/rudeIs there a counter for rogue against hunter's Disarm from bird or scorpid?
and what is command for giving someone the "rude gesture"
or evasion and gtfo1. trinket it
2. /rude
/rudeIs there a counter for rogue against hunter's Disarm from bird or scorpid?
and what is command for giving someone the "rude gesture"
or evasion and gtfo1. trinket it
2. /rude
Havent really done Brewfest since 09, are there any dailies we can do other than the shouting in org?
Every hour there's a dark iron attack, when enough people frnd them off then they drop an item that is a daily turnin
There's the keg run daily.
And the wolpertinger and elek quests for alliance. Idk what the horde side quests are.
Wolpertinger and elekk quests are removed on EU.
Why would they remove it on EU but not US?
that makes no sense... F'in Blizz lol.
Is it wrong that I laughed?
Gotta keep it PG for the kids lol!
I'd like to find out how many kids taste their first beer at Oktoberfest.
I guess slaughtering thousands of humans and all kinds of creatures is fine as long as you're not on booze.![]()
And how many didn't because of the removal of that quest.
Hahaha! It's pretty silly when you put it like that! I'm a Wrath baby. I had three 80s. They all made it to 85, but I didn't play them much after Cata dropped. They have 163,799 kills.
The two that I made during cata (both 85s) have 85,218 kills. So that makes over 249,000 kills just on my maxed toons, and four of the five are healers! And that's not even counting all the twinks and toons that I've deleted!
(yes I did the math. Yes I am a huge nerd.)
Edit: even more revealing would be that I've been pretty much part time player at best since Cata dropped. I quit cata during 4.1. Didn't come back until the last patch.
And I only subbed for like one month of Mists.
So the full time players should easily have a million plus kills.
One guy runs the site, It's pretty much garbage every time i've tried to use it. I would steer clear at this pointdose anyone know whats happened to chardev?![]()