Queue Up At 7 PM DAILY

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After conclusions,

1) Spamming Flash of Light and Holy shock on CD must be so hard or thoses old schools players didn't get the basics of the new expansion, but i've heard the game is getting more easy day after day... So idk...

It's not a matter of spaming FoL or HC, but a matter of positioning. He was cut off pretty often. He doesn't understand the new mechanisms of the game. Give him some days and he'll adapt, and perform better. Then you can count him on a 1.0 rate.

2) thoses 3 rogues, hell yeah their gear are terrible. But guess what i've seen so many 1.1 rogues and hunters horde side so i'm not surprised at all. Each faction his turn i guess.

So I don't really get your point when you said we had 3 rogues (as a benefit), as if they were an advantage. Their power combined would be a 0.5.

3) i've noticied that Critrage joined late, but initially did someone was in the WSG before him or were you 9?

We were 9 all the time.

4) & 5) yeah apparently this game Vianco's team > Yours.

You win some, you lose some. It's a pug after all. And no, I had no "team" with me. There were 2 persons (counting on me) who are going to premade for AAO on our side. So I don't see your point here. I've seen TL members (5) AFK when (5) AAO's rolled the BG 3 days ago. But enough with it I guess, we will settle it properly on the premade day, guess you agree with it.

6) Comon dude being on the side which got pressurised and still that low ? Np http://i.imgur.com/dh8s3g1.png druid standard is about 150 k in a dead game. You are sputnick you've got 3/4 draenor under your wings mate.

You can't even compare both situations. I was the only healer on the BG, and we had virtually no damage. Check the damage charts on the first screen-shot, there's no way a healer (me) can outheal all that damage by meself. Also, in that same screenshot, the person in question died 0 times. I died 5 times. And there is nothing to heal when your team is literally 2-shot by multiple targets and is scattered across the map or being contained hard. If it was the other way around, you or anyone from your team would AFK. Yet I stand my ground.

Also, long are the days where an healer could do over 300k on a bg, let alone 400k. That doesn't work like that, especially with battle fatigue (and its nerf/buff, depending on prespectives).

7) I don't afk aswell because this bracket need more tryharders like me and you.

Guess it makes 2 of us.
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So is anyone queueing or just hanging out on TI talking 'bout grammar and shi*?^^
as for the last part of ur post im not quite sure what ur trying to tell me

Im glad that you managed to refer to that question after your third (or maybe more?) edit. Im trying to tell you, that you are biased.

all i said was that i find it amusing that u out of all people point out spelling errors, until jva made their usual moronic appearance

You are the last to talk about moronic appearances. Or would you define your daily bullshit as more valued?
"its kinda hilarious that saint is the one making fun of other peoples grammar and spelling since he apparently cant spell properly to save his life either"
"all i said was that i find it amusing that u out of all people point out spelling errors"

In which way, does that differ from my observations, that:
- you are biased
- Anglebiatch doesnt make any sense
Im glad that you managed to refer to that question after your third (or maybe more?) edit. Im trying to tell you, that you are biased.

You are the last to talk about moronic appearances. Or would you define your daily bullshit as more valued?
"its kinda hilarious that saint is the one making fun of other peoples grammar and spelling since he apparently cant spell properly to save his life either"
"all i said was that i find it amusing that u out of all people point out spelling errors"

In which way, does that differ from my observations, that:
- you are biased
- Anglebiatch doesnt make any sense

r u just trying to create an argument out of nothing or r u rly that dense ? im not trying to argue with u or anyone if their posts make sense or not, i was merely commenting on the irony of saints spelling jokes

im truly sorry if ive somehow hurt ur feelings but id rly appreciate it if ud stop trying to win a nonexistant argument
i was merely commenting on the irony of saints spelling jokes

And beside you started an argue, stating that im the one with "moronic appearances". I just pointed out, that everything you do, is on the same lvl.

im truly sorry if ive somehow hurt ur feelings but id rly appreciate it if ud stop trying to win a nonexistant argument

It was an existing argument and i clearly won it nerd.
English guy did bad at English. My condolences.

you should see me hand writing. it's nearly as bad as your attempts at wit.
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