Show your 24s.

I don't get the big arguement about 24 twinks i mean Aren't you supposed to twink at the highest in your bracket? you don't see many 15's...

we are free to twink in our bracket not our fault your cheap and dont wana pay...

Pay lvl to 24 then twink if you don't like us not our problem you wont spend 15$ a month...
kayooh said:
when 19 f2p bads with less then 1k hp stop ruining my 19 bgs ill gladly stop ruining urs

nuf said

This post makes no sense whatsover. So basically what you are saying is,

if person 1 poops on the hood of your car, in order to get back at him and get revenge on him........... You're going to poop on Person 2's car?

Um, why would Person 1 (or then the 19 twink) care?
thurghul said:
This post makes no sense whatsover. So basically what you are saying is,

if person 1 poops on the hood of your car, in order to get back at him and get revenge on him........... You're going to poop on Person 2's car?

Um, why would Person 1 (or then the 19 twink) care?

I'm sorry my first post was too complicated for u...

Are you implying that 19s shouldn't care abot the f2p bads in our bgs?

Clearly its the other way around 24s have more rite to be in this bracket then f2p 20s do

And although it has no real relevance to the topic at hand yes... if someone crapped on my car I would return the favor
Coopeth said:
I don't get the big arguement about 24 twinks i mean Aren't you supposed to twink at the highest in your bracket? you don't see many 15's...

we are free to twink in our bracket not our fault your cheap and dont wana pay...

Pay lvl to 24 then twink if you don't like us not our problem you wont spend 15$ a month...

Basically the reason why people don't want 24s around is that there is concern that it could kill the bracket before it even really gets going. Those wanting everyone to roll 20s are in favor of nurturing the bracket and competitive balance.

Inkobah said:
Basically the reason why people don't want 24s around is that there is concern that it could kill the bracket before it even really gets going. Those wanting everyone to roll 20s are in favor of nurturing the bracket and competitive balance.


I don't understand what the difference would be if everyone was 20 FTP or 24.

As we all know, low levels are majorly imbalanced. So even if everyone was equally geared, it would still not be as competitive as you'd hope.

PS- It's ehm... in progress. Dcm @ Cenarius - Game - World of Warcraft
kayooh said:
I'm sorry my first post was too complicated for u...

Are you implying that 19s shouldn't care abot the f2p bads in our bgs?

Clearly its the other way around 24s have more rite to be in this bracket then f2p 20s do

And although it has no real relevance to the topic at hand yes... if someone crapped on my car I would return the favor

At least I know the PVP brackets.



So I know this is complicated, but playing on your 24 affects the level 19 F2P person? How? You're in 2 different brackets. IF you read my post actually and were able to comprehend it, how would crapping on a different persons car be "getting back at" the person who initially crapped on your car?

^^^ what Inkobah says.............. Max level twinks like 45 min queues? A lot of people are doing F2P not because they can't afford the $15 a month, but its far more challenging. Also, with all the screw ups Blizzard has done in this season:

Conquest point conversion early

season 9 armor for sale for 1 week, then season 10 armor is released.

Craftable 2 handed BOE sword says 3.8 speed in recipe tool tip, 3.5 speed and lower max damage after crafting.

Blizzard doesn't deserve my money.
thurghul said:
At least I know the PVP brackets.



So I know this is complicated, but playing on your 24 affects the level 19 F2P person? How? You're in 2 different brackets. IF you read my post actually and were able to comprehend it, how would crapping on a different persons car be "getting back at" the person who initially crapped on your car?

^^^ what Inkobah says.............. Max level twinks like 45 min queues? A lot of people are doing F2P not because they can't afford the $15 a month, but its far more challenging. Also, with all the screw ups Blizzard has done in this season:

Conquest point conversion early

season 9 armor for sale for 1 week, then season 10 armor is released.

Craftable 2 handed BOE sword says 3.8 speed in recipe tool tip, 3.5 speed and lower max damage after crafting.

Blizzard doesn't deserve my money.

hes talking about f2p players who cap off there XP at 19 to play in 15-19.
Sàxxon said:
hes talking about f2p players who cap off there XP at 19 to play in 15-19.

I know.

