Show your 24s.

Druiddroid said:
ambush is hard

qft this bracket requires 0 skill, hence why i like it
It's ok sax, these kids are so bad they get shit on by 20s. I actually like when they queue because it's funny as hell watching them vainly keyboard turn while I perfect them.
Sax might not have been first, but at least he'll definitely have the better guild. Get rid of dem green tinted goggles then talk like you're hot shitt. ALSO I hear unbinding the S key prevents most cases of back peddling, might want to try that out <3
I don't really get why people are hating on Collateral, all I see is hatred towards him and his guild.

Meanwhile his vids are eddited prefectly and to me they are very enjoyable and entertaining to watch.

People need to stop saying he's backpaddling cuz I know for a fact he doesn't even use a keyboard to play the game.. get over that >.>
LOL im flattered you would make such a video collat. yea its one screeny i could have taken more obiously XD.

im queing now if you wanna hang out :)
Sàxxon said:
LOL im flattered you would make such a video collat. yea its one screeny i could have taken more obiously XD.

im queing now if you wanna hang out :)

Um, message me for vent info.. To busy to play atm, editing a machinima! Rawr
Inkobah said:
It's already been pointed out but more talents, more abilities, better gear, new satchel gear, some BC enchants, and overall higher stats are just ridiculous. Are you guys that bad and that short sighted? Let's all roll 24s so we can be OP and then ruin the bracket so NO ONE will be able to get queues once everyone gets tired of the crappy (but OP) 24 hunters everywhere. **rolls eyes** And don't think you're off the hook bc you rolled a Horde Warrior... It'd be nice if we could get this bracket going but people like you and the rest of the 24s are going to kill it. GG.


People might not be rolling 24s to farm F2P, maybe they are trying to get a new bracket up and running and enjoy playing with a few new abilities
kayooh said:
when 19 f2p bads with less then 1k hp stop ruining my 19 bgs ill gladly stop ruining urs

nuf said

Nick I love you and I love this quote, we should make some babies later. Staying on topic here is my 24

Emø @ Firetree - Game - World of Warcraft

I believe all he needs is the damn emissary cuffs of the eagle ( Iv'e ran gnomer to many ****ing times to count) to be, what I believe is bis 24 resto shammy ^_^

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