Why do you even imagine what i say in a Mr. Bean voice, why do you even imagine stubs say something with slaw voice ? Same goes for Vianco ?
are you a TL pompom girl or what ? A fanatic ? Maybe you pray your almighty god Vianco secretly ?
I would smash my keyboard and say how come they are so bad is that even possible ?
After conclusions,
1) Spamming Flash of Light and Holy shock on CD must be so hard or thoses old schools players didn't get the basics of the new expansion, but i've heard the game is getting more easy day after day... So idk...
2) thoses 3 rogues, hell yeah their gear are terrible. But guess what i've seen so many 1.1 rogues and hunters horde side so i'm not surprised at all. Each faction his turn i guess.
3) i've noticied that Critrage joined late, but initially did someone was in the WSG before him or were you 9 ?
4) & 5) yeah apparently this game Vianco's team > Yours.
6) Comon dude being on the side which got pressurised and still that low ? Np http://i.imgur.com/dh8s3g1.png druid standard is about 150 k in a dead game. You are sputnick you've got 3/4 draenor under your wings mate.
7) I don't afk aswell because this bracket need more tryharders like me and you.
that's my conclusion.
On US i used to stay hide whole game, but i know Critrage would do something that's why i figured out.
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