Show your 24s.

Having played at 24 for a week or two now and reading these forums my impressions are something like this:

- Not a single complaint from my own teammates (majority are 20's) that I'm 24 (rather the opposite. They cheer at me, since it will help them win).

- The ones GY farming are the 20's. Most of the time 24's go for objectives and try to end the game as fast as possible.

- Being 24 as a non-healer isn't "godmode", I've been positively surprised many times by how good many of the f2p 20's are.

- This whole "f2p20 vs. 24s" forumwar is a load of bullshit. My bet is most of the f2p'ers play for the challenge and not for saving money.

There are two types of f2p'ers: twinks, and new players trying the game/underaged who can't pay their monthly subscription.

The first type have chosen the challenge, well aware that they are in the same bracket as 24's. The latter two types are targeted and mauled down by f2p twinks and 24's alike. I honestly don't see how anyone can't notice how unfair this is to the latter type, they simply want to try the game and have fun. Instead they get run over by f2p twinks and 24's alike. You f2p twinks don't own the bracket. Casual players have just as much right to play without having all their fun taken away by overgeared 20's looking for "fun". Your argument towards 24's may therefore just as well be aimed at yourselves.

Back to topic then, here's my 24:

Voodoo @ Turalyon - Game - World of Warcraft

Currently missing 4 items for BiS:

2nd AGM

Petrolspill Leggings

Glass Shooter

Emissary Cuffs(of the Monkey)

To-do list:

- 4K honor for 2 tabards

- SM Armory for 1 tabard

- Gnomeregan farm for 3x BiS blues

- Archaeology rare artifact (title)

- 2nd AGM trinket

- Explorer title (long-term)

- Fish up Turtle mount

PS. My goal was originally 29, but that bracket is dead in EU. So sticking to 24 for the time being.

PPS. The reason for hunter: I originally twinked at lvl10. Loads of fun. But wanted to move on. Loved the char too much to make a new one. If I had to reroll it'd be a priest.
Don't remember if I've done it yet, so here's my 24 shaman.

On a french server as I'm french (don't flame me pls ^_______^")

--------> Nectar

LF a serious english guild if there's one :)
Only red first 4 pages, i don't even know how this thread got this big, all i can say is that i liked old days with one BG type for everyone. I don't care that shit geared ppl get killed by me so i can fight and win a bg as long as there IS A BG TO GO TO! If there were sh@t load of twinks and all brackets were active (including my favorite 49) i wouldn't complain.

By choosing not to pay for the game you choose to suck. And i don't think that if everyone who plays 20 now starts to play 24, bracket would die. Why would it die cause of this? 19 is still alive and everyone is playing 19 not 15!

THIS ENTIRE GAME is all about getting most OP character AT EVERY LEVEL in both game types PvP and PvE, go play CS 1.6 or Stacraft 2 or whatever you want, but don't complain against the core principal of the game genre.

YES i know blizzard sucks for making low level unbalanced as f@ck and if queues die because of this so be it. But if some kind of balance is ever to be brought to low level then all of you will crawl back and queues will be restored, but as it is now i choose to follow the games core rule and roll a 24. Why someone might ask 24? well i like higher level twinks moar abilities, classes feel more complete. Wow and how convenient, this bracket is active, and if it ever going to die lets put dem 24 back on the shelf right beside my 39 rogue 49 warrior 49 shaman and go play some 70 and 80!


24 Liquidice - hellfire

24 Cillitbang - Kul Tiras

Both in progress

X out!

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