Queue Up At 7 PM DAILY

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ty for games today!

I joined at 20:30 ca and hadd 4-5 matches, dunno when it was starting popping but if it was at 19:00 prob 8-9 matches :D
that is great for a wednesday nowdays

in my opinion there is to many heal classes, but its better than nothing!

It wasn't popping at 19.00, I can tell you that. No idea when it started but I gave up after a while in queue. I should grow my patience but it feels so timewasting. Will queue again today and hope for more luck.
So does it pop at 7pm or is it later?

Peeps start to queue around that time. the pop itself depends, yesterday it started later around 8pm
To quote TL, you so lost its sad.
TO quote dory Stay out Of EU threads.

you for got mejt for TL and random war comment for dory. so 9/10 ;)
So does it pop at 7pm or is it later?

Just queue from 18:00 - 21:00 (Server-Time). You'll be able to get a pop. Unless you're late and you're on Draenor, you'll have no problems. Because you'll get queue times to join Dreanor of over 9.000 (joke, over 2.000).

Also, report the posts of foreigners, as they're not welcome here.
About the entire Grammar issue: Just because a person lives in a country where English is seldom used (if any bit at all) doesn't give you the right to be a bully and pick on him for it. Angelbiatch's posts are almost always able to be grasped conceptually. If you are unclear as to what he says...... Ask him to rephrase. Good game.

Although these are forums, this site does not have a strict grammar policy like some others that require near college-level punctuation and writing ability. This is a casual internet forum... It's okay to use abbreviations, misspell words and not have the best grammar. This only becomes an issue when someone is intentionally doing so. I ask that we all attempt to be mature in our writing as it is a direct reflection of ourselves.

Any future insults as a result of someone's grammar or lack of competency in English is going to earn infractions.
Just don't do it. Don't be that kid. These insults are only made when someone is looking for something negative to say about someone and can't find anything solid to come up with.
About the entire Grammar issue: Just because a person lives in a country where English is seldom used (if any bit at all) doesn't give you the right to be a bully and pick on him for it. Angelbiatch's posts are almost always able to be grasped conceptually. If you are unclear as to what he says...... Ask him to rephrase. Good game.

Although these are forums, this site does not have a strict grammar policy like some others that require near college-level punctuation and writing ability. This is a casual internet forum... It's okay to use abbreviations, misspell words and not have the best grammar. This only becomes an issue when someone is intentionally doing so. I ask that we all attempt to be mature in our writing as it is a direct reflection of ourselves.

Any future insults as a result of someone's grammar or lack of competency in English is going to earn infractions.
Just don't do it. Don't be that kid. These insults are only made when someone is looking for something negative to say about someone and can't find anything solid to come up with.

Thanks mejt.
To clarify he is referring to the US kids posting in this clearly EU thread which is about queue times... Not a stab at being foreign outside of the game.
sorry to correct u but he is referring to anyone that doesnt live in europe even if they own an eu account and play on eu servers
About the entire Grammar issue: Just because a person lives in a country where English is seldom used (if any bit at all) doesn't give you the right to be a bully and pick on him for it. Angelbiatch's posts are almost always able to be grasped conceptually. If you are unclear as to what he says...... Ask him to rephrase. Good game.

Although these are forums, this site does not have a strict grammar policy like some others that require near college-level punctuation and writing ability. This is a casual internet forum... It's okay to use abbreviations, misspell words and not have the best grammar. This only becomes an issue when someone is intentionally doing so. I ask that we all attempt to be mature in our writing as it is a direct reflection of ourselves.

Any future insults as a result of someone's grammar or lack of competency in English is going to earn infractions.
Just don't do it. Don't be that kid. These insults are only made when someone is looking for something negative to say about someone and can't find anything solid to come up with.

I'm not picking side or anything but Jva were clearly not referring to the grammar itself. Someone with perfect grammar doesn't necesarilly have to make a great amount of sense.

I don't think Obama thinks that John Boehner makes much sense at all right now; though I'm sure John uses his grammar absolutely flawlessly.

Of course Saint is bringing racist remarks into this discussion (as usual) but what can you expect from him really?
I don't think Obama thinks that John Boehner makes much sense at all right now; though I'm sure John uses his grammar absolutely flawlessly.

Just because you find it difficult to agree with someone on a certain matter doesn't necessarily mean they don't make sense. I don't think Boehner got where he is today without knowing exactly what he's doing.
Just because you find it difficult to agree with someone on a certain matter doesn't necessarily mean they don't make sense. I don't think Boehner got where he is today without knowing exactly what he's doing.

I think you misinterpreted me. Boehner not making sense wasn't a subjective opinion of mine, it was how I guessed Obama were viewing his recent actions. And for that matter; how Boehner was viewing Obama's introduction of Obamacare.

Just because Obama doesn't think he makes sense of course doesn't mean he doesn't, and I never said that about John Boehner or Ridwane.

I think you misinterpreted me. Boehner not making sense wasn't a subjective opinion of mine, it was how I guessed Obama were viewing his recent actions. And for that matter; how Boehner was viewing Obama's introduction of Obamacare.

Just because Obama doesn't think he makes sense of course doesn't mean he doesn't, and I never said that about John Boehner or Ridwane.


And my point still stands. Obama obviously understands Boehmer's actions and vice versa, but they have different opinions of how the society should be governed.

Ridwane not making sense isn't because his arguments are flawed, but because some people are having troubles understanding what he's arguing for.

I guess we have different views on the definition of making sense.
sorry to correct u but he is referring to anyone that doesnt live in europe even if they own an eu account and play on eu servers

The only reason why US/Canadian/Australian/Cambodjian people should play EU is if they got no activity on their region. Which is not the case.

Regions should be IP exclusive.
yay lets all argue about obama in a EU 19s lcoked exp thread about getting pops. totes completes relevence.

had 1 game, alliance stacking 5 druids, won 2-0 cause slack dps told me to come mid with them. still dies aroudn 3 healers.

I guess we have different views on the definition of making sense.

No. It appears to me you replied to my post while completely missing my point, and now you're trying to explain it by saying we have different views of making sense.

And my point still stands. Obama obviously understands Boehmer's actions and vice versa, but they have different opinions of how the society should be governed.

Ridwane not making sense isn't because his arguments are flawed, but because some people are having troubles understanding what he's arguing for.

Making sense to someone is a completely subjective matter. Obviously the rightwing conservatives will think Obamacare is nothing but waste of tax money, while the left liberals consider the closure of congress as utterly unnecessary.

Here is where the subective part kicks in. Someone who you fundamentally can't understand could subjectively be viewed as not making sense. However, that is not an obejctive view that is shared with everyone that has ever walked the earth.

Jva saying Ridwane doesn't make sense to him, is him expressing his subjective view on what Ridwane is saying. For instance Ridwane could be contradicting himself.

I'm also not sure what'd make you think Obama understands Beohmer; is there some sort of ethic rule that requires you to, when you can't agree with someone, atleast understand their reasoning?
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