining about purity in the 15-19 bracket? For

that matter, how many 15's do you see at all in the 15-19 xp-offs? Do you suggest that everyone roll 15's and ignore 19's, or that everyone roll 25's and ignore 29's? For an admin, that is a pretty damned dense response.

If nothing else, it will become a 24 bracket, much like the 19's,29's,39's. etc. There is nothing wrong with being at the highest level available in a bracket, If there were, than there would be no players and these various brackets we debate about daily would not exist at all.

Bottom Line: mods and admins know about as much as you do, if not less. Play what the f*ck you wanna play. It's your 15 bucks, have fun, play how you want, tell anyone else that wants to contradict your freedom that they can get the dick.

Edit: yes, I understand that this dialogue revolves around the f2p "bracket", but the majority of players that will be zoning into bg's in this bracket will be on paid accounts and yes, they will be 24's. Next.
Edit: NB4 I recieve another one of your ridiculous "infractions" for merely excercising my right of free speech and having an opinion that does not dovetail seamlessly with the staff's.
copymachine said:
waaaaaaahhhh. what a pussy response. How many level 15's do you see whining about purity in the 15-19 bracket? For

that matter, how many 15's do you see at all in the 15-19 xp-offs? Do you suggest that everyone roll 15's and ignore 19's, or that everyone roll 25's and ignore 29's? For an admin, that is a pretty damned dense response.

If nothing else, it will become a 24 bracket, much like the 19's,29's,39's. etc. There is nothing wrong with being at the highest level available in a bracket, If there were, than there would be no players and these various brackets we debate about daily would not exist at all.

Bottom Line: mods and admins know about as much as you do, if not less. Play what the f*ck you wanna play. It's your 15 bucks, have fun, play how you want, tell anyone else that wants to contradict your freedom that they can get the dick.

Edit: yes, I understand that this dialogue revolves around the f2p "bracket", but the majority of players that will be zoning into bg's in this bracket will be on paid accounts and yes, they will be 24's. Next.

It's apparent from your response that you've not read the whole discussion on the topic. So before you make yourself look more like an idiot go back and read everything instead of targeting blue letters. I may know less about the topic than others but you completely showed me up in ignorance. Also laughable that you compare 15s to 20s.

copymachine said:
Edit: NB4 I recieve another one of your ridiculous "infractions" for merely excercising my right of free speech and having an opinion that does not dovetail seamlessly with the staff's.

you should know by now that this isn't the US government. And certainly isn't a democracy. Next time think before you verbally vomit your "free speech" garbage. Thanks.

Inkobah said:
It's apparent from your response that you've not read the whole discussion on the topic. So before you make yourself look more like an idiot go back and read everything instead of targeting blue letters. I may know less about the topic than others but you completely showed me up in ignorance. Also laughable that you compare 15s to 20s.

you should know by now that this isn't the US government. And certainly isn't a democracy. Next time think before you verbally vomit your "free speech" garbage. Thanks.


funny when you sign up with this site you have to abide by the CoC which does limit Freedom of Speech (only to keep debates, problems from escalating). But imo 20s and 24s can co-exist 24s may not catch wind for example 64s and 74s people think they will Over power the 60s/70s but there are to few 64s, 74s to do that. But idk i could be wrong 24 is not so far away as 64, 74 etc.
Nohealsforju said:
funny when you sign up with this site you have to abide by the CoC which does limit Freedom of Speech (only to keep debates, problems from escalating). But imo 20s and 24s can co-exist 24s may not catch wind for example 64s and 74s people think they will Over power the 60s/70s but there are to few 64s, 74s to do that. But idk i could be wrong 24 is not so far away as 64, 74 etc.

The difference is that 24 twinks are p2p and 20 twinks are f2p. I think the game isn't worth paying for anymore after paying for 2 accs for about 4-5 years. You guys ruin the bracket and ruin the fun for us. Help the majority instead.
CollateralGaming said:
Damn, pretty hot for 1 game..








saxxon4uLOL - YouTube

one word i have to say ''hunter''. gtfo playing a op class get another one to see if you are ''so good''
i am just wondering. why lvl 24 dont make a 29 instead ?? i think it will be better for every bracket. i know the bracket is not popular but we can make it happen if you guys wants!
leegak said:
i am just wondering. why lvl 24 dont make a 29 instead ?? i think it will be better for every bracket. i know the bracket is not popular but we can make it happen if you guys wants!

