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On the level 1 to go topic: what [MENTION=17546]Crystalpall[/MENTION] said is right, without planning on dinging 2 you'll need a summon.

Otherwise, depending on how much you like corpserunning, you can do that instead of swimming for an eternity, swim a small distance from westall/elwynn, then down the river flowing into stv and then corpserun from there.
I made it to the Arena on a nelf w/o dinging to lvl2. I waas careful to 'discover' as little as possible.

Of course it ins't possible to get AGM w/o getting that exp. on f2p.

So I have a lvl 1 nelf with 12 arena masters in her bag. If I ever go p2p (unlikely), I could get a summon to SW to turn off exp and have a lvl 1 twink.

but yeah, it was a lot of swimming and getting killed by murlocs.
I made it to the Arena on a nelf w/o dinging to lvl2. I waas careful to 'discover' as little as possible.

Of course it ins't possible to get AGM w/o getting that exp. on f2p.

So I have a lvl 1 nelf with 12 arena masters in her bag. If I ever go p2p (unlikely), I could get a summon to SW to turn off exp and have a lvl 1 twink.

but yeah, it was a lot of swimming and getting killed by murlocs.

I have Lvl 1 twink on f2p :) xp-on ofc
I made it to the Arena on a nelf w/o dinging to lvl2. I waas careful to 'discover' as little as possible.

Of course it ins't possible to get AGM w/o getting that exp. on f2p.

So I have a lvl 1 nelf with 12 arena masters in her bag. If I ever go p2p (unlikely), I could get a summon to SW to turn off exp and have a lvl 1 twink.

but yeah, it was a lot of swimming and getting killed by murlocs.

No offence but i personaly hate lv 1 twinks :p ,
1 : Nothing to do
2: No battlegrounds
3: Only Duels
4 : Can eqquip only boas and other bad items !
No offence but i personaly hate lv 1 twinks :p ,
1 : Nothing to do
2: No battlegrounds
3: Only Duels
4 : Can eqquip only boas and other bad items !
No offence, but I can't see any reason behind posting this comment..

OT I got to guru as a lvl 1 orc aswell, I think it is doable
As level one you only have one ability, although I will get trolled for this, I don't see the appeal. Go 10-14 or 15-19 heck even f2p Lvl 20.
I've been having my eqiupment manager glitch out when I'm flying. If I'm tweaking gear sets in flight, when I land all the changes get erased. I even had all my sets erased today. Anyone else every had this happen?
Question: What's the most popular and useful spec on a warlock atm? Was thinking about going destruction but I'm not sure.

Destruction has the best burst potential and overall best damage out of the three specs so I would say Destro, Demo is good but you have to set up the damage and as a lock in the f2p bracket you won't have too much time to do that in most situations, Aff is somewhat good under some circumstances but it won't do much for you. So I would say Destro is your best bet.
[MENTION=17421]Windbreaker[/MENTION] nope never had that happen. Maybe delete your old armor sets for equipment manager and remake them. That might help.
Question: With the new patch coming out, will we finally be able to server transfer BOAs?
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