Battleground targets addon tells you how many people are targeting someone on the opposite team... Is there an addon that can tell you how many people are targeting a person on your own team?
xperl will allow you to open the window "Players Assisting You".
Wouldn't that be the same as saying who on your team is attacking who on their team? Bgtargets does that.
I would just say if you need to to put target of target on and scroll though their team real quick
Latency no, and lag depends on how good your computer is. The bigger the addon is, the bigger impact it's going to have on your fps.Also, does amount of addons contribute to lag/latency issues?
Whats the top 3 largest pets a f2p can get?
here is a question
if magicians mantle is no longer BiS then why do I see so many of the best priests in this bracket constantly wear it?
Also why do those priests wear tumultuous cloak (of stamina 8 stam) and enumerated wrap (of stamina 10 stam), if the cloak of the sorcerer has 4/4/4 and gamoras bind has 7/7 stats.
Can someone explain this in-depth?
For MM, showoff, and it will bis again in 5.3 and it was in cata.
For satchels, heals are already op, guess they want it for hp.
here is a question
if magicians mantle is no longer BiS then why do I see so many of the best priests in this bracket constantly wear it?
Also why do those priests wear tumultuous cloak (of stamina 8 stam) and enumerated wrap (of stamina 10 stam), if the cloak of the sorcerer has 4/4/4 and gamoras bind has 7/7 stats.
Can someone explain this in-depth?
well I see a point but stachels give
Example:cloak of the Elder 4 stam 4 intellect 4 spirit vs cloak of Stamina 8 stam. According to WoWhead, Power word shield absorb increases by a formula formula *1.871 per spellpower. And 1 intellect is roughly 1 spellpower. So you gain 4 extra spirit for free and tougher shields on teammates. Same with gamoras bind, roughly 14 vs 10
its all on what you prefer. Priests are pretty squishy and i stopped caring about int when mop hit, but i have both stam and the elder satchel sets. And in regards to mm, the people accusing it of not being BiS are just people who dont have it, lets be honest here. i also like to keep it on since it compensates for my lack of an lfh.
I've had MM since Cata, but right now ESM is better.the people accusing it of not being BiS are just people who dont have it
And in regards to mm, the people accusing it of not being BiS are just people who dont have it, lets be honest here.
from EU so opinion doesnt count, sorryI have it on all my characters, but no I don't use it so clearly your wrong![]()
i guess it would be better if you needed it for this mogI've had MM since Cata, but right now ESM is better.
cata hunter cant be right, sorry lilI have it but I dont think it's BiSSeriously though I think atm resil is alot more important then stam so I would go with boa if I was a clothie
What is the acceptable amount of healers to bring with a 5 man? Freeadin knows what I'm talking about if someone who knows how would tag him in a link where I put his name. How do I mention people anyways?