Remember the Treeline
There is no such blue post. It is however implied. The only reason that enchants and trinkets are removed from lvl 110 is because you are assigned stats based on your spec and you have access to pvp talents that compensate for the loss of choice from enchants / trinkets.
The entire system is only for lvl 110. To cherry pick parts of this system and then hope that they apply to low levels is just wishful thinking. If you do not have access to pvp talents and assigned stats then there is no logical reason to block enchants / trinkets (from blizzard's perspective).
That's a logical conclusion. I think we both would agree that Blizzard spends very little (if any) energy thinking about low level PvP.
However, I might add that the same logic that leads to the conclusion that Blizzard would not block enchants or trinkets at low level PvP might also be used to conclude that Blizzard might not specifically turn on enchants or trinkets at low level PvP.
Somewhere either you or I must make a jump in logic to reach our conclusions. Yours is that they activate the changes regarding enchants and trinkets only for level 110 PvP, leaving the other brackets as they were. Mine is that the changes to enchants and trinkets are not tailored for level 110 PvP, but will be coded to affect all brackets without care.
I think both conclusions require about the same number of assumptions, and they both fit into the perspective that Blizzard does not care about low level PvP.
I'd like to excuse myself from bias regarding the issue of enchants in this bracket. At the very worst, the way that enchants influence our bracket will be no different than it is now