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I've been thinking about it. Turned my main account on to check the changes to enchants and such. Haven't touched any of my F2P toons in god knows how long. I've already read that 24 rogues are totally nasty right now though. Not sure how the state of the bracket is as a whole.
I haven't played any bgs yet, just having some occasional fun on korgath doing f2p arenas.
Belves and Trolls are probably BiS Horde hunters, but how much better than Orcs are they?

How much more AP/agi/dmg do they get? (overall; I'm aware of the agi cloak enchant and stuff)

Rough Copper Bombs - 'unreliable against targets over lvl 24' . . . do they work at all against 25+s?

DOes anybody else keep all kinds of stupid, useless shit in their bags, in case it ever becomes useful? i.e. quest reward dggers for a hunter?

Has anyone ever found a good rare blue while soloing dungs? I haven't.
Rough Copper Bombs - 'unreliable against targets over lvl 24' . . . do they work at all against 25+s?

Yeah, but you just can't rely on it. Just like the transporters or the death ray...

DOes anybody else keep all kinds of stupid, useless shit in their bags, in case it ever becomes useful? i.e. quest reward dggers for a hunter?

Yep, but mostly in case I might ever need it for a mog.

Has anyone ever found a good rare blue while soloing dungs? I haven't.

By rare blue you prolly mean world drops? Not yet. But when with a random group, I found MM twice, Drakewing Bands etc etc.

And I had to giggle a bit. Dung is in german farm animal's poo. :D
'Dung' means the same thing in English, but I'm a lazy typer.

By rare blue I mostly meant MtB/RoP/Treebark (zone drops) . . . which makes me think of more to that question - is it possible for RoP/Treebark to drop from mobs that aren't actually in the instance? Like the naga priestesses on the way to BFD instance entrance?
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Belves and Trolls are probably BiS Horde hunters, but how much better than Orcs are they?

How much more AP/agi/dmg do they get? (overall; I'm aware of the agi cloak enchant and stuff)

Belf 22 agi 20 stam
Troll 22 agi 20 stam
Orc 17 agi 21 stam
Rough Copper Bombs - 'unreliable against targets over lvl 24' . . . do they work at all against 25+s?

Rough Copper Bombs are unreliable against anything now. Cast time has been increased to about 3 seconds with an additional second before it lands. I'm pretty good at reading movements about 2 seconds in advance, but 4 seconds is really too much time.

Damage works on higher levels, but the stun component will occasionally not fire for higher levels.

Also, it seems the aoe from the bomb is slightly increased. --source my eyes
Rough Copper Bombs are unreliable against anything now. Cast time has been increased to about 3 seconds with an additional second before it lands. I'm pretty good at reading movements about 2 seconds in advance, but 4 seconds is really too much time.

Damage works on higher levels, but the stun component will occasionally not fire for higher levels.

Also, it seems the aoe from the bomb is slightly increased. --source my eyes
I was pretty disappointed finding this out.
Whats the range on a priest's Psyfiend?

Edit: Never mind. It's 25 yards on wowhead. Derp.
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DPR on a BiS BalDruid? Doesn't really need the hit . . the crit would be nice, but the loss of int makes it seem not so good.
Would be useful if I ever respec to feral.

But I'd kinda like to take this STV off. For the first time in months.

(Last week I took a not-yet-20 priest over there and her first cast ever caught a rare fish! my eyes lit up for a second til it registered that the rare was a Brownell's. would have been epic to catch Keef and get to level 2 fishing at the same time.)
Is there any addon that will tell me which quests I've not done? I'm trying to do every possible quest.

A long time ago I read something from a guy who was on a quest to do all quests. I'm almost positive it was on TI, as the only thing I remember about it was the suggestion to use a big mount. Kodo/Elek - so you'd have a few extra moments of going faster through water to get away from higher level mobs.

Not sure if he listed all the quests.
Is there any addon that will tell me which quests I've not done? I'm trying to do every possible quest.

You might try Quest Completist. I haven't used it personally so I can't speak to how well it works, but it seems to do what you're looking for. It may not be totally up to date, but if you're using it on F2P it shouldn't be an issue; the low level quests haven't really changed recently.

Another (perhaps more promising) option I came across is the combination of Wholly and its companion database Grail. Might be best to take a look at both options and see what works better for you.
You might try Quest Completist. I haven't used it personally so I can't speak to how well it works, but it seems to do what you're looking for. It may not be totally up to date, but if you're using it on F2P it shouldn't be an issue; the low level quests haven't really changed recently.

Another (perhaps more promising) option I came across is the combination of Wholly and its companion database Grail. Might be best to take a look at both options and see what works better for you.

I love you. Exactly what I needed.
Hi together,

I would like to share a nice little priest macro I recently thought of. It seems to be barely known or used (Google only finds two results for it). Because I can`t start threads on my own yet I dare to just post it here. Please tell me if you know a better place to share macros :)
The macro I am talking about contains to cast the Psyfiend AND shield it in one.
The macro to shield the psyfiend (/target psyfiend/cast power word:shield/targetlastttarget) is generally known I think. The problem with this is that you need two keybindings to cast psyfiend and cast shield on it. The macro I am thinking about merges the two macros (cast psyfiend + shield psyfiend). It reads as follows:

/target Psyfiend
/castsequence Psyfiend, power word: shield

If psyfiend is on cd nothing happens if you use the macro. If Psyfiend is ready you cast psyfiend and if you use it a second time psyfiend is shielded. Since psyfiend is not counted as pet conditions like [target=pet] don`t work as well as [target=Psyfiend] doesn`t work too, as far as I can ascertain.
You can add to the second line a reset time of 45 seconds (cooldown of Psyfiend or less) for the case that psyfiend dies without having it shielded it:

/castsequence reset=45 Psyfiend, power word: shield

Maybe the macro is not perfect yet but it works fine for me :)

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