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My opinion on FC Rdruid:
chardev 9

..contains no faction specific gear, 2,1k hp unbuffed, 2660 with kings fort and whiskey, more with a standard down.

The gear choices were all picked for a reason.
-Sentinel's/Scout's Medallion gives druids almost a full percent of dodge, and I have valued it over the 10hp from thick bronze necklace
-The math done my golden suggests to me that Magician's Mantle outclasses resil boas
-Grand Staff obviously for the hit stam and resil
-Sandals of Sacrifice over Wrangler's Boots of Stamina because 2 stam < 4 in 4 spi
-Ghamoo-Ra's Bind over Moss Cinch because of its generally better stats vs negligible armor loss
-Bands of Serra'kis because they simply have more armor and stamina than cuffs, while also giving dodge from agility

-If you are alliance, you have the choice of eyepatch, 4 stamina loss(more in bear) for 1% mitigation from armor and 1.1% dodge

-People might propose that dodge is useless and the goal of druid fcs is not get get hit. Let's be honest, rogues are rampant and you WILL get attacked by them. Your success as a flag carrier depends of your ability to kill these rogues, and you can kill them with a deadly combination of rejuv, thorns, bear, and backstrafing.

-People might also say that the trinket is a better option, I disagree. You cannot be human, so you get one trinket every 5 minutes. If you play this bracket, it's most likely going to be used for HoJ. Thus, my reasoning is that since your trinket is really only useful for hoj, as an fc rdruid, it's not really that useful at all except in niche situations. Rdruid is not a prot warrior and you will not survive well planned assaults whether you are solo or not because you simply cannot depend on pugs, of course except a select few, in this bracket. HoJ has a short range, do not get HoJ'd. You have the speed, it is important not to be in range of HoJ.
Is corpse running totally nerfed now, or partially nerfed? Is there an up-to-date guide/faq (post 4.3) for corpse running?

I am finding it rather challenging to go from Toshley's Station to Netherstorm. I have died too many times without corpse running. Those almost invisible spiders are a PIA.
In the DMF;
PvP Artifacts (5 tickets each):

Ticket total: 15

These artifacts are looted from enemy corpses in battlegrounds. Just right click on enemy corpse to remove their insignia, you may have to loot a few before you see one. Handing in one of each of these artifacts will yield Darkmoon Defender.

Does Anyone Know what BG they Drop in?
>> I just picked up,
[The Captured Journal] it came from WSG
Can all of them drop in WSG?

Obviously the instance ones are each Boss drops a different one.
Please PM me if you don't mind
Is corpse running totally nerfed now, or partially nerfed? Is there an up-to-date guide/faq (post 4.3) for corpse running?

I am finding it rather challenging to go from Toshley's Station to Netherstorm. I have died too many times without corpse running. Those almost invisible spiders are a PIA.

From my experience ghost running has been completely nerfed and corpse dragging is now the only option
In the DMF;
PvP Artifacts (5 tickets each):

Ticket total: 15

These artifacts are looted from enemy corpses in battlegrounds. Just right click on enemy corpse to remove their insignia, you may have to loot a few before you see one. Handing in one of each of these artifacts will yield Darkmoon Defender.

Does Anyone Know what BG they Drop in?
>> I just picked up,
[The Captured Journal] it came from WSG
Can all of them drop in WSG?

Obviously the instance ones are each Boss drops a different one.
Please PM me if you don't mind

You can loot all pvp artifacts from any corpse in any bg, for pve drops the ornate weapon drops from the 1st boss in stocks, the egg drops from mutanous, last boss in wc OR last boss in blackfathom which is aku'mai and the grimmore drops off of the 1st boss in wc lady andaconda or whatever her name is
Hey, thought I'd ask here to avoid forum aggro :p.

When fishing up Rumsey Rum along the southern stranglethorn vale coastline, I noticed a lot of other fishing pools other than wreckages.

I wondered if anyone knew if fishing these helped toward lowering the spawn times of the floating wreckage nodes?

No exactly a f2p question but, can anyone with Shadowed Unit Frames debuff himself while in combat?
For example, I cannot drop the wsg flag until I get out of combat
You can loot all pvp artifacts from any corpse in any bg, for pve drops the ornate weapon drops from the 1st boss in stocks, the egg drops from mutanous, last boss in wc OR last boss in blackfathom which is aku'mai and the grimmore drops off of the 1st boss in wc lady andaconda or whatever her name is

Ornate Weapon - DM (Ripsnarl), SFK (Springvale), or Stocks (Moloch)
Monstrous Egg - WC (Mutanus) or BFD (Aku'mai)
Imbued Crystal - RFC (Taragaman) or BFD (Kelris)
Mysterious Grimoire - WC (Anacondro) or SFK (Godfrey)
So im thinking of rolling a paladin, but i'm unsure of what spec I will pick. Preferably, I want a spec that can comfortably tank, heal and dps any of the Dungeons you can do at level 20. I know they can all basically do them all, but I think a ret pally might not have enough mana to heal against bosses for example. Is one of the specs truly a jack of all trades, and viable for PvP as well?
This should do the trick:

But that sets my pet on follow every time I cast fear. I don't want to do that - I only want it to go on follow when I am fearing the target it is currently attacking. For example, say I have my VW out and I send it to bash on a healer. Then I get jumped by a warrior and I want to fear the warrior but keep my pet on the healer. That macro wouldn't work for that. At the same time if I had my imp attacking a rogue and then I started to cast fear on him I want my pet to stop attacking the rogue. Is there a macro that would work for both? Like a /petfollow if cast on target?
Could anyone help with a macro?

I want to add a /stopcasting for my pet when I cast fear but ONLY when the pet is attacking the target I'm currently fearing. Suggestions?

Blizzard deliberately broke logical operations (do X if Y is true), so it's not possible to only do something if your pet's target is the same as your target by using a command like [pettarget=target, true] or some nonsense.

There may be a workaround using the /stopmacro command and abusing the fact that your target doesn't change if you assist your pet while both of you have the same target. It works in my head, but I'd be a little surprised if this translates to a functional macro ingame. Anyway, test this bad boy out on some boars. If it works, great. Otherwise you just have to settle for a macro that always puts your pet in passive regardless of target.

/use Fear
/stopmacro [@target,noharm]
/assist NAME_OF_IMP
/stopmacro [@target,harm]

...if this works the way it should, it "checks" if your pet's target is your target by making you target it after your current target. If your pettarget is the same as your target, you don't change targets, so targetlasttarget targets yourself instead of your old target. This lets you avoid stopping the macro, then reacquires your target and sticks your pet in passive. Understand? Neither do I, entirely. Looks good on a piece of scratch paper though.

I'm not really optimistic. This sort of thing is supposed to be long dead.
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So im thinking of rolling a paladin, but i'm unsure of what spec I will pick. Preferably, I want a spec that can comfortably tank, heal and dps any of the Dungeons you can do at level 20. I know they can all basically do them all, but I think a ret pally might not have enough mana to heal against bosses for example. Is one of the specs truly a jack of all trades, and viable for PvP as well?

As long as you have a blue-quality gear set for the appropriate role, you can fulfill it regardless of spec. Just keep a stack of melon juice in you bags for whenever you're fulfilling the wrong role.

Ret/prot in caster gear has the mana to heal any pull or bossfight, but (usually) can't go an entire dungeon without drinking. Similarly, Holy gets its regen from spirit, which doesn't appear on your damage gear, so you'll need to stop and drink every few pulls.
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