the F2P PvEr
Reliable (fastest) way for a level 1 human to reach gurubashi Arena? need an answer quick
If you want to stay Lvl 1 you need a summon. If not, go to westfall and swim.
Reliable (fastest) way for a level 1 human to reach gurubashi Arena? need an answer quick
I made it to the Arena on a nelf w/o dinging to lvl2. I waas careful to 'discover' as little as possible.
Of course it ins't possible to get AGM w/o getting that exp. on f2p.
So I have a lvl 1 nelf with 12 arena masters in her bag. If I ever go p2p (unlikely), I could get a summon to SW to turn off exp and have a lvl 1 twink.
but yeah, it was a lot of swimming and getting killed by murlocs.
I made it to the Arena on a nelf w/o dinging to lvl2. I waas careful to 'discover' as little as possible.
Of course it ins't possible to get AGM w/o getting that exp. on f2p.
So I have a lvl 1 nelf with 12 arena masters in her bag. If I ever go p2p (unlikely), I could get a summon to SW to turn off exp and have a lvl 1 twink.
but yeah, it was a lot of swimming and getting killed by murlocs.
No offence, but I can't see any reason behind posting this comment..No offence but i personaly hate lv 1 twinks,
1 : Nothing to do
2: No battlegrounds
3: Only Duels
4 : Can eqquip only boas and other bad items !
Very easy as Orc actually, since you can go directly from the starting area to ratchet without exploring anything else.No offence, but I can't see any reason behind posting this comment..
OT I got to guru as a lvl 1 orc aswell, I think it is doable
Question: What's the most popular and useful spec on a warlock atm? Was thinking about going destruction but I'm not sure.
Question: With the new patch coming out, will we finally be able to server transfer BOAs?
dont think so. there are a couple better pre boa 2 handsIs black malice any good on f2p warrior? I got it today.
dont think so