the true profit
No. It appears to me you replied to my post while completely missing my point, and now you're trying to explain it by saying we have different views of making sense.
Making sense to someone is a completely subjective matter. Obviously the rightwing conservatives will think Obamacare is nothing but waste of tax money, while the left liberals consider the closure of congress as utterly unnecessary.
Here is where the subective part kicks in. Someone who you fundamentally can't understand could subjectively be viewed as not making sense. However, that is not an obejctive view that is shared with everyone that has ever walked the earth.
Jva saying Ridwane doesn't make sense to him, is him expressing his subjective view on what Ridwane is saying. For instance Ridwane could be contradicting himself.
I'm also not sure what'd make you think Obama understands Beohmer; is there some sort of ethic rule that requires you to, when you can't agree with someone, atleast understand their reasoning?
I think your definition of making sense is to be practical or advisable, while my definition of making sense is to be coherent or intelligible.
"I think we should abolish the monarchy." Am I being coherent and intelligible? Yes. You clearly understand my point. But is it practical and/or advisable? That's up to your subjective view.
Do you think Obama is completely immune to Boehmer's way of reasoning? He obviously understands it, but has a different view on how to handle things in the most effective way possible. While Boehmer wants to give up more X in order to get more Y, Obama disagrees and prioritises X.
If someone contradicts themselves, they are factually not paricularly coherent.