20-24 is already active.

I play in it because I lvled a 19 warrior by mistake and can now play it with some of my old gear.
Hiidden said:
The difference is that 24 twinks are p2p and 20 twinks are f2p. I think the game isn't worth paying for anymore after paying for 2 accs for about 4-5 years. You guys ruin the bracket and ruin the fun for us. Help the majority instead.

Both F2P and P2P help with the pops in the bracket so right now we are co-dependent.
Hiidden said:
The difference is that 24 twinks are p2p and 20 twinks are f2p. I think the game isn't worth paying for anymore after paying for 2 accs for about 4-5 years. You guys ruin the bracket and ruin the fun for us. Help the majority instead.

LOL how could the game be "not worth paying for anymore" yet you're willing to put in the huge amount of work it takes to make a decent FTP twink? And you've already racked up 8k+ HKs on her. For a game that isn't worth paying for, you've sure spent a lot of time playing recently. Time is money, friend. If it isn't worth paying for, it isn't worth your time imo. Serious lack of consistency here.
dam straight if you dont pay you lose, if you pay you win. WHy would blizzard want to cater to a bunch of poor 12 year old kids who cant afford wow
Inkobah said:
It's apparent from your response that you've not read the whole discussion on the topic. So before you make yourself look more like an idiot go back and read everything instead of targeting blue letters. I may know less about the topic than others but you completely showed me up in ignorance. Also laughable that you compare 15s to 20s.

you should know by now that this isn't the US government. And certainly isn't a democracy. Next time think before you verbally vomit your "free speech" garbage. Thanks.


no offense ink but it is not really a good idea to give infraction points becuz people's views are different than yours. I hope you can see that by rolling horde 24s we are balancing the bracket(nothing wrong with a little gy farming to even things out)
ridingon24 said:
no offense ink but it is not really a good idea to give infraction points becuz people's views are different than yours. I hope you can see that by rolling horde 24s we are balancing the bracket(nothing wrong with a little gy farming to even things out)

Actually I didn't. And a quick glance around here shows that there's a lot of people freely conversing about 24s. But rolling 24s and gy farming are not good solutions to the problems of this bracket...maybe short term, but definitely not long term.

If the 20-24 bracket gets ruined they can always reroll and shut off there exp :-] Found out last weekend w a bud it's fairly easy to shut a trial accounts exp off at 19. Takes one higher level willing to run around w u in blasted lands for 15 mins w looting on free for all to get enough gold/junk to sell to have 10g to shut off exp at 19. And you get no exp while doing it cause there all to high lvl.
How much of a difference has f2ptwink had a difference on the 20-24 bracket?

Out of 12 million subscribers.. Imagine how many new players they get a day because it is now free, The bracket would have been at the place it is even without f2p twinks, The only difference is that it would have been just like the good ol' days

when a twink... was a twink stomping ****ing noobs.

I play a f2p twink, Just for the challenge. I know I stand nothing against a 24 but it sure as hell is fun to play with f2p 20s, and new to the game 20s.
I hate the people who say "24s wana just farm" Because when i queued up i just 3 capped in under 10mins then left.

As long as your queueing a 24 on horde idgaf since alli are already far too OP with that eyepatch and bfd quests

Horde get smashed around due to 5+ hunters with an eyepatch every game.
Because all these 20s are whining i might re-activate my account for a bit and play my 24,

Or my 19 whatever i feel like
Coopeth said:
I hate the people who say "24s wana just farm" Because when i queued up i just 3 capped in under 10mins then left.

As long as your queueing a 24 on horde idgaf since alli are already far too OP with that eyepatch and bfd quests

Horde get smashed around due to 5+ hunters with an eyepatch every game.

people who play 20s turn the other way and don't accept that statement or point out rare occurrences where there are less than 3 on both sides combined.

Also, they want horde to ignore or shun people that are other wise helping them win games mean while alliance aren't stopping GY farming in any way they, instead they call out 24s and say they are bad for AFKing out of losses and calling them bad after beating them in a long match. I mean c'mon i play for fun and to have a challenge if i am not having fun then i will log off play another toon. If i am not being challenged then i will at least try to let the other side have fun but letting them do things.

/start sarcasm But i am bad and have no skill for playing at level 24. /end sarcasm

But w/e.

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