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It's the third thread, but that's besides the point, my problem with Lil was that she posts it in threads which indeed warrant a discussion and not just a one reply answer.
No I don't.. I try to direct people to this thread when the OP is asking a simple 1 question which asking does ___ still drop is a simple question which should be in here.

My grief with vel was his/her smart attitude when all I tried saying was to: FIRST wowhead it THEN post it on here THEN LASTLY make a thread about it if it wasn't answered in here. If they would have wowheaded it they would have seen a post from 5.2 saying it doesn't drop. That's exactly why this thread was made and that's why there has been 3 of these about to be 4 probably.

Just wanted to clear that up.. Sry mia as I know I could have worded that better and sry duck for you thinking that and sry vel for trying to direct you where to go.. Won't make that mistake again
It is, and was, a 6-8 minute spawn.

He didn't say WC, he said VC, which stands for Van Cleef, meaning deadmines. DM is Dire Maul.

Read more carefully before answering questions.
Lol wat... ofc DM is Deadmines? And no one would say VC, since you'd have to think way out of the box to get that to be Deadmines...

But I would say 5-6min aswel, good luck farming! :)
Lol wat... ofc DM is Deadmines? And no one would say VC, since you'd have to think way out of the box to get that to be Deadmines...

But I would say 5-6min aswel, good luck farming! :)

It's always been as Earl states. I thought that was weird too when I found out in Vanilla. However nowadays that may be a dated naming practice because so many current players are not aware.
It's always been as Earl states. I thought that was weird too when I found out in Vanilla. However nowadays that may be a dated naming practice because so many current players are not aware.
You need to follow the time, since almost no players playing atm played in vanilla aswel, nobody knows that DM is Dire Maul and not DM, since everyone is referring to Deadmines as DM.
You need to follow the time, since almost no players playing atm played in vanilla aswel, nobody knows that DM is Dire Maul and not DM, since everyone is referring to Deadmines as DM.

Well it has always been abit confusing but you will kinda find out if you look at the clues from the conversation and what level ur in.
You need to follow the time, since almost no players playing atm played in vanilla aswel, nobody knows that DM is Dire Maul and not DM, since everyone is referring to Deadmines as DM.

Thus my 3rd sentence. But ya - I agree with you. Old ways die hard my fellow tinker.
Lol wat... ofc DM is Deadmines? And no one would say VC, since you'd have to think way out of the box to get that to be Deadmines...

But I would say 5-6min aswel, good luck farming! :)

That's how it was when I started playing in wrath. When the guy says VC in a post about foreman, I think it should be fairly obvious what he means. But I suppose I ought to get with the times.
That's how it was when I started playing in wrath. When the guy says VC in a post about foreman, I think it should be fairly obvious what he means. But I suppose I ought to get with the times.
Just to make it clear, I didn't mean it in a bad way :) I just thought, since we're talking about lvl 20 twinks, it would be quite obvious that he was talking about Deadmines and not Dire Maul :) But nice to see someone who is remembering the old times :)
Reading mialo's post, irl is Lil a male or female? I don't want to offend him/her by saying the opposite.

I don't rightly care in WoW - I treat all dudes and dudettes da same.

But for the record I believe Lil is a she.
My main account expires in 3 days, Does anyone need me to post anything concerning bugs or other issues on the official WoW forums?

Write out any causes for concern (the way you would post it yourself, don't send me half ass nonsense I have to decipher) along with the forum area on World of you want it to be posted in and I'll do it tonight.

Forum Category: Battlegrounds (example)

Topic Title: WARRARZ QQ :( :( :( :( /wrist


I am trying to maximize my Effective Health(EH) by stacking resilience. I am Human. However I just realized that I can maximize my EH by using double PvP BoA Trinkets.

Should I still use Inherited Insignia of the Alliance as a Human since it technically will max-out my EH, or should I play as a different race? Or should I just stick with AGM regardless if Inherited Insignia of the Alliance gives more survival?

PS: I'm a FC.
Should I still use Inherited Insignia of the Alliance as a Human since it technically will max-out my EH, or should I play as a different race? Or should I just stick with AGM regardless if Inherited Insignia of the Alliance gives more survival?

I run tyranny/insig in my reg set now just because of the resil and I have noticed quite a difference in dmg taken. For my FC set I have one with tyranny/insig and one with tyranny/agm because sometimes you simply need the agm if you know they have 3 rogues or high bursters or no shams or you have no heals. I would stay human and make 2 sets n use agm or insig according to what the bg looks like.

Also resil is taking a nerf in 5.3 apparently so may not be useful to stack nxt patch

I am trying to maximize my Effective Health(EH) by stacking resilience. I am Human. However I just realized that I can maximize my EH by using double PvP BoA Trinkets.

Should I still use Inherited Insignia of the Alliance as a Human since it technically will max-out my EH, or should I play as a different race? Or should I just stick with AGM regardless if Inherited Insignia of the Alliance gives more survival?

PS: I'm a FC.

For all races except human id say use AGM + Insignia then swap out AGM for Tyranny when AGM is on CD.
For Human: Use AGM + Tyranny and swap out AGM for Insignia when AGM is on CD.
Even veterans have questions! Hence:

I've been hearing this term "gemming" lately. This must have been something that started while I was on hiatus, because I don't know what it means or why it's bad. Someone fill me in please?
Hey all!

I'm on my last step for my Noble title and of course I'm stuck on the Hard Boiled achievement. Anyone wicked awesome nice person that wants to aid me in becoming a bunny in Un'goro would be appreciated! I'm already in Un'goro so no need to help me take me there. I'm on the Ysondre server and named Occulta just like in this forums. Thanks in advanced!
Even veterans have questions! Hence:

I've been hearing this term "gemming" lately. This must have been something that started while I was on hiatus, because I don't know what it means or why it's bad. Someone fill me in please?

To put this nicely while answering your question.. Hmm lol.. Well there are people who need to crutch sooooo much that having 24 gear and bc chants just aren't enough. They need to faceroll even more! so they use an illegal (according to blizz) method where you get bs (anyone who has a prof at 225 then bs at 1 gems [this is for sally's inc comment for generalization, 100% of the people I'VE SEEN with 1 bs gems] cause you need bs to be able to use the gem) and use a trade glitch (used to be this way in cata but I heard it changed recently) to put a gem (normally 20 pvp power or 20 resil) in your hands and wrist slot.

I won't name off the people who gem however there are QUITE a few 24s who do it atm and none of them are getting any actions taken by blizz so more will keep doing it.

tl;dr: It's just another way 24s crutch
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