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Which is better For a Feral druid? Riot Stick or the eyepatch.Alliance AP were arguring about which was a better choice and most of them were leaning towards Riot Stick. Can anyone Tell me what to choose ? Thanks in Advance.
Hi all,

I am very pleased to be back! I used to twink quite a long time ago, I think I started with vanilla wow. I was an Undead Priest & Rogue on Frostmourne called Death.

I read through quite a bit of the information posted here & hopefully these questions haven't been asked a thousand times.

Is it worth creating a F2P account? What are the benefits vs a P2P account? I am quite happy to fork out the $15pm or whatever it is to have a paid one.

I liked how there seems to be a main server with a good community & would probably join that one. I have a question regarding the brackets. Is there a particular advantage to staying level 19? 20 seems great too (probably more balanced) If you have a F2P account I'm guessing you stay level 20 & don't have to turn off xp which means you have a larger pool of opponents?

Is gear radically different if you have a P2P account vs the F2P, I didn't realise you could get the BOA gear with the F2P. Will the P2P twinks have a really large advantage with gear over those on F2P accounts?

One other random question is it possible to now have Horde & Alliance characters on a PvP server?

Thanks in advance!
U can only make gears and enchants that req 100 skill proffesoon. u cant get loom head or legs. 10g gold cap.

And yes
Sorry I'll rephrase & list my questions, I'm not exactly sure what your 'yes' is responding too.

- Benefits of F2P account (aside from no cost)
- Is there any disadvantage of using a P2P account & just turning off xp gains when you reach your desired level
- Will F2P players who hit level 20 play against xp off characters or the total player pool
- On Aerial Peak is the 19 bracket or the 20-24 bracket busiest
- Can you have both Alliance & Horde characters on a PvP server

Thank you!
1. Ive tried 24 and 20 p2p and f2p and find f2p th e most fun due to being more challenging.
2. 20 p2p get loom head and legs dont pand better enchants.
3. x-off
4. I dont play US so wouldnt know.
5. This is the yes
Thanks for the quick answers!

A question regarding the areas, are these level specific or by bracket so do lvl 20 FTP characters vs lvl 24 PTP or only other 20s?

It's sound like with all the restrictions it's simpler to just pay the monthly fee, I do like the fact that the community chats on a specific channel. If you have a PTP account can you just join this channel normally or do you need the addon?

Also another random question, I had up to Wrath of the Ltch King I believe, if I want to try out the newer races do I need to buy the newer game or will it let me make their characters but not visit the new zones? Also is it possible to make a level 1 DK or Monk to create a twink?
Its my birthday today. Can I haz epix noa? (Oh, or just my account back.)
Also I just found out that because my account was inactive for so long I lost my awesome name on Frostmourne (Death), is there any way of getting this back or it's now owned by the other account?
Its my birthday today. Can I haz epix noa? (Oh, or just my account back.)

Can't gief account baxx but habby birsday frum Austria, Mialo :)
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