But then he says he logs onto his 24 to get revenge and "ruin" the fight for the F2P player.

My question, how does this get revenge on that person with the F2P 19 when they aren't in the same PVP bracket?

Why don't you like 19 F2P's in your BG? Granted they will need some time to gear up and will be cannon fodder until then, but getting 10 gp before level 19 on a F2P does show they are willing to put the effort.

Like I said, if you don't like the F2P's in your BG's so much, what about if they put all the F2P accounts into there own BG (whether they paid to turn off xp or not) and you never had to see them?

Maybe a 15-20 F2P bracket?

I like twinking, I hate chasing the endless carrot with each pvp season.
thurghul said:
At least I know the PVP brackets.



So I know this is complicated, but playing on your 24 affects the level 19 F2P person? How? You're in 2 different brackets. IF you read my post actually and were able to comprehend it, how would crapping on a different persons car be "getting back at" the person who initially crapped on your car?

^^^ what Inkobah says.............. Max level twinks like 45 min queues? A lot of people are doing F2P not because they can't afford the $15 a month, but its far more challenging. Also, with all the screw ups Blizzard has done in this season:

Conquest point conversion early

season 9 armor for sale for 1 week, then season 10 armor is released.

Craftable 2 handed BOE sword says 3.8 speed in recipe tool tip, 3.5 speed and lower max damage after crafting.

Blizzard doesn't deserve my money.

maybe u should read my first post b4 looking like a retard

i never said it effected the 19 bracket nor did i say i was getting revenge.. just simply stated that when they stop ruining the 19 bracket ill get off my 24 and go back to 19s lawl

and crapping on someone elses car would just make me feel better

dnt know where u get 45 min ques but okay and i dnt really care why they choose to do f2p they chose to play 20s so its not our fault when the 24s roll them

24s arent going to kill the bracket in any way there will always be ppl too cheap to pay hence the bracket will never die.. the quality of players might but eh
kayooh said:
maybe u should read my first post b4 looking like a retard

i never said it effected the 19 bracket nor did i say i was getting revenge..

just simply stated that when they stop ruining the 19 bracket ill get off my 24 and go back to 19s lawl

Um, you contradict yourself here. If they don't affect the bracket, how do they ruin it? If they ruin the bracket, they are obviously affecting it.

I read your first post, you said the sub-1000 life F2P ruin the bracket.

So if Blizzard made a separate bracket with all Free 2 Play (15-20, even if they spent the gold to turn off xp), this would make the P2P twinks happy?
thurghul said:
Um, you contradict yourself here. If they don't affect the bracket, how do they ruin it? If they ruin the bracket, they are obviously affecting it.

I read your first post, you said the sub-1000 life F2P ruin the bracket.

So if Blizzard made a separate bracket with all Free 2 Play (15-20, even if they spent the gold to turn off xp), this would make the P2P twinks happy?

what would make p2p twinks happy is if all the f2p would stop complaining about us making 24s ^.^ and lets not bother ourself with oooohhh seperate bracket for f2p cuz its not gonna happen
kayooh said:
what would make p2p twinks happy is if all the f2p would stop complaining about us making 24s ^.^ and lets not bother ourself with oooohhh seperate bracket for f2p cuz its not gonna happen

I don't have issues with 24's in the bracket, you guys pay, you have more right to be there than the F2P, imho.

My only issue is when the decked out 24 twinks gloat over killing a 20 and think its because of "skill" and post screen shots, fraps.............etc.
thurghul said:
I don't have issues with 24's in the bracket, you guys pay, you have more right to be there than the F2P, imho.

My only issue is when the decked out 24 twinks gloat over killing a 20 and think its because of "skill" and post screen shots, fraps.............etc.

lol then why are u even arguing with me ^^ i dont gloat or post ss i just said i made a 24 cuz all the 19 f2p these days makes it no fun
kayooh said:
lol then why are u even arguing with me ^^ i dont gloat or post ss i just said i made a 24 cuz all the 19 f2p these days makes it no fun

I'm grumpy in the

I just didn't get why you switched to a 24 because of you being mad at a 19f2p.

I would have stayed on my 19 and just focus on that person, killing them 20+ times, not switching to 24's.

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