Twink Info Legend
Most reliable way to get elixir of minor agility recipe?
ive found quite a few in DM. Give it a go
Most reliable way to get elixir of minor agility recipe?
Most reliable way to get elixir of minor agility recipe?
Hello, I haven't played since the beginning of the MoP Expansion, im curious about a few things. Did they lower the price of pet battles, if so can trials purchase it now? 2nd ive heard there are new heirlooms, a shield and leggings I believe, do trials have access to these also? Thanks for any info!
cheers guys, noob question - can p2p players see my /s text? i have impression they cannot
They can, if the p2p in question is level 30 (or 40, unsure if it's 30 or 40 now) or less. Otherwise, p2ps can't see your /says. Same restrictions apply to custom /emotes, though level 90s can still see our default emotes.cheers guys, noob question - can p2p players see my /s text? i have impression they cannot
It does scale with fishing skill, i caught northrend fish with my chars with skill above 300, and the starterzone fishes with those low skilled.I noticed while leveling an alt that once I hit fishing skill 50 I couldn't loot the fish I caught (it said "you cannot loot this item" or whatever) then I started catching different kinds of fish. Could it be that the loot table somehow scales with fishing skill?
I only had similar problems looting fish (or "fish" in this case) while doing the Dalaran coin achievement and my lucky coin buff wore off before I was done looting the coin I caught.
i assume you are talking about a lvl 20 f2p rule monk . if so then they are very fun . brewmaster gives the best cc. with its spamable aoe slow its like conc shot on roids. brewmaster also does decent damage. windwalker is pretty fun as well flying serpent kick and roll talents give you crazy mobility while you also have some very nice damage. mistweaver is also very fun as a healing class. healing as one is extremely fun . the biggest tip i can give you on healing spec is to spam your soothing mist as opposed to letting it channel . this lets you get in 2 ticks instead of one .so can someone give me a crash course on monks and what they can do at 20/24?
I tried searching for this info, but apparently the words "hit" and "cap" are "either very common, too long, or too short and were not included in your search". I looked through some of the stickied guides, but I couldn't tell if the info in them was updated for the new BG level scaling.
What is the yellow melee hit cap to hit a lv 24 target in a BG?
What is the spell hit cap to hit a lv 24 target in a BG?
Is it ok to send a rude PM to someone on TI, because they fished from the same pool as you during the fishing contest? Or is that some form of harassment?
Not with default nameplatesIs it even possible?