Are we seriously going to start seeing this stupid hunt QQ cause of a 10% AP buff...? Are hunts just forever and always gonna be the go to QQ?
I shouldn't have emphasized it as much, but I will tell you, that you can't deny, that hunters have (not only for f2ps) always been a really, hmm, let's say 'annoying' or 'obnoxious' class to face, ever since vanilla...
Even if, by some ridiculous miracle, spellhit gets fixed in 5.3, a hunter will always outdps (kill/win against in a duel that is) a mage/warlock/warrior/rogue(/monk), simply because they have the DPS, CC and mobility they need to do that. (No, I am not talking about a 900hp hunter winning against a 1.6k arms warrior like in Cata, but on the same gear-lvl, the hunter will win if he has a functioning brain- oh...) Even some hybrids that are not balance druids or priests will be easy-kill targets for hunters (talking elemental/enhance shaman, bad prot paladins in some ways, ret paladins, bad ferals/guardians).
And I will say it so everyone can understand: it's not the 10% AP buff that will make people QQ about hunters again, it's the amount of people that will reroll/dust-off because the skillfloor will drop (it's a fact that BM has a way higher skillcap than SV) and yes, it IS a really nice buff (imagine a mage getting 10/15% more SP next patch...). And if you want to deny, that hunters are ALREADY a really strong class in any spec, then sorry, dialogue over.