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Question on Mages. Is Fire spec a waste? I am trying it and almost never get the two crits in a row to get the bonus free Pyroblast. I am only lvl 15 though. Is it better with BIS gear and level 20? I am thinking I have to go Arcane. Fire seems pretty slow - lots of long casts. Would Arcane be much better?

Anyone have experience and thoughts? I know DV does.
I am thinking if I gear for crit it could help - but so far I rarely get the double crits. Also, I think I am not good enough to want to trade crit gear for INT and Stam gear. I think I will want the higher Stamina.

Anyway, I am enjoying F2P mage, and have so far tried Frost and Fire. I got a quick drop on Swiftness Potion. My mage is Draenei for the Hit. Thanks everyone and thanks DV for the Mage guide.
I'm not sure if I've asked it before and search did nothing so figured I'd try and see if anyone knows.

Does RoS overrule careful aim? Meaning if someone has 30% crit as a hunt and casts Aimed shot does that still auto crit even when the target has RoS on them?

If a hunt casts Aimed shot and I was to use RoS AFTER the cast was finished but BEFORE the shot hits me does that still overrule the crit chance? This can be tested easily just asking though incase anyone else has already tested it
Is it ok to send a rude PM to someone on TI, because they fished from the same pool as you during the fishing contest? Or is that some form of harassment?
That's clearly not okay! The only appropriate action would be to make a male Tauren and get a size increase buff and troll the pools!
I'm not sure if I've asked it before and search did nothing so figured I'd try and see if anyone knows.

Does RoS overrule careful aim? Meaning if someone has 30% crit as a hunt and casts Aimed shot does that still auto crit even when the target has RoS on them?

If a hunt casts Aimed shot and I was to use RoS AFTER the cast was finished but BEFORE the shot hits me does that still overrule the crit chance? This can be tested easily just asking though incase anyone else has already tested it
Roar of Sacrifice makes it impossible to get crit on meaning every hit/crit will be a hit, even when it should have been a 100% crit. Didn't test this but I'm pretty sure.
Question on Mages. Is Fire spec a waste? I am trying it and almost never get the two crits in a row to get the bonus free Pyroblast. I am only lvl 15 though. Is it better with BIS gear and level 20? I am thinking I have to go Arcane. Fire seems pretty slow - lots of long casts. Would Arcane be much better?

Anyone have experience and thoughts? I know DV does.
I am thinking if I gear for crit it could help - but so far I rarely get the double crits. Also, I think I am not good enough to want to trade crit gear for INT and Stam gear. I think I will want the higher Stamina.

Anyway, I am enjoying F2P mage, and have so far tried Frost and Fire. I got a quick drop on Swiftness Potion. My mage is Draenei for the Hit. Thanks everyone and thanks DV for the Mage guide.

I did a few games as fire last month. You can get triple pyroblast when specced pom, but pyroblast has been changed to give more value to the dot--for fires higher level combustion mechanic. Even with double/triple pyroblast the damage is still very low compared to arcane's shatter. Arcane has better damage, and frost has better control.

To get the two crits requires both luck and/or nova. If you shatter your nova with [pyroblast->fireblast] or [pyroblast->pom pyroblast] you have a much better chance at two crits and therefore, a better chance to get the free pyroblast. Unfortunately, fireblast is subject to 26% miss chance, and pom has a cd of 1.5 minutes. I'm not saying "don't play fire", but it's not as good as the other specs. Actually, I'm probably going to play my next few games as fire.
They can, if the p2p in question is level 30 (or 40, unsure if it's 30 or 40 now) or less. Otherwise, p2ps can't see your /says. Same restrictions apply to custom /emotes, though level 90s can still see our default emotes.

Basically the best chance to contact a level 90, are to /talk him and /point to your pet named "whisper me", or similar emotes to try to get a p2ps attention and start a whisper/party.

ah thats my concern, gota find a way to get my horde char to haala...
If I stay at 19 as f2p and leave a game at the end will I not gain exp?

You gain XP if your team captures a flag in WSG or when your team gains points in AB (~200 points I believe) so leaving doesn't really matter.

