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Why do you even imagine what i say in a Mr. Bean voice, why do you even imagine stubs say something with slaw voice ? Same goes for Vianco ?

are you a TL pompom girl or what ? A fanatic ? Maybe you pray your almighty god Vianco secretly ?

I would smash my keyboard and say how come they are so bad is that even possible ?

After conclusions,

1) Spamming Flash of Light and Holy shock on CD must be so hard or thoses old schools players didn't get the basics of the new expansion, but i've heard the game is getting more easy day after day... So idk...

2) thoses 3 rogues, hell yeah their gear are terrible. But guess what i've seen so many 1.1 rogues and hunters horde side so i'm not surprised at all. Each faction his turn i guess.

3) i've noticied that Critrage joined late, but initially did someone was in the WSG before him or were you 9 ?

4) & 5) yeah apparently this game Vianco's team > Yours.

6) Comon dude being on the side which got pressurised and still that low ? Np http://i.imgur.com/dh8s3g1.png druid standard is about 150 k in a dead game. You are sputnick you've got 3/4 draenor under your wings mate.

7) I don't afk aswell because this bracket need more tryharders like me and you.

that's my conclusion.

there is no need to suscribe to do that, you could do it via battle.net without gametime


On US i used to stay hide whole game, but i know Critrage would do something that's why i figured out.

Better than a room we've got a TL gaming House designed By Lord Dervington from CA.

Stop it, Just stop it.
Why do you even imagine what i say in a Mr. Bean voice, why do you even imagine stubs say something with slaw voice ? Same goes for Vianco ?

are you a TL pompom girl or what ? A fanatic ? Maybe you pray your almighty god Vianco secretly ?

a favorite saying of my grandad was, "if you can't talk sense then don't talk at all".

*now i get it gramps <3*
Better than a room we've got a TL gaming House designed By Lord Dervington from CA aka the almighty Karmaz.

Would not be possible without the wonderful location and resources granted by the bountiful coconut plantation which has been so humbly donated by king arabwane
a favorite saying of my grandad was, "if you can't talk sense then don't talk at all".

*now i get it gramps <3*

Oh, it's strange cuz my grand pa told me that "saint is supbar player and he blame grammar of others cuz he don't have anything to say"
Oh, it's strange cuz my grand pa told me that "saint is supbar player and he blame grammar of others cuz he don't have anything to say"

Yo but if the person is able to correct the spelling to what it should be then why would spelling matter, what was written is obviously understood so can any1 plz xplaine 2 me why the spelling is relevant???

There's your Thought Twister for the day!
Yo but if the person is able to correct the spelling to what it should be then why would spelling matter, what was written is obviously understood so can any1 plz xplaine 2 me why the spelling is relevant???

There's your Thought Twister for the day!

It's nicer to read something that you don't have to read over and over again. I could write my whole post in finnish and you would eventually figure out what I'm saying if you wanted, but it's easier and nicer to read something that is written in somewhat correct grammar and punctuation. Well, on second thought, writing in a different language doesn't really have anything to do with this but I hope you get the point xd
its kinda hilarious that saint is the one making fun of other peoples grammar and spelling since he apparently cant spell properly to save his life either

also i have yet to come across a post i had to read more than once to understand what the person was trying to put across outside of the finnish conversations featuring trialdruid and mesikammen
also i have yet to come across a post i had to read more than once to understand what the person was trying to put across outside of the finnish conversations featuring trialdruid and mesikammen

Aye, people are generally old enough to have decent grammar here on 19s section, but you gotta admit that sometimes you come across something someone has written (on this website or another, youtube usually from my experiences D: ) where you read the post over and over again and it's still really hard to get what the hell he's trying to say.
now it's all about grammar. no more game play in game nothing. Only grammar sorry but if you wanna play pictionnary / trivial pursuit and others random stuff go away.
Oh, it's strange cuz my grand pa told me that "saint is supbar player and he blame grammar of others cuz he don't have anything to say"

what did my grandads quote have to with grammar?

since we're on this subject... why did your grandad call me supbar? ​is this french for well hung?
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its kinda hilarious that saint is the one making fun of other peoples grammar and spelling since he apparently cant spell properly to save his life either

Why is this about grammar now? Saints post was about "making sense". You still can fail making sense while spelling correctly and otherwise.
And beside that, im sorry, but Angelbiatch has stopped to make sense a long time ago.
Would be interesting to see your comments about his posts if he would not be a part of your guild, bromance or whatever.
Why is this about grammar now? Saints post was about "making sense". You still can fail making sense while spelling correctly and otherwise.
And beside that, im sorry, but Angelbiatch has stopped to make sense a long time ago.
Would be interesting to see your comments about his posts if he would not be a part of your guild, bromance or whatever.

did i quote any specific post? he may not have made fun of angelbiatchs grammar in the post u r referring to, he does however do it rather frequently. u could just look at his next post:
since we're on this subject... why did your grandad call me supbar? ​is this french for well hung?

even if angelbiatchs posts dont make sense saint doesnt seem to b bright enough to point that out and rather resorts to jokes about every single spelling and or grammar error

my point is not whether or not the posts make sense but rather the fact that a native speaker who spells like a 3rd grader at times thinks theyre in a position to criticize the spelling of someone whos first language isnt english

as for the last part of ur post im not quite sure what ur trying to tell me
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Saint is the wittiest cunt on twink info lmao, had to be said!

You guys can go talk about grammar or whatever now i suppose, GL winning the gulch with correct spelling and punctuation!
did i quote any specific post? he may not have made fun of angelbiatchs grammar in the post u r referring to, he does however do it rather frequently. u could just look at his next post:

even if angelbiatchs posts dont make sense saint doesnt seem to b bright enough to point that out and rather resorts to jokes about every single spelling and or grammar error

my point is not whether or not the posts make sense but rather the fact that a native speaker who spells like a 3rd grader at times thinks theyre in a position to criticize the spelling of someone whos first language isnt english

as for the last part of ur post im not quite sure what ur trying to tell me

grammar is now spelling, yeah?

normally i wouldn't explain my self, i stopped that when i left my parents house.... but in your case i'll make an exception.

i do it because it annoys him and obviously you. i also like to see how many people i can make rage in one thread, i'm rather pleased with this one. ;)
grammar is now spelling, yeah?

normally i wouldn't explain my self, i stopped that when i left my parents house.... but in your case i'll make an exception.

i do it because it annoys him and obviously you. i also like to see how many people i can make rage in one thread, i'm rather pleased with this one. ;)

o im perfectly aware of the fact that u do it because u enjoy the reactions

all i said was that i find it amusing that u out of all people point out spelling errors, until jva made their usual moronic appearance
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