Imho Fire is not viable anymore, for the reasons you said and because we get scaled up to lvl 24 which makes the crit we can get even less worth it (I had ~17% crit before the scaling, now I have ~12%, in my crit gear ofc) as DV already posted you need a ton of hit, a lot of luck etc etc. Frost for control, Arcane for dmg
hey quick question, in wargame/skirmish arena's if a hunter pet is killed is it dead forever, cause i want to know if i need to stock up on cranes with my panda.
No, it will be ressed with you, or when you leave the arena.
If I stay at 19 as f2p and leave a game at the end will I not gain exp?
You can in theory stay at 19 exp on forever, but you have to leave before flag caps and wins/draws.
Dunno if updated but @iaccendantlytwink made a addon for it called warscrub gulch i think. dunno if it is just me that in unable to enter the website.
Hi everyone!
I have a lot of questions out there so I'm gonna post about them (this is like my first post on the forum :O):
-I currently have a Baldruid horde side on AP us, but I would like to reroll something less overpowered...But as entertaining (or even more actually). I currently have trouble deciding between 3 classes: Shaman (elemental spec), Mage or Warlock, I would like to have your opinion about which I should pick (I don't really have time to try all three classes anyway) :)
-I was wondering if there's any chance there is some kind of slow fall item that you can have and that doesn't just have one charge or that is not a consumable so you can like use it more than one time in a Battleground!
-I don't know if I'm allowed to post this but I'm currently looking for a tutorial on wow botting with a Mac because I have no idea where to start (and yes, i did search for it, but didn't find anything precise enough to be useful)

Anyway thanks for the reading :)

Cya IG

Hey there! To answer a few of your questions quickly...

I'd suggest going shaman as your first of those three. With spell hit cap being broken, warlocks and mages are somewhat frustrating to play at the moment. You'll still experience some frustration as an Ele but it will be significantly better :p. Also, they're very fun and can provide a great amount of team utility as well as pressure kills.

The only re-usable slow fall item is the drink from New Years' Day (the name of which escapes me at the moment). Other than that there's the single use S.A.F.E 'chute from gnomer... so no, there's not really access to a reusable slow fall item =/

I botted on a mac for a bit but I did not find it very reliable. Others may have found varying levels of success but I would say initially that it's not worth the hassle to setup. If you have access to a PC, then....

Anyway, good luck and hope to see you around!
Thanks for the quick answer! Well I'll make a shaman then, Which race would be BIS? I assume either troll or Pandaren, but I'm not quite sure(maybe gobelin for the blink-like ability though?)! Too bad for the lack of slow fall items, I would've loved to slowfall blazing speed/ demonic leap with flag in WSG or to mine in AB, but this is the way it is!

About Mac botting being unreliable, is this really not usable even for honor botting (because i seriously hate boas farming as a caster, you feel so useless without those extra sp the weapon gives you) ? In that case I guess i'll do it the common way then...

Thanks for the reading !

Cya IG

My shaman is troll and I constantly wish it were a Tauren, just saying :p
Though as I always say, pick the race whose lore and graphics you like the most.

And I main a warlock - trust me, there are still a ton of absurdly fun things you can do with demonic leap!
I did actually honor-bot my shaman. I don't remember what program I used to do it but it was very frustrating to setup. Hopefully someone else will have better news; I know what you mean, casters without boas are very meh. Another suggestion, if you want to level in the meantime - before you figure out a botting solution - level from 10-20 in BGs. I did that on my rogue on a WSG weekend and by the time I hit 20 I already had 2 boas. Mind you, this was in cata where kills were more common but it's still an option
Well I have the exact opposite story, my Baldruid is a tauren and I wish he was a troll for the extra burst the racial gives. But if you think tauren is a better option for elem sham i guess I'll have to go Tauren ! Since I don't really have much pref between races (except I hate goblin leveling area for some reasons) I Can roll any! Yes that's fine I'll do it without botting, I will still not be that useless since elem sham has so much utility out of dpsing (purging/thunderstorming/interrupting spells/ healing mates...) it won't be as bad as being a Bal druid without boa before cataclysm :3
F2P target dummy?

Does anyone have any idea on if there are dummys that are between level 1-20 that a F2P twink could use to test damage on? There are target dummys in every starting zone but those only have like 200 health, looking for a target you can attack for a while without it attacking back.
F2P target dummy?

Does anyone have any idea on if there are dummys that are between level 1-20 that a F2P twink could use to test damage on? There are target dummys in every starting zone but those only have like 200 health, looking for a target you can attack for a while without it attacking back.

there are none, i would recommend to find perhaps a high hp rare with a decent respawn rate as a subsitute
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